Wednesday, December 14, 2022

When it comes to my former classmate Diana, no news is good news

Diana is in the center row, the only woman on the far right

These are my former classmates at my last high school reunion in August 2014, for the Jefferson-Morgan HS Class of 1979.  I didn’t go, at the time I was still working and up to my ears in a new product installation for the Pricing Group at UPMC Health Plan. 

(And truth be told, I had no one to go with and didn’t want to attend by myself.)  But from the very small turnout, I was far from alone in my choice.

They were going to do a “60th birthday party” reunion in 2021, when most of us turned 60, but then covid came along in 2020 and pretty much nipped that in the bud.

Anyway, for the last 10 years or so I’ve been in occasional touch with one of these former classmates, Diana (in the center row).  She would reach out just to say hi in email, and when I developed a serious TMJ disorder a few years back, Diana would write with suggestions on natural treatments and the like.

The irony of it was, as small a graduating class as we had (around 100 students total), Diana & I were not friends back then.  We ran in different circles.  But we attended one class together.

The class was On Your Own (which wasn’t really on your own, we learned how to co-habitate, budget & navigate the rocky terrain of marriage).  Here’s a photo of our very first class, “Wedding Day”.  That’s myself & my friend/wife Karen dead center, and Diana and her ‘husband’ Ron third from the right.

But this is my only memory of Diana, that class.  I remember she spoke very softly and had a nice laugh.  But in the 50 years I’ve known her, we’ve never once talked in person or on the phone, until the other night.

One day last week I was cleaning out my email folder on my laptop, and saw an old message from Diana where she’d included a phone number if I ever wanted to chat.  I wrote and asked if that was still her phone number and would she like to talk sometime.  She said yes, how about tonight.  She’d be working late but to give her a call at 8:30pm.  We could talk until 10pm, when she went to bed.

I did call her that night promptly at 8:30, and we talked 4 1/2 hours, until 1:00am.  Whoops!  She was just that easy & comfortable to talk with.  The entire time of our conversation, I thought “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

In a nutshell, Diana married 1-2 years after we graduated.  She had 2 kids, a boy and a girl by the time she was 20 (and they are both in their forties today, which is strange.  I have a sister in her mid-40s).  Several years ago her daughter moved west to Salt Lake City, and then her son followed his sister to Utah to find his fortune.  

Diana’s first husband died young from cancer, and sadly her second husband died from covid last June.  She said “Doug I’m not as lucky as you, I still have to work.  I do like my job... I just didn’t expect to be alone at this stage in my life.”   

We did our share of reminiscing, and (for not knowing Diana that well) I was surprised at the same memories we shared.  I have friends I enjoy talking to as young as 45 and old as 80-something, but there’s something “kindred” when talking with someone your own age.

For example, I was sharing a memory from our senior prom, when the lead singer of the band said “Who’s ready to boogie?” and got silence and a few groans in return.  Another band member nudged him and said something, the guy at the mike said “Who’s ready to get down tonight!”  and the students cheered.  Diana laughed at that, she got it.

Diana did tell me something interesting which has been giving me a new perspective on things.  She doesn’t follow the news.  Local, national, celebrities, political—none of it.  She’s aware of the really big stuff, like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but that’s the extent of things and she wants to keep it that way.

She said it began years back when the lead story on the news one night was about Lindsay Lohan, and she simply had enough.  I have to admit, I’ve been finding myself turning off the news more & more this past week after hearing that.

Do I really need to know Prince Harry & Meghan Markle have a new docuseries on Netflix, or the latest going-ons at Twitter?  What a waste of time.  I’m happy that Brittney Griner is out of Russia and home with her family, but I only had to hear it once—not 30 times over in 3-4 days. 

And what about NASA and the success of their Artemis 1 moon rocket?  Okay, I did want to know that!  But I still think Diana’s on to something.

Finally, I was surprised when she asked if I’d like to make our chat a more regular thing, like once a month.  I figured she’d had enough of me for a lifetime.  But I said yes, for sure.  We’ve got over 4 decades of catching up to do.


  1. What a wonderful story! I do hope the two of you continue to grow and change with each other's help. I am a news junkie, too, but I agree that I don't need to hear it over and over. Maybe this will fill that gap in your life you've been writing about. :-)

    1. Thank you DJan--actually, I began 'toning down' my news addiction when you wrote about "doom scrolling" a couple weeks back. I realized I was doing the same, too much so. It's a hard habit to break but I want to focus on more inner positive things like you do.

  2. Oh good Doug. She sounds like a fun person to talk with who is familiar with the young you.
    Admire her ignoring the news. I keep thinking I will but I guess it is the old "train wreck theory" that draws me in and I do want to be aware but still, do they need to drum it into us? She sounds like a breath of fresh air. So glad you found and followed up on that email.

    1. Thank you Patti, you're exactly right she was fun to talk to. I was a little apprehensive as she's also very religious. But the important thing is, she is kind and open-minded and I didn't feel I had to monitor what I said. As for the news, I am just like you. It's a hard habit to break, but it's not smoking so we don't have to give it up all together. 🙂

  3. That's great! What a pleasant way to spend an evening, chatting with a classmate. I keep in touch with 10 high school classmates usually by email. But, occasionally, we get together in person. Fun having lunch together and talking.

    1. Thank you Gigi--wow, you keep in touch with 10? I think that's awesome. Diana told me that she keeps in close touch with 3-4 of our old classmates and even meets up with them a couple times a year. I thought that was really nice. I think I'm finally learning something from you ladies. 🙂

  4. Wow! She's had a rough time losing 2 husbands. Nice to be able to chat. Hope she made it to work ok the next morning. I've known a few people who don't watch TV news nor use the internet, or even the daily weather. Decreasing an "addiction" is one thing, but totally ignoring the world kind of puts them in a vacuum. That's good you're able to cheer her on. (Egads! That Life Prep class seems scary!)
    Linda in Kansas

    1. Thanks Linda, and you're very right her losing two husbands like that. I know she has a strong faith, which is helped keep her going. She's also very active with community things and meeting up with friends. She may be in a bit of a vacuum news wise, but she is much more social than I am! PS That class we had was honestly my favorite thing about our senior year! 😄👍

  5. Your ongoing regularly scheduled chat with Diana sounds like a good idea and very pleasurable for both of you. The constant repeating on the news is horrible. I find myself turning the news off. Nobody needs to hear the same thing 30 times. That mock marriage is hilarious. I've never heard of anything like this. Life prep in high school? We had sex ed in small group separate classes. That tells you something!

    1. Thank you Susan, and very interesting to know someone else turns off the news too. I don't want to be oblivious to things, but there has to be more to life than the constant stream of things. As for our mock marriage, yes it was hilarious--believe me, I would've preferred Sex-Ed! Ah the good old days :^)

  6. Doug, I love this! Diana sounds like a lovely lady. Both of you will so benefit from your monthly chats. A few months back I connected up with a guy I have known since kindergarten. It has been fun sharing memories with him.
    Take care Doug.❤️

    1. Thank you Robin, you're very kind! I think we'll benefit too (at least, I know I will). That's awesome, connecting with someone you've known since kindergarten--I'd like to know someone from that far back, but for now I'll settle for junior high. :^)

  7. I don't think this is uncommon in the era of social media. When I first joined Facebook it seemed like everyone in my high school class automatically friended everyone else just to restore that connection, but over time the people I've had the most interesting conversations with are those I barely knew back then. It has been a joy getting to know them 30-40 years later.

    1. Thanks for sharing David--you make a good point, when Facebook came along I talked to several old classmates (for the first time in decades) too, and even met up with 2 of them. But I got tired of FB, and left there in 2016. So this was doing things "old school" :^)

  8. Oh gosh, Doug. This is absolutely awesome. A lot of times I think time and experience does change us a bit and people who we might not have hung out with before will be more in spirit and interest. I love that you and Diana can connect now. Gosh... I haven't talked to anyone that long on the phone in forever. You guys should meet up sometime. That would be fun! I try not to listen to check on the news too much too these days. It doesn't make me happy.

    1. Thank you Kay... well, I never intentionally avoided Diana when we were kids. We just didn't make any effort to know each other, went to different elementary schools, etc. But I would certainly say better late than never. :) It would be tough to meet up in person, as we live in different states, but you never know :^)

  9. What a wonderful experience! There is something so energizing and heartwarming about re-connecting with a high school friend; I enjoy relationships where they know my back story and we share memories. I hope you continue to correspond with Diana. I read my news so any repeat articles I don't click on.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I always enjoy your comments! You summed this up very well. I hope I continue to talk to Diana too (on the phone, it's easier). As for reading your news vs watching... I do both, I should pick one or the other. :)

  10. Oh how nice that you and Diana are enjoying phone visits! I agree wholeheartedly with the “kindred” aspect of talking to a person of the same age. The 'On Your Own Class' would NOT have been my cup of tea. I do need to check the news at least once a day. I keep hoping to learn that somehow Putin is terminated and peace declared.

    1. Florence, thank you--I was waiting to hear from you. :^) As usual, you made me chuckle here, why wouldn't that class have been your cup of tea? Are you THAT independent?! I agree I wouldn't take it now, but when you're 17...! As for Putin and peace declared... you're right, of course. :^)

    2. I was a rather shy 17 year old, Doug, and the idea of playing a bride to one of my pimply classmates would have really made me cringe. ARgghhhh!! A few more years and I came out of my shell to become almost a nuisance to the guys. Hah!!! We didn't have any social classes but I did enjoy one called "Business Practice" that mainly involved accounting.

    3. I can't see you being a nuisance Florence--but I know how practical you are, so it doesn't surprise me a bit you'd choose accounting over marriage lessons!

  11. How nice to connect with a friend from the past (I almost said old friend...oops). It sounds like you and Diana have lots of shared memories that are good ones. I agree, it is nice to chat with someone of a similar age.
    I don't watch national news very often, though do keep with the local news. Currently Reddit keeps me apprised of the big world issues and my daughter is a conduit as well. I can scroll past the former, the latter is a bit more persistent. :)

    1. Haha--thank you for the kind words Maebeme, and I like how you get the news. I never considered getting mine from a loved one, but that kind of sounds like a good idea! 😄

  12. Four decades! That's a lot of catching up. You're going to have some wonderful conversations!

  13. How cool to reconnect AND have that person want to stay in contact! You seem to be able to maintain so many varied relationships. And I always wished my kids could have a class like that, maybe not a mock wedding but at least learn how to balance a checkbook, which I don’t think anyone does anymore! Joyce

    1. Joyce, thank you! And you're very right, I was enormously flattered Diana offered to stay in touch. I also think you're right about a real "On Your Own" class, one a lot more practical. Something that includes banking -and- retirement planning -and- learning to take care of yourself as a single person. :-)

  14. Dug, it's always nice to talk with someone who has shared some history with you. My childhood best friend and I will always be close as we have known each other since 8 years old. No one else can share those memories. Diana and you share high school memories - so that's a connection. And I don't keep up with that many people from the past... maybe 4 at most... and mainly through email and text.
    As for the news, I hardly ever watch it anymore. I don't need to know how many people were shot during the night or what actress/singer/? did what. It IS important to know what is going on in the world around you, but not every single little thing and not repeated over and over. I do think it's good that you and Diana can talk. People need people and as long as you both are enjoying the conversations, then I would definitely continue.

    1. Rian, that's wonderful about your own childhood friend. I had a best friend too from the age of 8, but for reasons I'll never understand he ended things 20 years ago. I gave up trying to find out why. Anyway, I'm just glad to know the people I know now--you and several other bloggers included. :^)

  15. This memory is in my ball park. My TV only gets Netflix, if I turn it on. I don't get a newspaper. Actually, "news"paper. I'm on no social media. My newsfeed is my source of what's going on in the world, and it's pretty liberal. And I only know what's going on by following up on the story synopses--if I'm interested.

    1. Joanne, thank you for your interesting comment--you had me at liberal! I'm on no social media either (other than my little blog here) and you sound like you're managing things just right. :^)

  16. Hi Doug! What a lovely post. Connecting with others is so important, especially as we age. Research shows it contributes both to our physical health along with our mental well being. I tend to be a loner; no one would ever call me a social butterfly! But I'm taking stock of what I can do better in this department. So glad you and Diane have connected.

    I've always been a news junkie, but I'm with you in that I don't need to keep hearing or reading the same story 100 times. One good in-depth analysis is good enough for me.


    1. Hi Carole, this was such a nice read this morning, thank you! You and I sound very much alike (news junkies plus I tend to be a loner too). But you're right (that we need to do more connecting), I just have to remind myself of that daily :^)

  17. how very nice! It sounds like auld acquaintance ne'er forgot.

    1. Thanks Debby, I like your holiday spin on it. 🙂🎄


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