Monday, January 27, 2025

And now for something different: here’s the UK in black & white face

The United States & United Kingdom have always had a sort of “best mates” thing, don’t you think?  We love the Beatles, the Royal Family, British telly (especially that British Bake Off) and of course those English accents. 

The UK loves our big-budget Hollywood movies, our early rock n’ roll, and Bridget Jones had a thing for Frasier.  Anyway, we sort of keep tabs on one another, know what the other is up to.  At least, I always thought so.

So imagine my surprise the other night when I was on Youtube and came across this.  “It’s the Black & White Minstrel Show!”  The what?

A very popular program (aka programme) that aired on the BBC from 1957-1978, it featured music, dancing, very attractive women, and lots of men in blackface.

This variety show seemed to celebrate early American music.  But didn’t minstrel shows pretty much end in America after the Civil War?  Didn’t anyone tell England?

The Black & White Minstrel Show received a lot of criticism for it’s racial stereotyping, but did so well in the ratings the BBC told their naysayers to sod off (aka get lost) and kept it on the air.  For 21 years!

Youtube comments to these Minstrel show videos are polarizing—older Brits praise the shows for their quality and entertainment, younger Brits slam them.  I’ve watched a couple and while I admire the pretty legs and choreography, the blackfaces are really, REALLY out there.

You don’t have to watch the entire video below, just take a gander at the opening act.  Two minutes should do.  It sort of reminds me of The Lawrence Welk Show, that aired here in America at the same time for the same number of years. 

The only blackface on Lawrence Welk was Arthur Duncan, but his was real of course.  I hope my friends across the pond don’t mind me sharing :-)



  1. That is surprising. I wonder how long it will take for that kind of 'entertainment' to make its way back into American culture, given the direction we seem to be heading.

    1. Debby, what an excellent, scary question. I never considered that but you're right.

  2. It's amazing what's on YouTube and what I've missed in life. Ha! I never heard of this show but up until the early 2000s, many local communities in my area had yearly Minstrel shows put on by service clubs (Rotary, Lions, etc..) I'm sure the later versions did not include blackface but I'm not sure it still wasn't happening here in the 1960s. I distinctly remember attending one at my school when I was in second grade but honestly can't remember if there was blackface. I don't think I was old enough to understand the concept at that time. But it certainly wouldn't surprise me if it was part of the shows at that time because I live in a (still) rural area which is a decidedly nasty shade of red. However, just to be clear, we're not racists!! (said in my most sarcastic voice.)

    1. Bobi thanks so much for sharing these early memories--like yourself, I grew up in a very rural (and now very Trumpian) area and I had a musician father who performed at the local Lions, Moose, etc. I wish he was still alive so I could ask if he witnessed any of this type of thing! Well, the 60s was a much more permissable time that's for sure. And I know you're not racist! :^)

    2. As I have exclusively Irish heritage ( but born in the UK from Irish citizens ) I can try and claim some distance from this programme, but I do remember it and hated it - but it was a Saturday night favourite in the UK . It should never have been broadcast - at that time the UK had three TV channels only - BBC 1 and 2 and ITV . Channel 4 would arrive in 1982 . It was not a programme we watched - the TV usually got turned off at some point during Do tie Who , which I found very scary , and was not turned on again - Saturday night was card night for my parents . But yes one of those TV moments where I can think of no reason for broadcast and only apologies .
      Siobhan x

    3. Siobhan, thanks so much for sharing, I was hoping to hear from you given your European background and this was fascinating to read. It was a different time & culture, that's all. You owe no apologies and frankly I always thought the UK was more open-minded about other cultures and such than us. Thanks again my friend :^)

  3. Dug, I honestly don't know what to think about this. It doesn't seem offensive, but possibly it is to some. Not sure it would go over well here in the U.S. today. My family came to the U.S. from Ireland and England and there was certainly a lot of prejudice against the Irish in the past. But it's in the past... things change. Attitudes change, people evolve... or at least I hope they do.

    1. Thank you Rian, but I honestly can't imagine this going over well anywhere in today's world. I'm truly amazed it lasted in the UK until 1978, but I don't think it had the same racist connotation there. It just took me very much by surprise it was a prime time show for 20 years!

  4. Not my thing, but what do I know?

    1. I don't think it's anyone's thing nowadays, Anon! :^)

    2. Gigi I thought you'd appreciate the singing and dancing, but the blackfaces do kind of ruin everything ☹️

  5. I hardly know what to write about this show. I would never have watched it myself, but I guess some people love this short of thing.

    1. Well DJan, it just amazes me it aired for 21 years. I've seen blackface in a few old MGM movies, but some things just don't age well.

  6. There is a very good film called Minstrel Man that is a searing indictment of minstrel shows.
    It’s worth checking out – I believe it can be found on YouTube.

  7. Times change, and I suspect it was finally taken off the air when enough people complained. I recall a Canadian program (I cannot recall the name) that aired in the 80's. They didn't do blackface but many of the scenarios on the show were either misogynistic or homophobic. At the time, I actually wrote to CTV to complain. I got a letter back saying something similar - that enough people enjoyed it, they wouldn't be removing it from the line-up. It no longer exists...perhaps others felt as I did.

    1. Hmm thanks for sharing your own story, Maebeme very interesting. I read up what I could on this BBC show, and you're right it was taken down from mounting complaints from black Britons. But apparently minstrel shows were a very popular entertainment at British resorts and the like, which is what inspired them to put on this weekly variety program.

  8. Britain and the US are out of step on many subjects. One in particular is hate mongering (though our "news" media is getting the gist of it). I am particularly unhappy with the treatment of the Sussex's. No excuse.

    1. Oh thanks for sharing Joanne I was not aware. Now you've got me curious.

  9. I'm shocked that it was on for 21 years--yikes! Like a prior commenter, I wouldn't be surprised if it makes a comeback in the US since there seem to be no boundaries. Being "woke" is now frowned upon.

    1. Thanks Margaret, yes the more I read up on this shows history the more it knocks me for a loop. Well, I can't imagine we'd see this come back but never thought we'd see you-know-who come back either so... 😣

  10. Wow Doug, I never heard of this show! Hard to believe this would have been so popular. I am trying to think what show commentor Maebeme is talking about. Hmmm, I will have to try and look it up.
    Take care.❤️

    1. Thanks Robin and I can't believe it either, that it aired so long. I'm sure they meant no harm, but talk about something not aging well. If you learn anymore about Maebemes show, please let me know.

    2. I am wondering if it was “Trouble with Tracey”. It was a pretty bad show. Maybe Maebeme will see my comment and tell us.

    3. Robin I had a good chuckle reading up on "Trouble with Tracey", it sounded pretty bad alright! At the same time, growing up in the 70s-80s, my favorite comedies were UK or Canadian--Benny Hill, Monty Python, SCTV. Miss those days. :-)


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