Saturday, April 2, 2022

Walking away from things for a bit

I think I’m going to take a break from the whole blogging thing for a bit.  While I’ve never tried to write more than one post a week, when your life’s as simple as mine, even one can become a real task sometimes.

Between that and the following of others blogs, some who write several times a week, I’m just feeling the need to take a step back.  Or forward, I don’t know.

Anyway, with having no idea how long this will last, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s visited my blog, and reached out in friendship.  I hope you know this isn’t goodbye. 

I would’ve posted this a day earlier, but didn’t want anyone to think it was an April Fool’s joke.  Take care.


  1. Stepping back is a sure fire way to run across something that makes you want to blog about it!

    I have been blogging just months short of 20 years. I've seen many a blogger come, get burnt out and fade off into the sunset. I think it is a special breed that can keep going for a long period of time. In the first decade of blogging, I wrote one everyday and sometimes a couple a day. Over the years, I relaxed to three a week and even that at times seems to be more than I can compose, especially in the doldrums of winter.

    I hope you are able to rekindle that spark eventually but if you don't, I completely understand. You wouldn't be the first. But you are always welcome to bring your perspective, especially that democratic perspective, onto my blog any time you like.

    Take care Doug!

  2. We'll miss you, Dug... but have a good break!

  3. Will miss you very much, Doug! I hope it's a restful break and that you find many things to enjoy. Remember to come back! :)

  4. Like Ed, I started out a dozen years ago, posting more than twice a week. Now I post once a week -- I guess I just don't have that much to say anymore. But you do have a lot of good stuff to say, so we'll miss your interesting insights, wry sense of humor and occasional political analysis. Come back soon.

  5. Thank you for the heads up, Doug, because now we won't worry if you get quieter. Been a bit uninspired myself lately. Also very disheartened at the ongoing and criminal carnage in Ukraine. Looking forward to your updates, whenever -- be it a conversation with a neighbour, a hearty recipe or whatever. Meanwhile, I'll be rereading your movie reviews when I'm choosing a film. Catch ya later, my friend!

  6. Hi Doug, sorry to see you go, I always enjoy your posts.
    Take care and talk soon!❤️

  7. Aww Doug, say it ain't so!! I do understand my friend and have done it many times myself. Like Ed said, it usually doesn't take long for something to happen that you will need to write about. When it gets like a job, time for a vacation. Hope to see you back again soon but enjoy the rest and thanks for letting us know so we didn't start worrying. Be well, stay safe.

  8. You will be missed Doug! I always enjoy your blog posts. I do understand how you feel though. It can become overwhelming at times. I've had some difficulty keeping up with things in the past few months as you can tell by my lack of posts. Please take care of yourself and do stay in touch! 💗

  9. I will miss you. Enjoy your time off and come back when you can. The Internet needs your perspective!

  10. Take care! I'll miss your blog and your sense of humor.

  11. Thanks very much for the very kind comments here, it sure meant a lot to read these. I apologize for the drama, I just needed to tend to other things for a bit and didn't want anyone wondering what happened. I'll be around, you're all friends!

  12. We'll be here when you return from your Blog Sabbatical. You'll know when you feel the timing is right to Blog again.

  13. Aww, we'll miss you. but I understand the need for a break. I don't blog much myself, but I sure do get tired by the time I've read and commented on all the blogs I follow.

  14. Doug, I understand the need to step back. These are tough days. While you are recharging, I hope you will stay in touch. You are a good egg.

  15. Patti and I must think alike. I was going to say, “Say it ain’t so.”
    Dang! I wrote a comment last night. Trying again on my dumb iPad which went nuts after I wrote my comment. I see my comment didn’t work. Just wanted to say, I (of all people) understand the need to step away for a while until more ideas come up to share. I’m so going to miss you and so will Art. However, I’ll look forward to when you come back. I’ll be taking a little hiatus again soon too.

  16. I take a break now and then, so enjoy your respite from blogging. Will look forward to your return whenever.

    1. Joared, thanks very much. I'll probably be back sooner vs later!

  17. Dug, I read you plenty but am usually lousy about commenting. I will miss you, but will contiinue to enjoy your past posts. Hope to see you back here again. You're an excellent writer and I thoroughly enjoy your posts (cause they're not always political - it's not like anyone's mind is going to be changed so the lovefests become annoying to me) kindness and sense of humor. Kim in PA

    1. Kim, thanks very much for your kind comment! To be honest, I don't think I'll be taking a long absence as I miss it already (including reading nice comments like yours). This meant a lot to read, thanks again. :^)


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