Saturday, February 1, 2025

He doesn’t look crazy or like a mean old man—not yet, anyway

October 31 1971; my 10th birthday

Yesterday afternoon around 3pm, I thought I’d lay down for a quick 20 minute power nap.  No sooner had I fallen asleep, my tablet made a unique bing-bong-bing sound.  That meant someone had dropped off a package for me downstairs. 

I wonder if it’s my new salt and pepper shakers from Amazon?  That’s about as much excitement as I wanted on this cold, foggy, rainy Friday.

I jumped off my bed, debated changing my pants (I was wearing baggy pajama bottoms) for something more civilized, decided to skip it.  I stuck my feet in my flip-flops and on my way out the door, grabbed and put on my winter coat in case the driver left my parcel outside.

I took the back stairwell that goes down to the package room off the lobby, picked up my box from Amazon, walked through the lobby to the elevator and hit the up button.  (You cannot walk up 5 flights of metal steps in flip-flops, believe me I’ve tried.)  After a couple minutes, the elevator doors open and 2 boys are in there.

I don’t know their names, but recognize both.  The first is black, 10 years old.  The second is Hispanic, 9 years old.  They live with Janice in the big apartment down the hall from me.  She’s a foster mom to them and a 3 year old girl.

I said “Are you getting off?” and they just stood there looking at me.  I shrugged my shoulders and stepped in, and as the doors closed I groaned.  Every button on the elevator panel was lit.  I guess these characters had nothing better to do and were on a little joy ride.

We stopped on each floor and when we finally got to ours, the doors opened and I said go ahead, and they just stood there.  I said “The elevator isn’t a toy, boys” and stepped out.  As the doors closed behind me, the younger one said “That man looked crazy!” and the older one said “He’s mad cause he’s old.”

That honest-to-God surprised me.  Were they talking about me?  I came into my apartment and looked at myself in the mirror.  The pajama bottoms and winter coat weren’t a great ensemble, and my hair sticking up on the back of my head from laying down didn’t help, but mad?  Crazy??  Okay, maybe a little. 

I was also surprised how much that younger boy looked like me in that photo at the top, haircut included.  I wanted to find him and show him this picture and say “This is me from 1971.  You’re probably going to look just like I do now someday, and that’s if you’re lucky.  And I’m not crazy!”   But doing that wouldn’t help my case any, I’m sure. 

Anyway… aren’t these salt and pepper shakers nice?  They were $9.99 (for the brushed steel, they cost more for enamel finishes) and came in a very nice box with foam inserts if you’re looking for an inexpensive gift.  Here’s the link.  Oh and I like how they have ridged glass bottoms.  Can I get any more boring?  Thanks for reading.


  1. That was funny Doug! Often I'm still in my pyjamas when a raven calls out for it's breakfast hot dog. So out I go in snowboots, jammies and mad trapper hat. Any drivers passing by must get a laugh!! Very nice shakers!!

    1. Thanks Florence, I feel a little less strange now! 😄 Well, I wish it hadn't been so late in the day, just one of those days...

  2. Hi Doug, I love your salt and pepper shakers! They go so well with your kettle.The photo of you at ten is adorable. I NEVER go outside in my housecoat! One morning as it still was dark I thought I could sneak outside and down the driveway to pick up our little local paper that is flung in our driveway every Thursday night. Mistake! A lady I was just getting to know walked by with her dogs and proceeded to talk for ten minutes. I was dying inside as I watched it getting lighter knowing that a couple neighbours would be heading off to work shortly. Not a toe goes outside now until I am fully dressed.Have a good weekend Doug.❤️

    1. Thanks Robin! I know I'm a dork, but these shakers are even nicer than I expected, they deserved a mention on my blog. :-) I appreciate you sharing your housecoat story, haha. ROBIN I KNOW THAT DREAD--I can go down the hall to my laundry room 100 times without a worry. The one time I do it looking like a bum, someone is going to stop me and want to chat. Why?? I'm going to do a blog about this :-)

  3. Thanks Doug! Your posts always make me smile! (Now that you are moving past all the Covid issues) Mike, TX

    1. Thanks Mike! Very much appreciated. Still dealing with some LC issues but I am on my way. Hope you are well. :^)

  4. Hi Doug!

    I’ve been looking for a new set of S&P shakers and those are perfect! I just ordered a set. They are $7.99 now, so perhaps your purchase hit a sales goal so they lowered the price for the rest of us! You deserve a commission, my friend. :)

    1. Haha! Jase, for real? I gotta check that out! Thanks my friend, good to hear from you 👍

  5. You haven’t changed a bit Doug !
    That was a very funny story - I often spend the day in my pjs - I answer the door , so the recycling ,call for my cat Milo, speak to neighbours - if they are comfortable and clean I don’t care !

    And those shakers look great

    1. Haha--thank you Siobhan! Your response gave me a chuckle as well and YES--I have several pair of bottoms and put on a fresh pair after I get a shower. So I may have looked a little... off, but I was clean about it :-) PS Those shakers come in so many styles, I may get a second pair.

  6. Dug, going out in pj's seems to be 'the thing' now. We see people grocery shopping in their pj bottoms all the time. It's funny because recently (for my pet scan they said not to wear anything with metal on or in it... and apparently all sports clothes - like my jogging pants- all have some sort of metal fibers in the fabric). So the only thing I had that was 'all cotton' was my pajama pants... so I wore them to the imaging place. It felt strange, but did it anyway.
    And kIds do like to ride the elevators and escalators. Not sure it's a safe pass time, but I see it all the time at the malls.
    And your salt and pepper shakers are very nice!

    1. Rian, I always enjoy your comments--thank you for sharing this about the pants, this made me feel a little more normal :-) And you're right about the elevator and escalator. I was going to share a little story when my parents took us to Washington DC in 1973, and we stayed in a high rise hotel. I dared my sister to hit all the elevator buttons and she did, and it had a lot more floors than my apt building :-)

  7. Embrace the crazy, LOL!!! We have a tradition I stated with my own children and continued with my grandchildren. When I pull down the street I ask "Which house does the crazy lady live in?" and the back seat yells "This one" as I pull in my driveway. If my husband is in the car, I extend it to "crazy people". And often one of the kids adds "You are crazy!", which honestly is a little true. Maybe the word is odd? LOL. I don't think I have ever left my porch in pjs, but if I lived in a building I wouldn't put it past me to wear them in the hallway or elevator for a quick trip.
    When my husband retired I bought him plaid flannel pajama pants and a Walmart gift card. He never wore them to the store but recently wore them out the front door, in the truck and into a doctor's office so he could roll up the leg at the doctor's office to show off his knee (something he can't do in jeans). He informed every single person from the receptionist, the waiting room at large, the person weighing and blood pressuring him and the doctor as he entered the room that he does not wear pajama pants in public and was forced by his wife to wear them to the appointment. So, yes, a fellow crazy person!
    Your salt and peppers are very cool.

    1. Hahaha--Miss Merry, I've really missed you. Thanks so much for the story about your kids crazy lady shout-out -and- your husband at the doctors, these both gave me a good chuckle! I hope you're doing okay, haven't seen a new blog from you for awhile. And you would like some of those shaker styles (but I'm sure you have plenty already) :-)

  8. It all depends on how you want to be seen...I always dress and usually do makeup anytime I am leaving the property. But, living in a high-rise is a bit different. It is "the property."

    I lived for 15 months in San Francisco on the 17th floor overlooking the Bay Bridge. I always dressed and combed my hair when I was going down for mail or to do laundry because I always ran into people and I love to talk. Usually, I would be leaving the building so did the whole getting dressed, makeup done, hair fixed.

    Now, for those boys riding the elevator...I'm assuming there is no playground on the property? Engage them with conversation. Ask them what they are doing. They may have quite the story for you. Become the guy in the building who really likes people.

    1. Thanks dkzody... well, I was clean, for me that was all that mattered. It rained pretty hard the entire day and I saw no one aside from the two boys. To be honest, I'm already the guy here most people seem to like. .🙂

  9. Nice S&P shakers indeed. And I am also glad to hear you have worn jammies in public! I don't, but always get dressed when I leave the house. My jammies have stars on them and are way comfy, but I don't share the look with anybody but my guy.

    1. Thank you DJan, and your jams sound cool! Well, technically I didn't leave the house.. or did I? Rather, I didn't go outside! :^)

  10. Sometimes it is the small things Doug! The S&P shakes look very modern.
    As for the kids, I can recall thinking anyone over the age of 30 was old when I was about their age. I likely would have pushed the rest of the unlit buttons when I got off the elevator...because I'm a brat like that too. :)

    1. Haha thank you Maebeme... and you're absolutely right. The more I've thought about yesterday, the more I remember being that age. I'm just glad I grew up on a farm in the country, and not some apt building in the city. Plus they're foster kids, I'm glad they have each other :-)

  11. Sitting there, picking up the birthday cake – did you try to eat it in a single go? Or, perhaps, throw it at one of your siblings?

    I think you should embrace your crazy old man status (or crazy young man, from my point of view).

    Fortunately, there are no kids in my part of the apartment to mock me, of for me to play the grumpy old man. There’s only Hazel, who is a vaguely similar age to me, so we just complain to each other about the aches and pains of getting old.

    I bought my pepper and salt grinders (made of wood) more than fifty years ago. They still work a treat. I prefer freshly ground pepper and salt to pre-ground stuff.

    1. Haha--thanks Peter. I was a pretty normal kid but I DID gorge on cake whenever possible, my brothers & sisters should be glad I shared that thing :-) As for neighbors, you & I are more alike than you know. I keep my daily contact mostly to my next door hermit Dee who's a few years older than me. As for your precious 50 year old grinders because you're too good for the salt & pepper us commoners use... I should've known ;-)

  12. My oldest brother's birthday was October 31! The one I called the old cornmudgeon! He was the salt of the earth. I miss him yet. It's good those fellows found you old and grumpy. Doing your job!

    1. Joanne you are too funny but I am neither old nor grumpy, haha! But I'm honored to share the same birthday with the old carmudgeon :-)

  13. They are very sleek shakers but I'm admiring the canisters sitting on the back of your stove. They are cool! Kids do say exactly what they think, no filters at all. 5 years ago or so, two of John's young neighbors asked me if I was John's grandmother. Needless to say, I was NOT very pleased.

    1. Margaret, haha! Kids can be funny but dopey too sometimes. You hardly look like your own grandkids grandmother! Thanks for liking those objects on my stove, that first one is from Fossil that a watch came in over 30 years ago. The watch is gone, the excellent metal box lives on as an airtight container for spiced tea :^)

  14. You gave me a good laugh about the kids! During the lockdown we had a neighbor girl ringing doorbell’s and running. I would watch on our ring how she scrunched up her face, it was so funny, but it got old. I told my son I was going to talk to her mother and he said not to and that he did crazy things as a kid too, lol. When my youngest daughter was young she told me all old people look mean. Now that I’m old, I see where she may have thought that. 😊. Joyce

    1. Joyce, I'm glad this gave you a laugh because you honestly made me laugh out loud this morning. I could just imagine that girls scrunched up face on your ring, haha! And your son was absolutely right--I guess your daughter is too, darn it. :^)

  15. I keep trying to imagine those foster kids. They've come through a very hard time and been given over to foster care. Does their carer make any attempt at all to take them places, or to give them an opportunity to play and run off energy? It sounds like bored children to me. Snow angels in the hall? Elevator rides? They are trying to entertain themselves.

    1. Thanks Debby and I don't blame you for feeling that way--I think the recent elevator ride was they just got home from school and it was a downpour outside (and there is no area or place to play inside the building). Janice is a good woman, those kids love her and she does take them out, often. I always see them outside together going somewhere.

  16. I remember putting on a little blush and changing my pants to get the mail and Mom saying "Why do you feel the need to get dressed and call ahead to walk out into the yard". I wish she were here to read your blog!

    1. Haha! Thanks Anon, this gave me a good chuckle--I wish my mom was still here too, to hear comments like yours. :^)

  17. I prefer shakers wt clear glass so I can see the salt and pepper without guessing.

    1. Well Gigi, these have glass bottoms so you know when they're low. 🙂

  18. That’s a nice picture



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