Monday, October 31, 2022

I started out in a hospital, it’s only fitting I celebrate my 61st birthday in one

If you can read this post at 7am on Monday, then Blogger’s scheduler worked correctly, and I am on a bus to Mercy Hospital, probably for an overnight stay.

October 31, 1961—yep that’s me.  I’ve been dazed & confused ever since

A couple weeks ago when I went to get my flu shot & covid booster, the pharmacist said I looked flushed.  I said “That’s because I sprinted 1/2 mile to make my appointment.”

Still, he asked if he could check my blood pressure, and said my medical record was flagged for that anyway.  Got my shots, all was well.

But a couple days later my doctor’s office called and said my doctor wanted me to come in for some stress tests and possible adjustments to my meds (I’m on carvedidol to regulate my heart rate and amlodipine for hypertension).

The nurse said I’d be monitored at least 12 hours, and I should bring an overnight bag.  She asked if I remembered doing this a couple years ago, I did.  I asked if I’d be staying in Mercy Hospital’s 5 star catacombs, she laughed and said probably.

Mercy Hospital is a huge place with hundreds of hospital rooms—but they have an ‘underground bunker’ of private cubbyholes for overnight stays and monitoring.  It sounds creepy but isn’t.  Your pulse and BP is taken every hour, and you leave after breakfast or lunch the next day.  You’re not even checked in or out.

Anyway, I’m thinking of requesting a check-in to the hospital afterward (or at least getting a colonscopy scheduled as soon as possible).  I’ve been dealing with some severe abdominal issues for awhile that included a pretty rough weekend and a bout of pain tonight that left me gasping for breath a couple hours.

The irony here is that when they scheduled me to come in October 31 at 8am (and to arrive 20 minutes early) a couple weeks ago, I wasn’t exactly gung-ho.  I said “Um.. that’s my birthday.” 

The woman on the phone said “Don’t you want to spend it with us?”  I said “Well… not particularly.”  She said that was too bad but not to cancel, and I said okay but asked if they could bring me a cake with 61 candles and sing Happy Birthday.

She told me no but the cafeteria had some really good banana pudding and she’d make sure I got some.  I laughed and said okay.  To quote Kay from the blog Musings—“Sigh!”

Thanks for reading, and I hope something good comes out of all of this!  Who me?

PS.  I wanted to give a special thanks to my friend Erin who is taking me out to dinner at the Sesame Inn when all is said & done, and for the awesome birthday cards I’ve gotten from my sisters Donda-Lin and Shawn, and friends Robin & Chuck, Danielle, Susie, Erin, Rick and Bobi. 

(Bobi’s had a crisp one dollar bill inside, you can’t beat that!)

Happy Halloween Everyone



  1. Doug, oh my goodness, so sorry you are spending your birthday in the hospital.❤️❤️
    Enjoy your dinner with Erin.

  2. Oh my! Happy Birthday Doug! Sorry that you've been having abdominal pain but glad you are being explored and diagnosed. I'm guessing the hospital will add a lighted candle to your banana pudding. Better fare later with Erin after your tune-up.

  3. I hope they can figure out what's causing that abdominal pain. But I'm glad they are checking your vitals so thoroughly! Happy Halloween and birthday to boot. :-)

  4. Happy Birthday Doug. Sorry you are doing a rerun of 61 years ago though. Hope they can fix you right up and so glad Erin will help you celebrate when you get released.
    Let us know.

  5. Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween! Aloha from Hawaii. Yes, do get that colonoscopy. Enjoy the pudding, that sounds better than a too-sweet cake, actually.

  6. Being in the hospital on your birthday (and Halloween) is pretty ironic. There has to be some hidden message there. That said, best to get everything sorted and feeling good again. Plus, you have a birthday celebration with Erin to look forward to. What fun!

  7. Thinking of you, Dug. So thoughtful of you to alert us so we can keep you in thought. I even said a little prayer for you, though I know that's not in vogue anymore. The scheduler worked! Kim in PA

  8. Happy Birthday Damien! We can go out to eat in December. I don't want you to have to go out twice in one month!

  9. Happy Birthday, Doug! No matter where you spend it, you're a special guy and deserve the best. And I'm glad that you're taking care of your health and getting things checked out. Keep us posted, friend! xoxo

  10. Oh bummer spending your Birthday in hospital isn't fun! I hope the tests go well with good results. Happy Birthday to you!

  11. Not how I'd like to spend a birthday but I guess it's better than some alternatives I can think of. Take care of yourself and hopefully all the tests are good.

  12. Now you should have dressed in costume for your trip to the hospital! Perhaps as the undead, since you are in the catacombs.

  13. Happy Birthday, Doug!!! But oh gosh... hospital on your birthday... SIGH...
    It'll be good if you can get that colonoscopy out of the way. I'm glad your hospital personnel have a sense of humor.
    I'll be thinking of you today and wishing you a peaceful, painless day.

  14. Happy Birthday, Doug!

  15. Happy Birthday to the spooky patient in the hospital catacombs. Hospitals really have some history, you know. Make sure they keep identifying you to make sure they get the correct specimen! Yep, you gotta do that bowel prep clean-out first before the colonoscopy, so that's probably a different trip. Linda in Kansas, Land of Oz, with real Good and Bad Witches and Flying Monkeys!

  16. Happy birthday and Halloween! So sorry you are spending it at the hospital. Hope you get checked out and get some answers. Best wishes, Joyce

  17. Happy birthday Doug, you youngster you.
    You’re not the only one who has spent his birthday in hospital. You might remember four years ago I did the same. It was even more dramatic than yours (sorry to one-up you).

  18. Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween Dug!! I wonder if the hospital people will wear costumes and give out candy since it's Halloween... and Mercy Hospital's 5 star catacombs seems a bit appropriate for the holiday.

  19. Hope all turns out well in the hospital . . . a good report would be a good birthday present, wouldn't it?!? Btw, love the pumpkins.

  20. Happy Birthday and Halloween. Hope that's a super special dish of banana pudding and everything else is all good.

  21. Abdominal issues and pain? That's not good at all. Get that colonoscopy scheduled before you leave the hospital! Those pumpkins are cute. You were a cute baby, with so much hair! Three of my babies were blonde with very little hair, the other was a brunette with a bit more hair.

  22. I hope everything goes well for you.

  23. If you've come back to see what happened, I'm writing a quick follow-up to this blog I'll be posting Thursday. Thanks so much for all these wonderful comments.

    1. You know we did (come back to see what happened)... and knew you would follow-up (or hoped so).

    2. I was getting worried, Doug! Happy to hear that an update is coming!

  24. Happy belated birthday and hope everything went well on your overnight adventure! Will look forward to the follow-up blog and hope it contains good news.

  25. Oh good. I was checking to see how you were. I'll check tomorrow.


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