Friday, January 17, 2025

When it’s 5-10 below zero in Pittsburgh, you go (fried) fishing with friends

When I awoke Wednesday morning, I looked out my bedroom window and saw a snow-squall.  I turned on the local news and heard “The snow will continue off & on until noon, but it’s only 8 degrees out there—with the wind chill it feels more like 5 to 10 below zero.  All city schools are on a 2 hour delay.”

Oh no… I was scheduled to go on my first senior outing since last May, to the North Park Lounge in McCandless Township.  That is, if I could make the 3/4 mile walk to the Lutheran Senior Center first.

So I bundled up good and headed out, with a couple shop-stops along the way to warm my face and defrost my glasses. 

I was almost sorry I made the trip when I was told 23 people were scheduled to go, and all but 10 cancelled. 

Fortunately, the ones who DID make it were some of my favorite people at the center.  As for the Lounge, we never saw the place—it was so busy we were herded into their enclosed patio.  Here’s some pics of my friends and our good eats.

Mary needs a couple minutes to look at the menu.. Mary you look lovely today and I am really digging those glasses!Is this picture perfect or what?  They don’t come any better than Evvie and I dearly love her.

Dennis is looking a little out of sorts, waiting for his first double shot Bloody Mary.  He didn’t blink an eye when I asked him for an invite to his apartment above the bakery, he just said of course and rattled off his phone number.  He owns a lot of police memorabilia, and has lived at the same address for 40 years!“Debbie, thanks for saving me a seat at the cool kids table.  Can I share your photo on my blog?  I want to show you to my online friends.  Thanks Deb!”Rose is 92 years old and God bless her, going strong as ever.  Here she is with her customary draft of beer, filled with ice.  That’s her year-round lunch drink.Mary’s food arrived first, a mushroom & swiss burger.  Those hand-cut fries were sizzling hot and seasoned perfectly.And finally…  a one pound fried fish sandwich with fries & coleslaw.  (I requested those onions.)  These come in two sizes, Large & G-I-A-N-T.  I ordered the giant to take half home for dinner, as did Deb & Dennis.  It was excellent. 

We all laughed and carried on (Mary was cracking me up good, demanding to know why Evvie gets all the attention) and I was doing pretty well aside from a little tumble I took on the Access shuttle on the trip home.  (A dizzy spell from I-don’t-know-where.)

But I’m very glad I got to go, I missed everybody—and as cold as it was, the very next day we got a real blizzard!


  1. Good for you going on the trip. And, you didn't have to drive anywhere so that made it even better. I always love those "chauffeured" outings. Maybe next time see if one of the waitstaff would take a group picture.

    1. Thanks dkzody--we did a couple group pics the summer of '23, but several people didn't like it so no one pushes for that anymore. I just took a few of these for myself and my blog :^)

  2. I love your outing and how determined you were to make it there in spite of the chilly weather. Brrrr. That fish sandwich is gigantic! It's perfect for lunch and dinner. Your senior center friends are an attractive and happy looking bunch. Well, except for Dennis who doesn't look like he's enjoying himself. :) I don't like the sound of a dizzy spell, Doug.

    1. Margaret, thanks so much! I WAS determined to get there, haha--aside from that church luncheon on Dec 10, I've been stuck inside for months. And you are so right, these people are attractive, funny, smart & kind. Dennis really had a good time too, he just had a lot on his mind. The dizzy spell, it's part of some chronic fatigue I'm still wrestling with but I am getting there. :^)

  3. What is this “snow” of which you speak? I’ve not encountered it in my neck of the woods.
    Today, it’s going to be 32 degrees here, and you might think that’s a bit chilly until I convert it into American degrees – that’s 90.

    It’s good that your favorite folks also braved the elements. I’m getting to know them through your column.

    I like onion with my fish burger too, but It’d prefer them sliced a lot thinner than yours. The rest looks pretty good.

    Speaking of fish, today I’m preparing steamed fish (orange roughie) with teriyaki sauce, garlic, spring onions and snow peas. Some rice with that (and an Oz chardonnay, of course).

    1. Thank you Peter--yes I know our weather is opposite your own, with us living on opposite sides of the globe! I think you'd like this crew just fine, they can be rascals like yourself. ๐Ÿ˜‰ By the by, I prefer my onion sliced thinner as well, and your meal sounds absolute delicious. ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Oh, that looks like so much fun! So glad you were able to get out in this frigid weather! This winter has been brutal. Your photos have me hungry for a good fish fry!


    1. Thanks very much Carole and yep you said it--this has been a real winter! I'm glad you liked those photos, I missed out on all the Pittsburgh fish frys last Lent, so that sandwich more than made up for it :^)

  5. Happy for your good food and good friends - - looks wonderful :)

    1. Thanks Shawn, I'd love for you to meet a couple of them someday. :^)

  6. A bus load of us took a lunch trip today, too. A new sports bar featuring burgers and fries. Had a schroom burger. Worth the trip.

    1. That sounds wonderful Joanne--and you just inspired me, I'm going to the market tomorrow for some mushrooms (I have the meat & fries) :^)

  7. Those are great pics of both the people and the food, Dug. And I'm glad you got to go. It sound like you really enjoyed it... and after your year, you're due some fun. Sorry about the 'tumble'... hope you're not sore from that. As for the temp, you and DJan amaze me. There 's no way I'd go out (especially walk) in that cold! (Guess I'm a Southern wimp)

    1. Thanks very much Rian, you're right I did really enjoy it. They are great friends and I missed them a lot, And I do love fried fish. :-) I think the tumble was long covid related, everything still take a lot of energy to do. As for the cold, I'm a wimp too haha--I was just desperate to get out of here!

  8. I’m glad you got out. The cold isn’t so bad. You get used to it and learn to tolerate it. I love the picture of Rose. It looks like you guys had a good time Fun fact: when I was in high school I got to work backstage at “the pajama game” for the North Star players. They did their shows at Carson middle school at the time. Actually North Star players are no longer in existence. Someone in my church..Walt wahnseidler….who has since passed on…suddenly of a heart attack playing piano for them and got me involved so he was my ride to and from and after rehearsals we would go to north park lounge. Was it the one near la roche? In 1986 that was the only one around. I love musicals. At the time I wanted to be in them and never thought I would ever be in one and now I have a whole resume full of performances that I’m very proud of.


    1. Thanks for sharing Beth, that's a fun backstory--I always liked musicals too but it's been awhile since I've been to one. I can't imagine being part of one. I'm sorry for the loss of your old friend, and yes I'm guessing this is the same NPL as it & La Roche are both on Babcock Blvd. I know there's a few of them now. And yes, Rose is a sweetheart, she amazes me. :^)

  9. It's good seeing you out with friends again Doug. Keep those food pics coming they're my favorites. Sharon says hi. she asked if other men were at the lunch.

    1. Thanks Scott--please say hi to Sharon for me, we miss you guys (and your weird cat) at the Tiffany ;-) No other men were at lunch, Dennis' friend Paul had a VERY bad fall a couple weeks ago, requiring stitches and surgery. He'll be laid up for 6-7 more weeks. He's only 65. Falls are scary stuff.

  10. Good times, good food, good people. Glad you could make it Doug we had fun!!

    1. Thanks Mary, I was hoping you'd visit my blog-- I really enjoyed seeing you & the others, I can't wait until we can do it again! :^)

  11. Hi Doug, I am so happy to read you made it to a senior centre outing! Everyone looks great, a happy bunch of people. The meals look incredible! Dennis has lived in his apartment for 40 years?? Wow! Your weather has been interesting so far this winter. I see you have a very cold spell coming up. You will be colder than us! With Chuck retired we are spending more time outside this winter. Lots of hikes in our local parks. Sorry about your dizzy spell, hope they aren’t too frequent.
    Take care.❤️

    1. Robin thank you so much my friend! It was a great outing, I really enjoy the company of everyone from that center, but the people at this lunch are my besties, haha. I wish you could meet them. You know what, I was just thinking about you, Chuck (and Florence) this morning after seeing the news about our upcoming cold temps. I feel like we're finally getting a taste of those Canadian winters. :^) Thanks again R, talk to you soon.

  12. Last year at this time, you were really struggling. I'm glad to see you up and out and enjoying life. Stay warm!

    1. Thanks Debby--I currently get 3-4 good days, 2 so-so days, then 2 bad ones. But I'm on my way to a full recovery. I should be 100% by summer.

    2. Does having the cold on your face make things worse?

    3. That's actually refreshing. Saves me having to use ice packs. ๐Ÿ™‚ Talking on the phone and sleeping on my face irritate it greatly.

  13. Just wanted to say how glad I am you got there safe and sound!

    1. Thank you DJan! I'll just be glad when some warmer temps get here :^)

  14. That's quite the fish sandwich! I'm glad you were able to get out, but sorry to hear about the fall.
    Nice to see photos of your friends, too. But no selfie? :)

    1. Thanks very much Maebeme, yes that fish sandwich also made a very nice dinner. As for the fall, it was a little thing, just caught me off guard. And I was in one picture, taken by Dennis. He was sending it to our lunch friend Paul, who recently had a VERY bad fall and was home. I should've asked him for a copy. I think I still will. :^)

  15. Isn’t that the way it is when we want to do something! You have a nice looking group of friends. I’m so glad you got out. Joyce

    1. Thank you Joyce, it’s good hearing from you. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope everything is well with you.

  16. It's always good to socialize with friends and eat a giant fish sandwich. I am glad for you. Keep it up.

    1. Thanks Gigi I hope you're feeling better today.

  17. Looks like a great time! Sorry you took a tumble. Will we be getting a report when you visit Dennis? He looks like he could be quite a character.

    1. Thanks Bobi (and I hope you're staying warm). And you are a mind reader, I was wondering if I could or should do a blog when I visit Dennis place. He's such a kind person, I don't want to exploit that or invade his privacy. Maybe a couple pics of his stuff :^)


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