Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Photo of the Day: Here’s an oldie but a goodie…

Do people still use that expression?  “Here’s an oldie but a goodie…”  You used to hear that all the time, on the radio at least when they played an old hit from the 50’s or early ‘60s in the 1970s. 

But I wasn’t necessarily talking about the Ray Charles song on display on this contraption, but the contraption itself.

I bought this MP3 player in December 2009 on Amazon, a Sony Walkman.  It has 8GB storage—I have over a thousand songs on it and there’s still room for 500 more.  I kept it in my workbag, it was only used in the office and the bus ride there & back.

It’s not very big; a quarter inch thick, and that’s the actual size of the thing at the top.  Frankly I’m surprised it’s discontinued, the technology still amazes me.

The reason I’m showing it here is because of recent events at the Tiffany (where I live).  I may not look it, but I use the exercise room in our building’s basement at least 4 days a week.  There’s a large flat panel tv on the wall, and while on the treadmill or stairclimber I’d have that Roku tv on, watching an “Oldies” music channel of rock n’ roll from the 1960s-1980s.

But several days ago, the television stopped working—well, stopped streaming.  It turns out one of the tenants in the building was paying for the service down there, but moved out.  No one else has stepped up yet to keep it going.

I was having trouble with my daily exercise routine with nothing to listen to, and was debating bringing my bookshelf radio down there when I remembered this MP3 player from my pre-retirement days.  I dug out my old workbag, and there it was.

But I hadn’t turned it on in 8 years, would it still work?  It sure did, after I plugged its USB cord into my laptop to charge for a couple hours.  When it came on I laughed out loud; it was still at the midway point thru Patty Duke’s ‘Funny Little Butterflies’, what I’d been listening to while cleaning out my desk my last day in the office.

So a couple nights ago, finished with my workout downstairs, I got on the elevator to come back upstairs and it stopped on the first floor (where the lobby is) and 2 young men got on.  I’ve seen them here before, they’re recent move-ins on the 6th floor.  They’re both at least 6’3” and can’t be older than 19-20, and look very much alike.  I’m sure they’re brothers.

I was still wearing my earbuds, but the device was turned off—so I heard the first one behind me say “Can he hear us?” and the second one said “I don’t think so”.  This is what I heard after that.

“What’s he holding, is that a Walkman?”  “Nah, Walkmans are bigger. They play tapes.”  “Is it a radio?”  “Maybe he’s listening to the Pens.”  “Maybe he’s a Swiftie.”  “Haha ask him if he even knows what that is.”

Anyway, I was facing the doors and biting my lip to keep from laughing.  But it amazed me that they didn’t know what I was even holding; is an mp3 player from 2009 an antique already?  I saw on the news recently that 9 out of 10 people under the age of 20 own iphones or ipads only.  I know Apple is premium tech but that still blew me away.

And for the record I know what a Swiftie is, and I’m not one of ‘em!  But 40 years ago when I owned a Walkman that DID play cassettes, I listened to blondes like Stevie Nicks, Olivia Newton-John, Mary Hopkin, Belinda Carlisle and Stacey Q.  And I still do.


  1. Doug, I laughed out loud when I read this! Chuck has the same one along with a TV/Weather/FM/AM Walkman. He uses them both quite a bit. We just bought new ear buds for them a few days ago. Incredible yours worked after sitting for eight years. If I remember correctly we popped over the border to the Target in Niagara Falls New York and picked them up there. I’m NOT a Swiftie either! Your taste in music is the same as mine.
    Have a good day.❤️

    1. Well, this made my day! Thank you Robin, and I really dug that photo of Chuck's players you sent too. And thank you again for that very nice birthday card! You deserve a gold star! ⭐️

  2. I had an Ipod which I doubt still works so you can give lots of thanks that you have an MP3 player instead.

    1. Thanks Margaret, I hope I didn't jinx my little player! ☺️

  3. So I had to look up the term 'Swifty'. Of course, Taylor Swift is the rage now. Wise cracking dudes. Nice little device you have there, Doug!

    1. Thanks Florence, and oh my God Taylor Swift is the rage up there too? She better enjoy it while it lasts! 😄

    2. Taylor Swift is big around the world. There are Swiftys everywhere on the globe. And, Doug, you really should have chatted with those silly boys and showed them your "antique" listening device! Someone needs to "school" those boys.

    3. Haha--dkzody, you're right but I didn't want to embarrass them. 🙂

  4. I never owned a Walkman or an MP3 player...but then I'm not really into music. I do listen to the radio in the car but that's about it. Can you imagine if you were carrying a cassette player? These days everything is on everyone's phone.
    As for Swifty, not a fan of the music, nor of her serial dating habits. It all seems so contrived.

    1. Thanks for sharing Maebeme, I figured everybody keeps their music on their phone with all their home movies and photos and such. I'm just not there yet! And you're certainly right about Taylor Swift, aren't all her songs about her past relationships? Too kids stuff for me...

  5. You have the best stories and elevator encounters! I would've had to turn around and say something and see their faces; you have great self control! Tech moves way too fast for me and this just proves that we're too quick to dismiss things that do the job in favor of the newest toy.

    1. Thank you Bobi, and boy I very much agree about the speed of tech. It's weird when you look back and realize we watched the same 3 tv channels our parents did, listened to music on records & radio like our parents and their parents. I feel another blog coming on. :^)

  6. I have one of those – well a slightly more recent one that’s a little smaller, it also has FM radio. I still use it too. I take it along when I go for walks (along the beach mostly, but elsewhere as well). I have it loaded with science based podcasts as well as Haydn and Mozart.
    Like you I had a cassette Walkman back in the olden times, but I didn’t like that as much as the current one.
    I looked up my model on Google and it’s still around.

    1. Thanks for sharing Peter--well, mine has FM radio too, I'd almost forgotten it has that. But all I have is music on mine, nothing too thought-provoking. :^)

  7. Your MP3 Player has come in very handy. The built-in reliability of products from 8 years ago is impressive. Today, everything seems to have a planned obsolescence date. Taylor Swift is all the rage. She seems to have a huge following and she is reaping millions.

    1. Thanks Susan, and I so agree about the planned obsolescence regarding most electronics. (I have 3 old tablets in my bedroom to prove it!) As for Taylor Swift, she seems like a pretty smart young lady--it will be interesting to see where she is 5-10 years from now.

  8. My MP3 is half that size. I use it for my recorded books. I just looked and my SanDisk is still available on Amazon. Good to know. It may wear out some day, and then how could I weave?

    1. Thanks for sharing Joanne--well, mine isn't super-tiny, but it does have a little pop-out stand on the back with an external speaker if there isn't earbuds handy. :^)

  9. Man, you live in a different world than mine. You and David would get along. He enjoys juke box music.

    1. Juke box music?! I don't exactly have any classical stuff on that little player, but there's no heavy metal or rap at least--haha :^)

  10. I also had a Sony mp3 player, only 4GB but it held plenty of music and I loved it. It died about two years ago, wouldn't even charge up anymore and I miss it. When it died I got my hand-me-down 30GB apple ipod out of the drawer and plugged it into the speaker dock, it still worked! For almost a year. Then it also died. Now all I have is a mini ipod about 3cm square and I have discovered they are obsolete so my itunes program doesn't recognise it and I can't edit the contents in any way, so I'm stuck with listening to what's on there and to make things worse, it "loops" which means when I turn it off for the night, instead of picking up and playing forward the next day, it plays back through the songs I already heard the day before. I find that annoying, so most of the time I listen to the music on my Windows Media playlist. My itunes playlist is missing several (a lot) songs that seem to have disappeared into "the cloud" and only songs that I bought from the itunes store are still available. Outrageous, right?

    1. Thanks for sharing River--very surprised reading about those Apple issues, I'd be outraged too. Well, since you owned a Sony player you know it didn't need to access any clouds, I just plug it into my computer and "drag and drop" music files into the Sony. Maybe you should go back to Sony?

    2. No need. I have all my music on Windows Media, a built in program and anyhting I had on itunes automatically loads onto that too. So I plug in the external speakers and listen to the music via computer. I don't need music while I'm out walking, I'd rather hear if people and traffic are coming so I can get out of the way. I did look for an similar Sony walkman online but the prices are horrendous!

  11. Mary Hopkin? I was just listening to "Temma Harbour" the other day. I knew you had good taste in music! The only blonde I'd add to your list is Agnetha from Abba.

    1. Thank you David! And yes of course, I love Agnetha--I was just listening to 'Thank you for the Music' this morning!


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