Saturday, May 13, 2023

How time flies when you’re having fun (and getting on in years)

My neighborhood’s main street, 1963.  The yellow fruit stand is gone but the hardware store still stands and is busier than ever

Early last week, someone hung a flier in my apartment building’s lobby for an Open House at the local senior center (a converted Lutheran church about a block up the street from the trolley in this old photo).  It was for Thursday May 11 from 12-2pm, and said if the weather was permitting it’d be held outside, with representatives from different aging & healthcare agencies, craft booths, a cookout & one hour “dancercise” in the parking lot.

If you know me by now, this sort of thing isn’t exactly my bag—but I DO spend too much time alone and it DID say it was open to people aged 60 and older, so on Thursday I shrugged my shoulders and off I went.

I almost turned around when I got there--there was a LOT of people, 75-100 total (and in years too, I’m guessing).  I haven’t seen this many older people since the early 1990s, when I worked as a software developer for the Allegheny County Dept of Aging; they used to hold annual Senior Festivals downtown where we all volunteered. 

And now 35 years later…  I still didn’t feel old enough to be there.   Fortunately, I had an ‘inside connection’.  My friend Elisa (who I worked with at Aging 35 years ago) and now works as an administrator at this same center.  She gave me a brief tour of the place, and a couple sheets of paper showing their Activity Calendar for May and their monthly lunch menu.

Lunch is served Monday-Friday at noon and there’s no charge, but you’re asked to donate $3.00 if you can. 

After the tour, we went back outside and feasted on grilled hot dogs and chips, and the softest cupcakes I’ve ever eaten in my life.  (It turns out they came from ‘Scoops’, a special bakery and ice cream shop in Pittsburgh.)

Various people introduced themselves, and several members and people who ran the place seemed very encouraging about me joining. 

(It seems they only have a handful of male members, compared to the women.)

I hung out with April (a 70 year old art instructor from the local community college) and swapped life stories as we watched 50 seniors sweating to the oldies.  I later told my friend Elisa “there’s something very appealing about that April woman” and Elisa said “She’s a widow, you know!”

Before I knew it, 2:00 was here and it was time to go.  They asked me to come inside and register as a member, I said I needed some time to think about it.  But when I woke up Friday morning I knew I shouldn’t procastinate and went back to the center and signed up.  Then I had some coffee and another one of those wonderful cupcakes, and hung out and chatted with some of the other members for awhile. 

Here’s what gives me pause.  I’m not quite ready (and I don’t know if I ever will be) to go to this center on a daily basis and sit in the big meeting room and talk and read the paper.  They have an exercise room, but I have one here too.  They do have weekly art and exercise classes, and occasional lectures and bingo twice a week, but none of that strikes my fancy, exactly. 

What they DO have which I’d like is weekly outings.  You have to sign up to ride Access (free for people 65 and older, $1.25 if you’re 60-64) and it’s for all sorts of things.  This Wednesday it’s for dinner at Pizza Roma, an Italian restaurant in the North Hills.  Next week it’s for a visit to the Heinz History Museum.  There’s no discounts for these outings (the museum is $15.00 per person) but I’d love to do both, have ready transportation and wouldn’t have to go alone.

If I use the center for these outings only, I feel a little like I’d be taking advantage of them and my sixtysomething age to go on these excursions, but they kept insisting “you do as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing” so… we’ll see.


  1. Dug, I think you should try it and see... meaning the outings. Why not? DH and I don't go to our Senior Centers. There are 2 nice ones close by. We actually were thinking about joining one of them for use of their exercise equipment room... but that was just before the pandemic hit... so that idea was squashed. Maybe we'll rethink it this summer...

    1. Thanks Rian! I do plan on going back. And I forgot to mention (thanks for reminding me, I went back & added) but this center has a nice exercise room too. But for now, I am more interested in those outings more than anything.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful way to build a community of like minded people. I hope you do attend some of the functions and then write about them. I'm interested. :-)

    1. Thank you DJan, I plan on bringing my smartphone (camera) along so I can have something to blog about (like yourself). I don't know the members yet, but I was kind of hoping to meet a hippie type like yourself. :^)

  3. Doug, this sounds perfect! It sounds like there is no obligation to participate in everything. I know it is outside your comfort zone but maybe just try a couple?
    Like DJan I would be interested in how they go.
    Take care Doug.❤️

    1. Robin, you gave me a chuckle here, thank you for knowing me so well! I do feel fortunate to have the opportunity (and to have an old friend there like Elisa) so I will be trying a couple outings out (as soon as I'm approved for Access). I will let you guys know. :^)

  4. I think just doing the outings is fine. You don’t owe anything to the center to do everything. We have them here, but the nearest one is about 15 miles away. I’ve looked at their online calendar and they don’t have outings. ☹️. You are a bit young for some of the activities ( that’s how I feel about myself in my 60s), but it is another social avenue to explore. Joyce

    1. Joyce, thank you very much for your input, I appreciate this. Maybe I'd do more when I'm a little older,we'll see. (And yours is 15 miles

  5. I would join in a heartbeat. Sounds like FUN. What's not to like? I say Go and take advantage of it. Why not?

    1. Thanks Gigi, I am! I just worry I'll look out of place as technically I'm old enough but I'm still a young, virile man... ;^)

    2. A young and virile man will add spice to the outings, etc. and likely bring out youthfulness in others. You have a kind way and good sense of humor, mean to be shared. You'll be doing everyone (and your bring brave self) a favor! I hope you participate a bit - the outings sound great. Bravo, Dug! Kim in PA

    3. Kim you just made my day--thank you!! Haha, young and virile man yep that's me :^) I do appreciate your words (and friendship), I just got my Access Transportation approved this morning so I'm too late for tomorrow's Pizza Roma outing, but on the roster for next weeks trip to the museum. :^)

  6. The outings sound quite good and you might meet some like-minded people. I also think this will be a good way to expand your social circle. As it is said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Oh, I have to say the cupcakes sound delicious.

    1. Thanks Susan, well said. And yes those cupcakes were honestly the best I've ever had. :^)

  7. Doug, remember me? I’m the one who suggested that you should check out your local senior center a few weeks back in response to one of your posts. I’m happy and pleased that you did it! I’m still in my 60s (barely) and really enjoy some of the activities here in Massachusetts at our local center. Each center is different and some are more “active” than others but I suspect that the people and interactions are great wherever you are—and that’s what really matters. Get in there and enjoy. No reason why we all need to feel compelled to stick with our own narrow age bracket. Actually, I’m finding some of the 80 year olds to be WAY more fun to be around than some in their 60s.

    1. Thanks Don, and I DO remember you sharing that advice before! I very much appreciate your input and your enthusiasm, and you're right about not sticking to narrow age brackets. That's just what I needed to hear. :^)

  8. Oh Wow! A community center and Spunky Senior Tours all from one building! I'll go with you on the day trips! If you keep eating the fluffy cakes, you'll need to use both exercise locations! Every lady there will be after you! Hooray! Have fun! Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, you're a hoot and I WISH you lived closer so you could go along on those day trips! But this is interesting, how did you know those cakes were so fluffy... haha, they really were. :^)

  9. You can certainly pick and choose what sounds good to you and have NO guilt whatsoever. You're used to being alone and jumping from that to constant people and activities would be intense. (and overwhelming) I LOVE the idea of the outings; my friend does that through her senior center and they do such interesting things. Plus, there are no worries about transportation, parking or not being able to share the experience with others. I'm so glad that you're getting involved in this place; it sounds perfect!

    1. Margaret, this was so nicely said--thank you. I feel like you know me pretty well. Maybe in time I'll become more social, for now I think the outings would be plenty. Time will tell. :^)

  10. Sounds like a good opportunity for explorations, Doug. I'll bet most of the seniors have very interesting tales just waiting to be told (and mined for your blog fans)!! The menu alone would entice me once or twice a month! Looking forward to further reports on this community opportunity! And of course on new friend April!

    1. Haha, Florence you always make me chuckle! Well, you're the one person (besides me) who was a little intrigued with that monthly menu, I wouldn't mind trying a couple of those meals. I have to be careful what I share here though, my old friend Elisa (who works there) knows all about my blog! :^)

  11. Good for you, Doug. Outings are so important, and connecting with people is important. I'm really so very happy to see you taking these first steps 'out there'. I can't wait to see where this all leads!

    1. Thank you Debby, much appreciated. You're very kind :^)

  12. Hi Doug!
    The first thing I did was click on the images to get the bigger views. What a neat old picture including the street car. Street cars have such an interesting history … they came and went and now some cities are trying to bring them back again, including Seattle. I wonder if the street cars are still there in Pittsburgh? I enjoyed reading about your visit to the senior center. We are on the same page about how nice a regular visit would be, but, probably not quite ready to stop by daily. Loved it when you said, “there’s something very appealing about that April woman” and Elisa said, “She’s a widow, you know!” My hunch is April is someone to get to know better. 😊 Next thing I did was look carefully at the Meal Menu for May. If I still had time to get a ticket, I’d be there tomorrow, Doug. Swiss Steak and scalloped potatoes! OMG, one of my all-time-favorite meals. One more question: Does one have to be a resident of Allegheny County to dine at the Senior Center? Wow, the menu looks really good. Hope you’ll give us your review if you go back. Lastly, another “It sounds great!” … a visit to the Heinz History Museum. Well, if you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ll know I’m a history fan and I would love to visit the Heinz Museum. Here is a neat link to what’s going on at the Museum currently …

    I’ll be looking forward to your next post. Take care, Doug, and have a good rest of the weekend!

    1. My gosh John, what a nice comment and thank you for this link--I can't wait to check it out. You gave me a good chuckle here, your take on April -and- that monthly menu! I'm afraid you have to be a resident of Allegheny County and preregistered with the senior center to partake in that Swiss Steak, now you have me craving it haha :^) Thanks again for this wonderful feedback and John I sure wish you lived closer so you could join too :^)

    2. Yes, sir! I may be moving to Allegheny County if I keep looking at the Senior Center Menu! Thanks for your reply. Your blog and comments always bring a smile to my face. Take good care my friend!

    3. Haha! John I forgot to mention that Pittsburgh once had one of the most extensive trolley systems in the country, even going thru people's backyards! Downtown trolleys lasted until the mid 80s, but in the Bellevue/Avalon area where I live (north of the city), the last trolley ran in 1968. I very much wish we still had them...

  13. My mother as a devout nothing insofar as religion was concerned. Her dear brother was a devout Baptist. His church used to organize "outings" by bus, and if an outing had an empty seat, mom was welcome to join them. She enjoyed the outings she could go on so much that eventually she joined the church, to be assured of a seat on outings.

    1. Hmm, thank you for sharing Joanne this was both nice and interesting. And I can certainly relate. 🙂

  14. I was shocked to find our our "senior center" is actually an "enrichment center" and you must be 18 years or older to participate. I was still more shocked when I recognized several classmates at the first class I took. Ah, the gold ole days when I paid $3 for lunch because I was too young for the senior price. Now that I am a senior, my friends aren't lunching there anymore. No one is judging you for signing up for the trips. They sound outstanding to me! Truly, if this is the one activity you want to participate in, I am sure you will be more than welcome.

    1. Very interesting, thanks for sharing Miss Merry. And I appreciate your input regarding the outings, I really do. Maybe if I get to know Some of these other members On the trips, I'll want to visit the center too. 🙂

  15. My mom joined the senior center when she retired and loved going to use the exercise equipment. She wanted me to join but it's not my thing. One of my younger friends was interested though, so she went as mom's guest. Now mom is gone and my friend just turned 55 and couldn't wait to join. She doesn't mind being the youngest one there and loves the activities. It's still not my thing, but I'm happy to know it's there if I ever change my mind (taxes well spent!) I hope if you decide to take advantage of the trips, you enjoy them. They sound like a great opportunity. I don't think our center has a bus or offers trips but I'm in a rural area so that may be the reason.
    PS Has your dog issue been resolved?

    1. Very interesting Bobi, thanks for taking the time to share this. I sometimes worry I'm blogging something dumb or boring, but when I get such good feedback like yours, I'm glad I did. And thanks for asking, the dog is still here! But I've only seen him twice since I wrote about him--I hope he's behaving himself :^)

  16. I’m not a “joiner” and I don’t particularly like crowds, so I can understand your disquiet when you got to the centre. At least they had good cupcakes. I’m not a fan of hot dogs.
    Sorry, that all sounded a bit negative.

    Did Pittsburgh keep their trams (what we call them – trolleys to you)? Melbourne did and we now have the most extensive tramway system in the world.

    1. Hi Peter--you didn't sound negative, I appreciate your honesty. And to be honest, I think we're more alike than not. Well, we didn't keep the above ground trolleys (that ran on an overhead electric cable), but we have a very good bus and underground subway system we call "The T". Progress--bah!

  17. I should read the other comments before posting something. That cleared up my trams/trolleys/street cars query.

    1. Not a problem, Music Man! Ask away, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and comment. :^)

  18. Well my comment has flown off into outer space, just as it has on several other blogs lately.

  19. I see nothing wrong with attending the center's excursions without attending other events. It's wonderful that the center provides so many options for those with varying interests. Honestly, I think you'd have to live at the center to be involved in everything. :) Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Maebeme, much appreciated. Maybe as time goes on I'll want to visit there a little more, but for now a weekly outing seems ideal :^)

  20. I'm lost in your spam folder I think. I'm lost in a lot of people's spam folders lately.

  21. OMG, Doug! This sounds wonderful! I would join in a minute, BUT I'm older than you. What a wonderful place that center is. I wish we had something like that. Here, I pay $55 for 5 hours of socializing for mom. And there are no excursions.


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