Sunday, September 1, 2019

I know what I’ll be watching this weekend: goodbye Valerie, we’ll never forget you

Valerie Harper’s passing on Friday shouldn’t have been such a sad surprise, but it was.  She’s been fighting various cancers for so long.  And you could say she was fortunate, living as long as she did—80 years.  Add to that her successful career, loved by her family and millions of fans, me included. 

But it sure doesn’t make this any less hurtful.   

For all of my grumbles about growing old, I feel fortunate coming along when I did.  I was old enough to watch & love Valerie Harper as Rhoda from the start.  If I had to come up with a list of things I loved most about growing up in the 1970s, she’d be near the top.

Mary Richards & Rhoda Morganstern on Saturday nights was (of course) the best thing ever.  When Valerie left MTM at the end of the fourth season to star in her own show, I (along with 20 million others, I’m sure) was both heartbroken and excited for her.  She deserved a better show than what she got, even the picture quality didn’t seem on par with Marys— but I still loved Rhoda, never missed an episode.

This is an odd memory, but for years my mom worked Monday nights (when Rhoda aired).  In the winter, my dad would drive his truck into town to pick her up from her job at Fisher’s Big Wheel.  Dad often watched Rhoda with me, knowing it was time for him to leave when it was over.  The younger kids were in bed, my older brother in his room.  So (for a couple of years) I felt like watching Valerie’s show was Dad and mine’s thing.

Rhoda & Joe’s wedding (the second most-watched event in TV history until Roots) was 3 days before my 13th birthday; I can still remember my 8th grade teacher Miss King asking our homeroom the following morning if we’d seen it.  Rhoda really was a part of everyone’s lives then.

She will always, always be a part of mine.   Love you, Valerie.

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