Saturday, December 17, 2022

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth—and a laptop (the laptop will have to wait)

I thought I’d share this because of the song and the irony, as it’s almost Christmas.  Last Saturday I had just finished reading blogger Tom’s post on Sightings Over Sixty, The Tooth of the Matter when I turned off my tablet to go downstairs and get my mail. 

Instead of the elevator, I took my building’s iron stairwell but wasn’t wearing my glasses, and one floor down I decided to go back up and get my specs.  When I turned around and headed upstairs, I tripped and fell.  I banged my lower face against a step and heard an awful crack.

When I got back inside and looked in the mirror, my one front tooth (on the right in this photo) was broken off halfway and very jagged.

I took a photo and sent it to my sister Shawn (I don’t want to post it here, it looked pretty awful).  I knew my dentist’s office was closed until Tuesday, but messaged them anyway and sent the photo and what happened.  I sat here the rest of the evening in shock, afraid to eat or drink anything.

That wasn’t the worst of it—I went to bed, and a little after 2am woke up gagging.  Now my SECOND front tooth was broken and in a crumble in my mouth.  Apparently I’d fractured that one too.  What a mess.

I dug out my TMD guard (a bulky acrylic dental appliance that fits over your top teeth) and lived on coffee, ice cream & chicken soup for a couple days.  Tuesday morning my dentist’s office called and said to come in at 2 or sooner if possible.

Shortly after getting there and filling out a couple forms, I was led back for x-rays and told to sit tight.  15-20 minutes later, a thin 41 year old woman with heavy eyeglasses, long blonde ponytail and the thickest Southern accent this side of the Mason-Dixon line appeared in the doorway, hands on her hips.  “Young man!  WHAT DID YOU DO?!”  

It took everything in me not to burst out laughing, I love her dearly.  Doctor Shannon Passineau.

She studied the x-rays, examined my teeth then said “Douglas you have two options.  Both come with good news and bad news.”

“If we do crowns on those two teeth, we can have temporaries on them in no time at all.  And when your permanent crowns come in, they will probably last you a lifetime.  Since you don’t have insurance, they will cost you $1750 for the pair.”

I said ouch but they sounded good, and she said “But they will offset your bite just a fraction.  And it COULD be enough to trigger your TMD again.”   No. NO.

She said “Then I suggest Option #2.  Normally we don’t recommend fillings or composite rebuilds of teeth requiring more than 50% restoration.  And your two front teeth are over half gone.  But I AM a restoration specialist and I think I can do a nice job.  It will probably set you back around $400, and it will require a minimum of 2 hours on our parts.  Are you up for that?”

I said “Dr. Passineau, I will happily spend the night in this chair if necessary.”  She said “We don’t want you doing that!  My husband is taking me out tonight to dinner and a show at Heinz Hall and there is no way I’m missing that, my young man!”

After she numbed my mouth and began working, she said “You should see my new red dress Douglas, the one I’m wearing tonight.  Tell him, Amy.” 

Her assistant said it was red alright.  Doctor Passineau said “Yes it is RED and I look just fabulous in it.  Amy hand me that No. 4 please.  Now Douglas a Southern lady would never wear red unless she was some jezebel, but if it’s CHRISTMAS—“

Amy on the left, Dr. Passineau on the right

Dr. Passineau stopped and said “Young man, are you alright?  Did I numb you enough?”   I was clutching the armrests, doing everything I could not to laugh at “jezebel”. 

A couple hours later, she handed me a mirror and asked what I thought.  My jaw hurt like heck, but I was delighted.  I said “One of my front teeth was misshaped, and I always had a small gap between them.”   She said “Oh, I went ahead and fixed all that!”   As you can see in the photo above, she sure did. 

My total for these repairs was $345.00.  Dr. Passineau told me she still needs to do filler on the left one, and repairs on two at the bottom.  According to the printout below, those bottoms will set me back another $335.00 in 2 weeks.

She told me all 4 of these teeth were structurally unsound and were ready to go anyway.  (I knew one of the front teeth was fragile, but not the other ones.)  

Anyway, with my recent gallbladder issue in November that cost me $550.00 after insurance ($150 for the ambulance, $75 for the ER and $325 for the abdominal ultrasound) and now this, there goes the money I had allocated for a new laptop, and then some. 

I’m typing this on a laptop from 2012 that still uses Windows 7;  I heard Windows is up to version 11 now!

Oh well, I’d prefer a healthy gall bladder & my front teeth anyway Nerd smile



  1. That is a good story, but I'm so sorry you had to go through all that! She's a real keeper for a dentist, and pretty on top of it all. Sigh about that laptop.

    1. Thank you DJan, you're very kind--I think you would really like my dentist, she's feisty and a real go-getter like yourself. I feel truly blessed to have her for my dentist. That laptop will get here in 2023, I just want to make sure I've got enough pocketed for it first :^)

  2. Oh my goodness, that sounds like you had quite the fall. I'm glad you didn't break anything more than a couple of teeth. Your dentist sounds like a real hoot.
    Yes, I'm running Windows 11 on my laptop. I jumped from 7 to 10 and initially hated it, but I'm finding this latest version pretty easy. Perhaps you can find one on a good sale after Christmas? Or, just keep plugging along until this one dies.

    1. Thank you Maebeme and you're right, I'm glad the fall wasn't worse! Also good to know about Windows 11 and this is interesting, I've heard this from others too (about Windows 10). I'll get there!

  3. Ouch, what a nasty fall Doug but seems you went to the right place to get repaired. I didn't know they could rebuild teeth and it seems she did a great job. The price was much better than the crowns. How cool she fixed the small gap also.
    As for Windows 7, you know I am sitting in that quagmire also. I originally took the free upgrade to Windows 10 years ago and hated it. I uninstalled it and went back to 7. Nice to know 11 might be nicer. Think I'll wait till you get the new laptop to see how you like it.

    1. Patti, thank you my dear friend--and you're absolutely right, I had zero clue they could rebuild teeth to this degree. If you saw my two teeth before she worked on them...! Anyway Patti, I have you to thank for not getting Windows 10. I'd missed the free upgrade when they initially offered it and was all set to BUY it when I read your blog about reverting back to V7. So thank you! And yes, sometime in 2023 when I get that new computer, I'll be sure & share it here :^)

    2. Windows 10 is apps based so quite a bit different but I managed it just fine after about a week of texting back and forth with my genius daughter.

  4. So sorry about your accident, Doug! But all fixable and a nice glimpse into the life of your very personable dentist. (She certainly would look fabulous in red!) Your TMD guard certainly came in handy. And now your Christmas wish has come true. Ha!

    1. Thanks Florence! Oh yes, Dr. Passineau is a doll and is funny & talented as she is pretty. And her husband looks like Atticus Finch, he only wears bow ties! As for my Christmas wish coming true... well if I could redo last Saturday I would but I'm glad she saved me :^)

  5. Dug, I have to say that you seem to have a really good dentist. Looks like she did an excellent job and to be honest, the charge seems more than reasonable... definitely a keeper. But so sorry for your fall. As for the laptop, it will keep. We went to Windows 10 a while back... with no trouble (a little different, but no trouble).

    1. Thank you Rian, and I so agree--I thought the price was very reasonable. Now I'm tempted to post the before pics, you'd be surprised. As for your computer upgrade, thank you for sharing that. As much as I want a new machine, giving up Windows 7 scares me some too.

  6. Wow, what an awful fall. Your dentist truly sounds like a dream! I have Windows 11 now too. Hated Windows 10. Here's to better things to come.

    1. Thank you Celia, and thank you for sharing your Windows opinion too it is appreciated. 🙂

  7. Your dentist is a "dream come true." She is outstanding and highly skilled, with a great personality. Dr. P to the rescue; you are one lucky man. I hope she had a great evening wearing her sexy Christmas red dress. Doug, you've officially had your share of mishaps and you should be home free for the holidays. Enjoy!

    1. Haha thank you Susan and this was very nicely said! I sure hope your Christmas is a happy one. :^)

  8. I hope this is it for falls and tooth/mouth issues! I'm very teeth phobic after falling on ice as a child and damaging my front teeth(I have a veneer on one) so this was a scary post to read. I'm glad you have such a creative and personable dentist! Loved the story of your visit to her office and how she saved you that money. I can't believe the price--it's excellent for that amount of work. And your teeth look great!

    1. Thank you Margaret, I am tooth phobic too and I'm sorry you suffered something similar! My buddy Don just called me a short while ago and told me the same thing happened to him in the 1980s, he got porcelain veneers and one of them chipped 10 years later. I just hope these last for a while! But thank you for your very nice compliment, and I'm going to pass that on to my very nice dentist. She deserves the praise. 😁👍

  9. Wow! That must have hurt! I’m so glad your dentist could fix them so fast! You have got to stay out of trouble, lol! I hear people talk about windows and I have to say I haven’t used any computer device besides my iPad for years, and love it. Do you have to have windows to write your blog?

    1. Hi Joyce! Actually they didn't hurt when I broke them (just the jagged teeth scratched up the inside of my mouth when I talked). But I agree about staying out of trouble, haha--and that's cool that you get to stay exclusively on your ipad. I have an Android tablet I like very much, but I can't write blogs, do photo-edits, sell stocks or work on my retirement spreadsheets with a tablet, darn it...

    2. Ok, good to know since I don’t do any of those things. I have an Etsy shop and photograph and list with my iPad. The photos are amazing. One time I wanted to change my Amazon payment plan and had to get on a computer to do that. Joyce

  10. I just paid $300 for one filling. I live in a suburb outside of Chicago. I think you are getting a deal and you have a fun dentist too. On a fixed income it seems like everything costs too much!

    1. Mary that sounds like a lot of money for one filling but I am not surprised--I thought Dr. Passineau's charge for these teeth was very fair, and I did tell her that! But you're right, when you're retired these charges can add up fast :^(

  11. Hi Doug, oh my goodness, you definitely have had your share and more of health issues this year. Incredible that your fantastic dentist could rebuild both teeth. I kinda miss the gap in your teeth though! I couldn’t at first figure out what was so different.😆 Your cost was very reasonable. Chuck had a similar accident 36 yeas ago and has a cap on one of his front teeth. I hope you are able to get your new laptop soon.
    Take care.❤️

    1. Robin my friend, you just made me laugh here! Did you really notice the gap was gone? Everytime I look in the mirror, I can't believe it's gone--I don't miss it! Well, Dr. P said if it happens again I WILL get a cap like Chuck, so I plan to be careful. As for health stuff... um, wait till you see my first blog in January. I am scheduled for a colonoscopy. :^( Hey if I don't talk to you soon, I sure hope you two have a nice Christmas.

    2. Thanks Doug, I hope you have a wonderful (uneventful) Christmas!❤️❤️

  12. Aieeeeeeeeeee! My gosh, young man!!! I am not one to tell people what they should or shouldn't do, but Should. Not. Do. THAT!

    1. Haha--I don't plan to again anytime soon, Deb! 🙂

  13. Doug, I'm so sorry for in any way precipitating your accident! Actually, I think I've done a post about the perils of tripping and falling at our age. So all I can say is be careful and hold onto those bannisters. Anyway, this is a great post. And I want your dentist!!!

    1. Thanks Tom, and your article in no way was responsible for my downfall--but you have to appreciate the irony! And yes I WILL be extra watchful in those stairways, I really did learn a big lesson here. And yes you would love my dentist--she is as personable as she is professional. I just love her. :^)

  14. I just had a tooth pulled that I'd put off for a couple of years. Fortunately there is no noticeable gap. I have a tooth fetish. I cannot bear the thought of displaying missing teeth when I open my mouth. I have one on the other side my dentist is still stewing over. It's under a bridge i didn't want!

    1. Thank you for sharing Joanne, and I can totally relate--I AM missing a couple teeth in the back on my lower left, I always worry people will notice. I very much hope you don't have to lose any more! Also, at least we still have most of ours, right? I look at my one grandma who had a full set of dentures...

  15. Your laptop will last a while longer and you can upgrade to the latest Windows if you want. I'm still using Windows 10.
    Your dentist sounds like a fun person.
    I have lost my front teeth too, but they are permanently gone. One was lost at 17-18 years age, and I had a single tooth denture, then a few years ago, I decided a crown and bridge affair might be nice, I wouldn't have to remember to wear the denture, so I got that done and two years later the two crowned teeth rotted away at the gumline and the whole thing just fell out of my mouth, so I had the dead roots drilled out and now have a denture with three front teeth. Sadly another front tooth which has had root canal treatment keeps getting infected, so after Christmas I'm having that one removed along with two molars each side that can't be further repaired after 40 years of fillings. I'll end up with a much larger denture with only my two eyeteeth still remaining, but on the bright side there will be no more toothaches, and for me, at 70, that's a big plus. Most of my lower molars are also missing for decades now, so I'll get a denture for there too.

    1. Wow--thank you for sharing River, I like how you never hold back. I am sorry to read you've lost these teeth, but it seems to happen to so many of us as we get older. Mine look normal with that photo at the top, but I am missing my lower left molars and every other tooth has been root canaled, capped with a couple bridges in there too. Anyway, the sooner you're out of pain, the better. 👍👍

  16. Geez and I thought my dental work was dramatic! Your dentist did a great job, did she say if they will as strong as crowns? I had to have an implant with a crown and then the one next to it with a crown too. Expensive stuff! Glad you got it done before Christmas.

    1. Thanks Joe! To be honest, she did say these two restorations might not be as strong as crowns and if they break, I will have to get the crowns next time. As for your implant, I know those are very expensive. I actually need a couple on my lower left side, but I need bone grafts there too. I thought this stuff was a lot cheaper for you, given your UK citizenship. Ah well!

  17. So, you fell up the stairs. A change from falling down them, I guess.

    1. Haha--Peter, I guess I was lucky after all. At least I didn't go down the steps and break my neck!

  18. I still have a computer with Windows XP that I still use occasionally.
    My main one has Windows 10 that took some getting used to, but I’m fine with it now. I just wish they wouldn’t try to update it every week or so.

    1. Wow, Windows XP--I miss that version! Well, I'm hoping to skip Version 10 altogether :^)

    2. Yes, XP was probably the best of the lot.

    3. Well Music Man, that was your business so you would know! I couldn't agree more, but God forbid these companies allow us to get too comfortable with a product.

    4. I LOVED XP, also loved windows 98, especially the pipe building screensaver, I could watch that all day!

  19. That accident sounded frightening but so glad you have a good dentist. She sounds like a dream. Wishing you healing and better luck in 2023. And, be careful! (bet your mom would've said that, I know mine did all the time!)

    1. Bobi, she really is a dream. I love her. (A lot of people do, you should see the people who stop in there everyday just to say hi, it's unreal.) Hey! I hope you see this, I wanted to thank you for your very nice Christmas card--I couldn't help but smile what you wrote inside (about not keeping it), I totally get it. Thanks again Bobi.

  20. P.S. my ex-the first used to fall UPstairs, he was always drunk and always landed in his pizza, one time in his dress uniform.

    1. My gosh, this shouldn't have made me laugh but it did--I'm glad I wasn't carrying a pizza!

  21. Oh my goodness! What an ordeal! But she did a great job. I wish she was my dentist.

    1. Thank you Gigi--I really do wish you could visit her too, she's wonderful. (She also has 3 daughters, and lots of funny stories to share.) :^)

  22. Anything to do with teeth, I'm curious. You have a good-luck story there! Phew.

    I broke one jaw tooth...lengthwise, at the back!!! I don't know how. I also broke my pocket fixing it. I had to do a root canal. Fortunately, the dentist was so gentle, I survived. :-D

    1. Hi Neena--thanks for sharing, and I'm so sorry you had to go thru something similar. I understand the broken pocket! Hopefully you've been good since. :^)

  23. Elevator! Elevator! Use the elevator! Our vision and glasses, especially my tri-focals do NOT like to look down at stairs. Always use the railing. I have two cracked front teeth. One dentist tried a switch and bait tactic on pricing, even with my dental insurance. Your southern gal sounds wonderful! Think I should come to Philly and see her! If your TMJ is like mine, your jaw will hurt just from sitting there open for the dental work. Hang in there! Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, thanks for the chuckle but as usual you're on top of things too--you're exactly right about stairs looking trippy at our age. So true. And ouch I am sorry about your own front teeth, I wish you COULD see my dentist, you'd love her. (Psst, Pittsburgh not Philly.) And yes, you're dead-on in regards to the TMJ, mine has been hurting all week. I should've asked to take breaks from keeping my own jaw open for so long. Next time I'll now better.

  24. Your dentist is amazing!!! I wish she was here. I'd go to her too. Your teeth looks great! Windows 11. Arrrghhh! I can't learn another thing. I'm still getting used to my new iphone.

  25. Actually, your accident reminded me of my granddaughter, KC. She fell off her bike the day before school started when she was in elementary school.... right on her face. And like you cracked two of her front teeth. I can't remember what they did. I think they did the restoration thing like you. Please be careful. I hope the TMJ is OK.


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