Saturday, March 26, 2022

I don’t hate Republicans, but when it comes to my health, some do terrify me

Here’s my health insurance bill for the month of April 2022.  My monthly premium is $185.65, with a rate increase of $34.00 in 2022.  You’ll get no complaint from me. 

I’m a 60 year old man, nonsmoker.  A middle-of-the-road Silver insurance plan costs $790.00 a month for someone my age in Allegheny County, without an ACA subsidy.  I could never swing that on my budget.  And if you want the truth, there isn’t a month that goes by that I don’t silently thank President Obama for my reduced premium.

I bring this up because earlier today, I had to sit through the umpteenth airing of two political commercials for the two Republicans running for the one Senate seat in Pennsylvania.  Doctor Oz & The Deer Hunter.

This is Doctor Oz’s platform: 

“The establishment is afraid of me because I’m anti-establishment!  Furthermore, I think kids shouldn’t be forced to wear masks and Dr. Fauci should be fired!”  In other words, he’ll be another Marjorie Taylor Greene. 

But somehow, his Republican challenger is even worse.  He airs commercials with a chorus of voices yelling “Let’s go Brandon!” (a lame-ass Biden slur) or “Oz is a RINO and he supported Obamacare!” 

THAT is what this thug is selling?  Vote for me, I won’t support the Affordable Care Act?  He thinks if you’re a Republican, that’s good enough for you!

Two weeks ago, I was downstairs in my apt building’s fitness room on the treadmill, watching the CBS News stream on the wall tv.  Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin was telling a group of reporters (more like promising them) that as soon as the GOP regained control of Congress, they’d finally dismantle Obamacare for good.

(Apparently, he’d been promising this so much lately that the Biden Administration and other Republicans began coming after him.  He soon shut up.)   I don’t know the man, but the term douchebag certainly comes to mind.   

I was instantly reminded of this scene from May 2017.  Remember this?

The Republican majority in the House of Representatives were so flushed with excitement after their vote to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, they walked to the White House, en masse, to kiss Donald Trump’s ass and maybe get a pat on the head.

At the time, I was undergoing some real health crises, with a torn jaw and a couple malfunctioning organs (kidneys & pancreas).  Between 2016 and 2018 I’d be in the hospital 16 times. 

Watching these Republicans do everything in their power to prevent me from having affordable medical care was jarring.  I laid in bed every night for months, terrified—I’m sure the 31 million others on Obamacare did too.

Why are Republican politicians so determined to repeal the Affordable Care Act?  Please don’t answer that question, it’s a rhetorical one. 

They went after Social Security in 1935 and Medicare in 1965, so their efforts with the ACA shouldn’t be a surprise.  It just means they’ve always been scary.  And no good for anyone but themselves.  

Just had to get that off my chest.  Wish I could say I feel better… but I don’t!


  1. It is scary, Dug... and I don't understand it either.

  2. What truly terrifies me is not just what they want to do to the ACA, Medicare and other programs but that idiots continue to vote for them. I'm worried sick about the mid-terms and what evil they might have the votes to enact.

    1. Well said Margaret, and I appreciate you being honest like that. I feel just the same way and to be honest I'm almost afraid to say it!

  3. Interesting about Dr. Oz but he does fit the script. It is the wizard of Oz all over again. No heart, no brains, no courage to do what is right. Sigh.

    1. Boy was that well put! Thank you Patti, I'm putting another gold star by your name ⭐🙂 Seriously, I don't get his motive for running but I would say he brings Democrats and Republicans together as neither party wants him here.

  4. Rian, Margaret and Patti said it for me. I just don't understand the Republicans at all. What is it with Dr. Oz? I watched a few of his shows a decade ago and didn't know he was such an idiot. There are so many Republicans in need of affordable health care and think they don't like "Obamacare" just because of Obama's name. They just don't get that they would be the ones to suffer if it was ever dismantled.

    1. Kay, I remember when Dr.Oz used to appear on Oprah, he was down to earth and well respected. It was after he got his own show and began endorsing unproven things like raspberry ketone and coffee beans for weight loss that people began doubting him. This whole sudden career change into politics.. I just hope he doesn't become our senator! And you make a good point about Republicans needing Obamacare, there is a show on Hulu with Sarah Silverman interviewing various Trump supporters who are all on Medicaid or are on Obamacare. It's both funny and eye-opening. Thanks Kay. 🙂👍

  5. Oh Doug, the points you are bringing up are and have been so disturbing to me that I can't even comment! However I will say that ACA saved my husband and I for over a year. Tom worked for a company that had pushed early retirement on many that were not yet of Medicare age. I had recently retired and although we had money to live on it was not enough to pay for the outrageous health insurance cost. If not for ACA I don't know what we would have done during that time because Tom has heart problems. Thank you President Obama!

    1. Bonnie, I'm very sorry you and your husband had to go through that but thank you so much for sharing. I'm glad the ACA came through for you guys! All the years I worked I never once needed my health insurance, but I made very sure I got Obamacare before I retired. But I had no idea it would wind up becoming so necessary, and so soon. If the GOP ever comes up with a better solution, I'm all ears! 🙂👍

  6. I'm glad you're still ticking Mr. Dug!
    I'd heard a long time ago, that the Republicans had a plan similar to ACA. Then when Obama wanted to put something similar into the works, just because a black president suggested it, the Republicans had to be against it, even if it was something good, or that they'd thought of it first.
    I loved it too. If people stopped listening to the Republicans ad against it, yep, the premium went up, but the subsidy went up too. It was great. Medicare is even better, if you choose the right plan. Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda... that's EXACTLY what happened! And you're right, just stop fighting it! Thanks so much for your comment Linda. 👍🙂

  7. Whether it is called Obamacare or Affordable Care Act makes no difference, but dismantling it is a huge step in the WRONG direction. People NEED to be able to afford health care. ALL people, not just the rich and politicians.

    1. River, you're exactly right. I don't understand why this has to be such a problem!

  8. P.S. excuse my ignorance please, but what exactly is GOP?

    1. River, I guess it stands for grand old party. But GOP is the same thing as Republicans, which is pretty much the same thing as Conservatives. 🙂

  9. I read the post and all the comments and have nothing more to add except that most of the reason that the ACA is now more expensive is due to the GOP trying everything to stop it.

    1. Thanks DJan, and well put. They're more than welcome to come up with a better solution--stripping insurance from 31 million people isn't the answer. Thanks again for your comment. :^)

  10. Hi Doug, goodness, no wonder you had sleepless nights! $790.00 a month?? That’s crazy. Here in Ontario when we do our income tax we pay a certain percentage then towards health care. I think we paid $600.00 and change this year. Chuck has a few American relatives. Years ago one of his uncles had heart problems and it nearly bankrupted them. Very glad you have affordable heath care premiums Doug.
    Have a good week❤️

    1. Thank you Robin, I thought of you and Chuck (and Florence, another Canadian I know) when writing this. I wish our country was more 'whole' like yours. We should've had this figured out long ago, health care shouldn't be so profit driven. Sadly, we're too divided. I'm sorry about Chuck's uncle, I hope he pulled through medically and financially! Thanks Robin. 🙂♥️

  11. Well, I shall not vote for a Republican. My daughter belongs to Obama Care, too, and it is a godsend for millions. Vote Democrat for sure!

    1. Wow, I wasn't expecting that; thanks Gigi and I agree, it is a godsend! 🙂👍

  12. Obamacare was a lifeline for us.I had to retire early at sixty. The next year my husband was hospitalized with a serious illness. That without insurance would have bankrupt us totally. So Thankful to now be on Medicare but Obama care was a lifeline .

    1. AWmom, I'm sorry you and your husband had to go through that but I know exactly what you mean about being bankrupted. I'm very glad Obama Care was there for you guys. Thank you for sharing that! 🙂

  13. I was always told that Republicans just have always wanted the Rich to get Richer and the Democrats wanted the Ordinary people to not be terribly exploited and underserved. So, why anyone not obscenely Rich would even have an issue with what Democrats have done for the Middle Class and Poor is a complete Mystery to me. And, let us face it, any ReTrumplican doesn't even pretend to be a REAL Conservative, they hijacked that Party and turned it into a Cult... and Cults are always deranged, don't trust anyone not of the Cult and potentially dangerous.

    1. My God, isn't this the truth!! Bohemian, I wish I could do more. For now you get a gold star, THANK YOU. ⭐

    2. Funny - that's exactly what is heard about Democrats - it's a cult. I know several Dems that have changed their tune recently - this admin frightens them. It's all just very worrisome. Ii listen to NPR and Fox News to try to figuure a little of it out. Not easy. Kim in PA

  14. There are so many health care horror stories out there, even with the ACA in place. The Republican primaries are pretty much where the candidates try to out-crazy each other. Here in the North Carolina mountains, where I live, we have this insane congressman, Madison Cawthorn, who is running for re-election. He was one of the nuts calling for an overthrow of the government on January 6, 2021 at Trump's rally. I hope he loses the primary because he's a truly despicable person in every way, even though he'll likely be replaced by another Republican nut. Sorry you have to put up with Dr. Oz. Damn you Oprah for unleashing this flake on the American public! Take care, Doug, and enjoy your break from blogging.

    1. Robert, I know all about that Madison Cawthorn and my God, I am sorry! Thank you for this great comment, I intend to read it a couple more times today cause it made my day. Thanks so much! 🙂👍👍👍


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