Saturday, June 1, 2019

It was 40 years ago today, that Lizard-Man came out to graduate—I mean play

Earlier today (Friday) my sister sent me a message: “Well, Sophia should be coming home from (her last day of) school right about now… she’s officially a 9th grader.  I remember us taking that photo of her in her blue dress for you on her first day of kindergarten… everything in between is a blur.”   

I sat here nodding my head in agreeement at my laptop when it suddenly occurred to me: it was 40 years ago this week that I graduated from high school.

That’s me alright, I’m getting to this!

Memory is a funny thing:  I have no recollection of the graduation ceremony, or being handed my diploma (and only a dim picture in my head of us all going to dinner afterwards, my brother Duke & his first wife Cheryl included) but I can recall my grandparents showing up at our house 2 hours before we were even supposed to leave, just to visit with everyone.  I can remember my mom coming out of our parents bedroom (on the first floor, off the livingroom) and saying “Doug… honey, you better go get dressed.  And put on your cap & gown so your grandma can take a couple pictures.” 

I had recently completed customizing a full-sized alien lizard head with about 4 shades of amphibian spray paint, a jaw that moved up & down and fishing line connected to it and the antennae so they also waggled when I spoke.  It seemed as good a time as any to show it off, so I strapped myself in then put on my cap & gown.

When I came back into the livingroom in my lizard get-up, my grandma broke out in her loud, raspy laugh and said “McDougall!  Ace, hand me my bag so I can get a picture before Linda (my mom) comes out here!” 

My grandpap in his low, quiet drawl said “I don’t see what’s so funny.”

Hearing the commotion, Mom came out again and said “Doug!  Take that off and get your suit on or I swear to God I’ll make you wear that thing when they hand you your diploma!”

Grandpap (once again in his low drawl) said “Now THAT I’d like to see…”  Grandma told him to shut his trap and she took the picture.

Speaking of Sophia, here’s my 14 year old niece with our Aunt Sandy’s sister Sharon, who’s a hairdresser—and two sweeter people you couldn’t meet.  Soph was getting her long tresses done for an awards ceremony earlier this week at her school. 

(This girl wins a lot of awards!)

And yes time flies, but she’s got 4 more years before her own cap & gown.  I wish her grandparents (and great grandparents) were here to see her!

Getting back to my 40th, I’m surprised I’ve heard nothing about a class reunion.  Personally I never felt the desire to attend one, and for someone like me (who enjoys visiting the past so much) I can’t explain why either.  I’m friends-of-sorts with a few from my class—Diana, Ron, my senior-wife Karen.  For awhile I was pen-pals with one (I think we were meant to marry) and I know what a few others have been up to, courtesy of Facebook—well, before I left there last summer.  It sure does seem like a lifetime ago now.  Well, 40 years--I guess it was!

But I sure would give anything to see this quartet from my graduation again.


  1. 40 years ago you looked peachy in that lizard costume, bet you had the greatest laughs. Sophia lucky to have someone to do those tresses for her.

  2. Haha, thanks Spacer Guy! And yes, once a nerd, always a nerd :)


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