Monday, May 1, 2023

The (Young) Lady in Red: 2023 Senior Prom Edition

This past Saturday was my 18 year old niece Sophia’s Senior Prom, and when my sister Shawn sent me photos and I saw this one, I couldn’t resist sharing. 

That’s Soph’s date/boyfriend Colby, and you couldn’t meet a nicer young man. 

I can’t believe they’ll be graduating in a few short weeks.  (And I’d like to add Sophia is second in her class; from the time she was a grade schooler she was always a straight A student.)  She & Colby will both be attending college in the fall.

That’s pretty much all I had to share, and aren’t these two a good looking couple!


  1. So beautiful! And that old car behind them is just a prop?

    1. Thanks DJan! As for that old car, I think it belongs to one of my sister's neighbors and I can assure you it's a working vehicle 🙂

  2. Sophia and Colby are a lovely couple. They look fantastic dressed to perfection for their prom. I love the red dress and Colby chose great roses for the occasion. Sophia has a bright and exciting future in college and graduating at the top of her class is impressive. You must be very proud! (I hope they are driving to the prom in the vintage car in your photo.)

    1. Thank you Susan, you're very kind! I think the car was just used as a backdrop for one of their photos, but that would've been cool. :^)

  3. What an exciting time for Sophia and Colby. Good luck to both as they step in the world of adulthood.

  4. No wonder you wanted to share that photo, Doug! Sophia is drop dead gorgeous in that dress! A straight 'A' student and second in her class!! Fantastic!! I can't remember if you mentioned her career leanings.

    1. Thanks so much Florence! Well (I hope my sister doesn't mind me sharing) but it looks like Sophia is pursuing occupational therapy. I really admire her focus. :^)

  5. She is simply beautiful. I love her red gown. The man she is with looks clean cut.

    1. Thanks very much Gigi. And yes, her young man is a real gentleman too. :^)

  6. She is beautiful and red is definitely her color!

    1. Thanks Margaret! Boy these kids today sure know how to dress, don't they :^)

  7. Smart and beautiful! I know you are all so proud of her! Joyce

  8. Definitely an awesome couple! Brains and beauty. You have much to be proud of.

    1. What a nice thing to say, thanks Kay. 🙂♥️

  9. Yes, a lovely couple, and smart, too.

  10. Oh my, senior proms have changed since my day (they were called school socials over here) back in 1962.
    No vintage cars, although some of the fathers dropped off their daughters in cars that might be considered vintage these days. They also picked them up when it was over. We blokes looked out for the girls who didn’t come with dad.

    The girls didn’t dress as well as Sophia, as it wasn’t considered formal. There were only 4 or 5 who looked as good as she does, one of whom was my girlfriend (for about a month that didn’t last until the social. Oh well).

    My suit looked even better than Colby’s because my dad was a tailor and he made it for me. I was the snappiest dressed kid in school, but at university it was jeans and t-shirt, and that really hasn’t changed much in the intervening years.

    1. Thanks for sharing Music Man, I always enjoy your looks back on things. I think the kids formals today look better than ever though; my senior prom I wore a tux colored "dusty rose" 😣

  11. Doug, Sophia looks incredible. So glamorous! My goodness, she has grown up so quickly.❤️

    1. Robin, you said it! Thank you my friend! 🙂👍

  12. Sophia is a beautiful girl. Life is such an adventure at that age. I remember.

    1. Thanks Debby, you're very kind. And you sure are right about life at that age, I remember too like it was just a couple years ago. ☺️

  13. I remember my senior prom, and my kids' senior proms. It's a wonderful time, and I'm glad they're making the most of it. That dress is gorgeous too!

    1. Thanks very much Tom, and this pic does bring back memories doesn't it :^)

  14. Dresses for the girls have changed a bit from the time of my Senior Prom. Beautiful dress and lovely couple! And back then (1964) girls weren't even allowed to wear jeans (Animal Science was my lucky exception) in college. Now I think anything goes.

    1. Thank you Rian, and I'm actually not that far behind you. I remember my own high school having a rulebook about no jeans or sneakers, but it was pretty much tossed out when I started in 1973. As for my niece's dress, I admit it caught me off guard! Girls today are dressing like Rita Hayworth! 🙂

  15. A stunning couple! I didn't know corsages "grew" into full bouquets since 1972. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda! You raise a good question, I need to look into that about ladies' corsages :^)

  16. Yes, a very good looking couple. Gorgeous dress!

  17. Totally adorable. They are both so cute. Y’know what I like about her dress? It not “adult”…it’s young and teenagerish.

    1. Thank you Neena, very sweet of you to say. :^)


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