One such story that I’ve never forgotten was from 1963, “The Amazing Story of Superman-Red & Superman-Blue.”
The editors are quick to point out at the begnning of the story—“This is an IMAGINARY tale, foks! It may or may not ever happen!” Those ones were always the best, because unlike so-called REGULAR stories, anything could happen.
It begins with Superman feeling guilty for not accomplishing everything on his ‘Super List’, so he builds a brain machine (a glass chamber with a multi-kryptonite headband) to magnify his intelligence 100 times. When I was a kid, this made perfect sense.

Aside from their fashion statement, they’re indistinguishable from the other. Right away they get to work on that bucket list.
If you must know, they build a new planet Krypton for the people of the bottle-city of Kandor (long story) and an anti-evil satellite ray to put in Earth’s orbit to ‘make everyone good’. Baddie Lex Luthor is so transformed into a good person, he creates a serum for Earth’s water supply that cures everyone of all diseases. People jump up from wheelchairs, blind men throw away their canes.
With no more crime or disease in the world, Red and Blue Superman decide to go their separate ways. Red marries Lois Lane & moves to New Krypton, while Blue marries their childhood sweetheart Lana Lang & remains on Earth. Each lives happily ever after.
I thought about this story today, after reading an article this morning about Trump’s henchmen (aka the Dept of Justice) missing that second deadline to hand over his income taxes, all to cheers of support from his base. I commented that I was counting down the days until we had a law-abiding President again and someone responded “Wah! Poor Douglas Morris misses his HillaryBeest! He still can’t believe she lost!” Er… I guess he meant Hildebeast, but Trumpers (and Russian trolls masquerading as Trumpers) aren’t known for their spelling. Actually, Hillary was the farthest thing from my mind. I was thinking of his supporters… his 39% base is never going to change their way of thinking.
At the same time, no Democrat in their right mind would give this Donald character or his minions anything more than their scorn.
So maybe it’s time we did what Superman Blue & Red did—at the start they were united, but knew when to part company. We should be like them, go our separate ways. The Blue States & Red States of America. Yes I know we tried that before and wound up with a Civil War, but it’s only because both sides weren’t keen on the idea.
I think we are now.
Think about it Trumpers… since you’re a bit more than a third of the population, you could settle in our country’s breadbasket, right in the center of things. (It’s best you forget the East and West coasts, that’s where Muslims, transgenders & other minorities live.) Hey look at that red shape—you even LOOK like Trump there!
You could come up with your own laws & everything. While us damn liberals continue electing a new President every 4 years regardless of gender or religion or sexual orientation (I saw all the childish, homophobic comments about Mayor Pete Buttigieg on FoxNews by FoxNews hosts by the way), you could elect Donald Trump your king and his sons next in line for the throne. You’d have a Trump in power for generations!
You wouldn’t have to deal with annoying things like compassion for others less fortunate or civility towards people who don’t love or worship as you do, those are weak Democrat traits. And you wouldn’t have to worry about fake things like climate change or evolution being taught to your kids, you probably wouldn’t have the funds for public schooling anyway. Your richer kids would attend private schools of course, the other 95% would go to gay & Christian conversion camps. Who needs to learn how to read anyway! Words are bad—they’re Enemies of the People!
I could go on & on here, but I know I’m not saying anything productive or helpful. Just felt like blowing off some steam. While I really do believe the BSA (Blue States of America) would thrive & become a real example to the rest of the world (you know, like Finland or Australia or New Zealand or Canada), the red states would have no one to take from, corrupt or hate on but themselves, and within 10 years would probably be declaring war on us.
And God knows they have the firepower.
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