Before I say another thing—I hope everyone reading this had a nice Thanksgiving. My sister Shawn & her husband Jim had their usual feast, and I spent the four day holiday weekend immersed in a whole lot of nothing, it was terrific.
And now it’s Monday night, and I have the volume on my tv up a little louder than necessary because I’m attempting to drown out the assorted going-ons coming from that bothersome gay couple who moved into the apartment next to mine.
Why does their stereo have such a heavy bass? And why do they have to be so dramatic about everything? They’re over there arguing right now over what their favorite Christmas song should be!
Try as I might, I don’t find them entertaining in the least. Ironically, I signed the yearly lease for my place only a couple weeks before they moved in, and I don’t think I would’ve been so quick to do that had I known this pair was moving in. I may be locked in for now, but I’ve still been spending my free time looking at apartment listings in my area; it’s not like I live in Alcatraz (yet).
Of course, who’s to say I wouldn’t wind up with someone equally annoying at my next place, if not more so. I sure had things good with my former next door neighbor, I just assumed we lived in a soundproofed building. Wrong—so wrong.
Oh and for the record, last week I called the company that manages this building to see if they might lean on these two mofos a little—a young woman named Stacey informed me there was nothing they could do. “But if it helps Doug, I live in an apartment too and my neighbor is always shouting at his tv! So I know just how you feel!” No Stacey, that doesn’t help me in the least. She said the best she could do at this point is log my complaint, and if I feel things are that bad, call the police.
Stacey, what do I tell the cops? “Donny wants their favorite Christmas song to be ‘Blue Christmas’ and Tommy is having a royal snit about it, you better get over here right away!”
Anyway, I apologize for sharing all of that… it does help to vent. I just wanted the world out there to know I’m still alive & kicking, and boring as ever! And as soon as I have something more to write about (and hopefully soon, I’m more anxious than anyone reading this) I’ll be sure to share. Thanks as always for checking in.