Sunday, January 1, 2023

Starting off the New Year with a clean slate—I mean clean colon (well, hopefully) UPDATE

Happy New Year, everyone.  Well, I actually started things off with some spicy pork, sauerkraut & potatoes earlier tonight, and now little else for the next few days.  That’s not by choice, I’ve got a colonoscopy coming up later this week, my very first one and long overdue.

I don’t expect anyone to remember this, but the day after Halloween (and my 61st birthday), I had gone to the ER with some burning pain under my right breastbone.  Thinking it was my gallbladder, they performed an abdominal ultrasound, which was a soothing, lengthy process but pricey too; it wound up costing me $400.00 out of pocket.   

Still, they were able to study my liver, pancreas & gallbladder up close and detected no immediate problems, other than a fatty liver I already knew about and some scarring on my right lung (probably from my years of smoking).  They said I had a hard mass in my right abdominal wall that couldn’t be diagnosed via the ultrasound, and recommended I get a colonoscopy.  I told them I already had one scheduled for the end of February. 

Two days later, I got a call from the gastrospecialist’s office letting me know mine was being ‘reprioritized’ from routine (low-risk) to something more, and moved to the first week of January.  I’ll be getting it done at 9:00am Thursday, January 5.

I was told by Dr. Chopra’s nurse the following:  The doctor has also authorized a change to your prep.  What that means is, we’re going to double everything. 

Instead of 4 Dulcolax tablets and 2 liters of polyethylene glycol the day before you come in, it will be 8 Dulcolax tablets and 4 liters of the drink.  You’ll be on a clear diet and drinking the prep over two days, not just one. 

She went on to tell me this wasn’t uncommon, but not to be surprised if my pharmacist called and said there was a problem with my prescription.  (She was right, Rite-Aid Pharmacy called me the very next day and asked if I was aware I was getting double everything.  Yep.)

I’m a little nervous what that doctor is going to find (or not find), only because of recurring stomach pains I’ve been dealing with off & on since summer.  I already know I have polyps down there, back in 2016 when I was experiencing my first kidney stone and getting a CT scan, the nurse said “You have polyps in your colon, you know.” 

Good or bad, I didn’t know what it meant.

Is all of this too much information?  Have you ever gotten one of these?  My neighbor Opal is only 10 years older than me, but claims she’s had 3 and that she’s overdue for a fourth.  Excuse me?  Hopefully I can get this all behind me (no pun intended) after this week. 

I’m now around the same age both of my parents were diagnosed with terminal cancers, and while no one is ever ready for that, I just feel like I have all this living to do.

Alright, now I can’t get this song out of my head.  Happy New Year to everyone out there, and I will post a follow-up when I learn more.  Thanks for letting me share!

UPDATE: I went in for my colonoscopy this morning (Jan 5), and things went better than expected.  At the risk of sharing too much information my doctor reported that all looked good, aside from some internal hemorrhoids. 

He said they were small, non-bleeding and would cause more aggravation to remove than they’re worth. 

But there were no polyps, no suspicious tissue and I would not need another colon cancer screening for 10 years.  This doesn’t address the swelling and occasional pain episodes in my abdominal region, but it does give me peace of mind.  Thanks again for letting me share and all the wonderful feedback.


  1. Well it's always good to have clean innards to start the year. I've had 4 now. You're supposed to have them starting at some age, and then every 10 years, or less depending on what they find or family history.
    The bowel prep used to be worse, but your double dosing will seem primitive. Some docs use Gatorade and Miralax x8 doses for one 32 oz of Gatorade, x 2 and those damn tiny Bisacodyl pills. Yep, Golytely does the same thing. You can add some powdered flavoring like Crystal Lite, but NOTHING red, purple, blue or orange. Make your fluid very cold, and drink through a straw if needed. Read, re-read, and follow the instructions very well. Call the GI office if you have questions. I've had hospital patients who didn't do the prep very well, and left too much stool in their guts, and had to reschedule and do it all again another day.
    I was ok a couple of times, then had some polyps, which they removed while they're in there. (You're asleep with happy meds in an IV, usually Propofol. It's a very nice nap.) You really DO have to have someone take you, wait for you, and drive you home. You shouldn't be too groggy, but you can't use Uber, Yellow Cab or those guys.
    If they see polyps, they like to remove them, in case they turn into something cancerous. Instead of every 10 years, my doc told me to ask my brothers if they ever had any. Yep, they did, so I get a colonoscopy every 5 years.
    Just had mine last week. He found 2 tiny polyps, and they always send them to the lab. I call 2 weeks after to find out they weren't of concern. Each time, I've received pictures on my innards with a map of my guts to match the photos. Kinda of cool actually. Be sure and smile for your pictures!?! You may have lots of gas afterwards cuz they blow air in your colon in order to look around and take pics. You're allowed to fart all you want afterwards.
    Once you start drinking the stuff in, have a tall stack of reading material in the bathroom. Your trips to the toilet will be frequent and sometimes quick. Buy extra toilet paper! Take your meds list with you. Jeepers, any other questions? It's good that you're getting the lump checked out. I'd come help you to and from the procedure. Wanna fly me out there? Anything but Southwest Airlines please. Good luck! Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda, it's only January 1 and you've already won comment of the year! I do appreciate all your medical tips and such, to be honest I feel like an expert as I've been reading up on this a lot for the last couple weeks and talking to people. I just hope something is found, here it is 3:45 a.m. and I am up with some awful stomach pains. I should have known better than to eat that sauerkraut and spicy pork! Thanks again my friend and happy new year. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘♥️

    2. This actually sounds like heartburn or acid reflux. Lay off the spicy and eat bland foods for a while, take some antacids and drink plenty of water. See if it settles. If it does, then you know you are not supposed to eat too much spicy stuff too often.

  2. Well, look at you getting the unpleasant stuff out of the way right off the bat. I joke, but seriously, I hope all is well, and we will all be waiting to hear that after all of this, they've found nothing.

    I understand scanxiety though. Thursday seems a long ways off.

    1. Thanks very much Deb, to be honest I'm both hoping and not hoping they find anything! But you're right, I'm starting off the new year with the bang. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Happy New Year, and hopefully I'll be back with good news after everything is over.

  3. Hi Doug. So glad that you are getting this checked out. If something is amiss, then it can be addressed straight away. If nothing is found, then you'll be able to relax and know that all is well.

    From personal experience, I know that the prep is way worse than the procedure itself. Yuck; you would think with all our medical advances they would have discovered a more pleasant way to do the prep! Will be thinking of you and I'm wishing you well. All of us are rooting for you!


    1. Thank you for the well wishes Carole, it really is appreciated! The more people I talk to, the more I'm surprised how many have gone thru this. Happy New Year :^)

  4. Hi Doug, wow, Linda is a fountain of knowledge! We all will be waiting to hear how everything went.
    Take care Doug.❤️❤️

    1. Hi Robin--and yes I always enjoy Linda's comments (not just on my blog but others). Thank you for the kind wishes, sure hope you & Chuck are well. Hope you have a Happy New Year my friend :^)

  5. Happy New Year, Doug! The colonoscopy I had was a memorable experience! Had a hard time drinking the required volume of glycol. Yuck!!! Afterward, the doctor told me all looked fine so that was good. I was skeptical that I needed a responsible person to take me home but it turned out to be true. The meds that put me under definitely had an after affect! I didn't even recognize my nephew who was my driver that day. Sure hope they discover and repair the source of your mystery pains. Looking forward to your report after Thursday.

    1. Hi Florence--I can't imagine someone as skinny as yourself drinking all this stuff in such a short amount of time, at least I have a round stomach :^) I do have an old friend going with me (and bringing me home), I was wondering how loopy I'll be afterward--good to know! Thank you for the good wishes, and Happy New Year :^)

  6. Drum major gave a good rundown. I have had two. I would also have someone you can call during the prep. I got the shivers and nausea that scared me, but looked it up and that is because of putting out so much so fast. Make sure you have lots of broth and jello etc. I had two benign polyps that were removed and my brother has had more, so now I’m on the darn 5 year schedule. I hope it goes well and you get some answers. I understand your nervousness with your parents. Joyce

    1. Joyce, thank you for sharing your own experiences my friend. Drum Major did give a good rundown, but I very much appreciated yours too. Every little bit helps. Thanks again & Happy New Year.

  7. Good for you, Doug! The prep for a colonoscopy has improved as have the drugs they use for the procedure itself. My first one at 50 was with fentanyl and I was horribly sick afterward. Profolol is great though and has few or no side effects. I'm due for another one this year since I'm on the 5 year plan. I'm not looking forward to it. Hope all goes well! xoxo

    1. Thank you Margaret, I feel like everytime I hear from you I learn something (well, you were a teacher for many years)! And here you are, another one who's gone thru this. Thanks for sharing, I am feeling less & less nervous. :^)

  8. Yes, Dug, been there, done that! Yuck!! The prep is definitely worse than the procedure. It always made me sick and I always threw up halfway through drinking (probably be due to the artificial sugar in the prep). Luckily once you've reached my age, Cologuard can take the place of colonoscopy (unless there's a serious issue).
    But it will be good to have it done and over with. Wishing you a better 2023 - with no stomach issues!

    1. Thanks very much Rian, shoot I'm sorry the drink made you sick! (Yuck, I don't like artificial sweeteners either.. good to know.) I wish I could do the Cologuard, but I do have a feeling they're going to find something. Thank you for the good wishes and Happy New Year my lovely friend :^)

  9. I've had two but it should have been three. I just didn't go in for the procedure. And then a few years back I had a change in my bowel habits, so I went in for my last one. They found four polyps! But because of my age I don't think I'll be having another one. Everything was benign. I actually really liked the way I felt afterwards, must have been the drugs. I hope they find that everything is benign inside you, too, Doug!

    1. My gosh, why do I keep getting surprised here? Thank you DJan, I know it's personal but I appreciate you sharing. I always get an optimistic vibe from you. Happy New Year my friend :^)

  10. Happy New Year Doug! Jase here. I am 51 and had my first colonoscopy 3 years ago. My doctor wanted me to go before my 50th birthday because my father died from colon cancer (that spread to his liver) when he was 60 years old. They estimated that the cancer had been active for a year or two when they diagnosed him. He never had a colonoscopy as a preventative measure and if he had, he’d probably still be here. My mother had pre-cancerous polyps when she had her colonoscopy done (she had them removed and has had no issues), so between my father and my mother’s history, my doctor said not to wait. I’m glad that I didn’t.

    When I had mine done, they found pre-cancerous polyps which they removed. We finally got my brother to have one done (he’s 4 years younger than me) as statistically, he’s at a very high risk…especially being a smoker and former drinker. He was lucky as they didn’t find anything.

    While the prep is crappy (pun absolutely intended!), not knowing is the worst part, so it’s good to get it done. Of note when I had mine done, was the fact that the 3 people before me didn’t do their prep correctly and the procedure had to be stopped (after they got the camera up there) and they will have to go through the prep again at a later date. Don’t cheat on the prep!

    Wishing you the best results and a hug. Live long and prosper, my friend.

    1. Hi Jase!! It's so good to hear from you! This was both informative and an interesting read, thank you. And my God I'm sorry about your dad. I certainly hope I'm not too late... but I'm glad to hear you, your mom & brother all turned out well. Thank you again my old (I mean younger) friend, I've missed you. A big hug and live long and prosper to you as well, Commander. :^) PS No cheating on the prep!

  11. I have not much to add to Drum Major's excellent story. The prep is the worst. My sisters and I have these every five years as my Dad had colon cancer. The last time there were a few small polyps for the first time. All snipped away and benign. I agree, they are the best naps I've ever had. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way,

    1. Thank you for sharing Celia, I'm sorry to read about your own dad but you had me at 'best naps' here. I'm beginning to feel like the only person out there who hasn't gone thru this already.

  12. I've never had a colonoscopy and from your post and the comments of others, I hope never have to have one. The prep, especially, sounds gruesome.
    However, I do hope all goes well for you and there are no surprises in the test results.
    Happy New Year, and all the best in 2023.

    1. Thank you Maebeme, well it's nice to know I'm not alone! I think what worries me the most is no coffee after noon tomorrow for 3 days. (I can't drink it black, and tomorrow my dairy is cut off.) But I appreciate your kind wishes, and Happy New Year to you too. :^)

  13. I've had 3 colonoscopies and each time found the prep worse than the actual procedure. Drinking the prep is hard but all important to getting a thorough check of your colon. If you ask, you too, can have pictures of your colon.

    1. My goodness, this has been a real eye-opener. Thank you very much Susan, I know this is a personal thing but the more feedback I get on this the better I feel. It is much appreciated, and Happy New Year. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. We are with you in spirit. You ARE doing the prep alone! Even if you had a cat or dog, with the frequent trips, they'd stop joining you. The stuffed Christmas reindeer won't complain. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda, you're quite the character. ๐Ÿ™‚♥️

  15. Uh-Oh, polyps is bad and I'm surprised they didn't tell you that right away when they first found them! they should have given you more information right then. My brother has a colonoscopy every 2-3 years and always has new polyps removed during the procedure. Our mother died of colon cancer. I had one colonoscopy about seven years ago and they said there was no need for another unless I wanted to come back in about ten years. Nothing at all for me to be worried about, which made me very happy.

    1. River, I'm sorry you lost your mother to this. I wonder why your brother has been affected and you weren't.. diet? Alcohol? Anyway, you've been fortunate at least. I'm just hoping I didn't wait too long.

    2. Genes? I may have more of my father in me, I have his colouring.

  16. My sister's husband had a hard, dark mass in his abdomen. It was Terminal Stage 4 Lymphoma. He waited too long to see the doctor. Good luck, Doug.

    1. Omigod. Gigi, I'm very sorry for the loss of your sister's husband, but this is a scary reality that I may have to face too. I appreciate you sharing, and thank you for the good luck wishes.

  17. BTW, my cousin, Tai, had Stage 4 Lymphoma, too. He underwent 2 rounds of chemo and was cured. He died 8 years later of a stroke at age 89.

    1. Sad, but still encouraging in its own way. Thanks again Gigi.

  18. I've had a number of colonoscopies because of family history too. Double of everything? Sheesh! OK. Let me just say, after taking the meds, stick close to the bathroom. Very close.

    1. Thanks Kay. Like I told you recently, I remember reading about yours on your blog and last week looked up some of your own experiences to see how things went. I appreciate you sharing the info. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

    2. I hope everything is or has gone well, Doug. I'm thinking about you.

    3. Thank you Kay, you're very kind. I'm actually wrestling with a bout of tmjd right now, just hoping it goes away soon. I sure hope all is well with you. ๐Ÿ™‚❤️

  19. Lots of colonoscopy experience here. Hubby has had them every 3 years since age 40. I've had 3 myself. Like everyone else has said, prep is the absolute worst part! I couldn't drink all the stuff last time, so if you can't get through it all, don't sweat it. To put it bluntly, as long what's coming out is mostly clear (no solids) you'll be fine. Also, if you don't have some petroleum jelly or some good lotion, get some now. Best of luck and hoping you get a good report.

    1. Wow--Bobi, thanks for sharing. You two really have had a lot of experience! Anyway I appreciate what you wrote here, I filled up that 4 liter jug this morning and did feel a little overwhelmed... I think my stomach is just feeling a bit woozy from not eating. Not getting to eat until Thursday... hmm.

  20. Good luck with the procedure, and the prep. Have you made arrangements for transportation? The hospital will NOT release you for a trip home in a taxi or an Uber. You must have someone accompany you, at least for the drive/ride home. I am always amazed that they don't emphasize this when they schedule the appointment, for it would be truly awful to go through the prep and not be able to have the procedure.

    1. Thank you Nina! I've already completed Day 1 of no solids (and drinking half the prep), today is Day 2 of the same. A friend is swinging by to pick me up tomorrow morning, they're going to wait for me too. You're right that the doctor's office never discussed that with me, but on the instructions I got it was emphasized "You cannot arrive or depart alone. You cannot come via Uber or taxi." Why don't they just let people spend the night then...

  21. Happy New Year Doug! Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    1. Happy New Year Emi--waitaminute is this my cousin Emily? Hey! Thank you for asking, all went well-- I just posted an update above. Please give my best to Joel & Miles :^)

    2. Why yes it is. I come across your blog every so often, but I laughed so much today and teared up too, that I bookmarked it. So glad to hear everything is good with you. Sounds like you need to lay off the spicy foods :)

    3. You are very kind (and funny). Thank you Emily! ๐Ÿ™‚♥️♥️

  22. Doug, that is wonderful! What a relief for you. Take care!❤️

    1. Robin, you're very kind--thanks my friend, hope all is good with you. :^)

  23. Great news on the colonoscopy! So the Dr is a GI doc, did you get a chance to discuss that pain with him? I went through something similar, saw three specialists and no one found anything. I have found that I need to eat healthier to have better bathroom habits and maybe that’s what it was for me. Joyce.

    1. Thank you Joyce--yes I did discuss (and show him) the swollen part of my stomach and how it can really hurt sometimes, but he just smiled and nodded, and said "That's the complaint I hear from people most." Uh.. okay, Doc! So Joyce, I guess I'll try and do what you've done. Thanks again. :^)

    2. Well, I guess you’re good to go then! Sounds kind of crazy, but whatever! Joyce

  24. Great results! Thanks for the update. I hope the medical community is working on an easier prep. When I've had the procedure, afterwards, I always think next time the prep will be easier. You get a trophy for doing 2x the prep!

    1. Susan, you just made my day--THANK YOU. The second night of that prep was the worst! And you're right, they need to be working on a better prep! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  25. Happy to hear you got a good report! Did you go to Denny's afterward for a Grand Slam? (That's sort of a local joke. Where we live, Denny's is right down from the hospital and the doctor always inquires, "Going to Denny's?" after the procedure. We never do, but it's funny because almost everyone we know does.)

    1. Haha, thank you Bobi--if there had been a Denny's near my hospital, we sure would've--I was starved outta my mind! My good friend Susie did admit she was ready to go home & take a long nap as she'd been up since 5am. I came home and gulped down a fried egg sandwich and 2 cups of coffee, then laid across my bed and fell asleep for 2-3 hours. :^)

  26. Man, that's amazing! How do they explain the hard dark mass on the CT scan? Wow, I am so glad to hear the good news. What a relief.

    1. Thanks Gigi--well, the doctor had no explanation for it. Just smiled and nodded his head when I showed him. A nurse told me it could be a concentration of fat or fluid. Oh well!


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