Saturday, December 10, 2022

My Christmas Wreath Conundrum—darn it, this shouldn’t be a conundrum

A couple days ago after getting a haircut, I stopped in the hardware store to have a look around.  While I was looking at their (pretty meager) holiday display, the thought occurred to me I hadn’t hung a Christmas wreath on my front door in maybe 10 years.

I asked if they had any in stock, the clerk said she had one remaining from last year.  I bought it (in a box, sight unseen) for $25.00. 

When I got back to my apartment building, two of my favorite 4th floor residents, Opal & Sarah were sitting downstairs in the lobby chatting after getting their mail.

Opal’s my friend, but I love Sarah—she’s a quiet black woman in her mid 70s who’s very sweet and always calls me John, then apologizes profusely.  She is just so nice.

Opal asked what was in the box and I thought why not and told her.  She said “Well open it up so we can see!”   I peeled off the tape and lifted the lid.  Inside was a skinny ‘O’ ring of green encased in clear plastic.  Opal slapped her knee and laughed.  She said “I wouldn’t want that on MY door!”  I checked my pocket to make sure I kept the receipt.

But after bringing it upstairs and cutting off the plastic, this artificial wreath REALLY sprang to life, so to speak.  I got my door hook to hang it up and fluff it out (that’s it above).  It wound up looking just wonderful—and twice as big as the pizza-style box it came in.

I also discovered something really special.  It had a tiny green box embedded in the branches that took 3 AA batteries.  When I installed them, the wreath came to life with 40 led lights, in a variety of twinkles.  (There are 9 settings to choose from.)  Nice!

The thought occurred to me, why don’t I hang it on the INSIDE of my apartment versus the hallway on my front door?  I live down a dead-end hall (no one sees), plus I don’t have a Christmas tree other than the ceramic tree that sits on my dining table. 

I’d love to have something in here with pine branches, without getting an entire tree.  Would that be too selfish?

I remember several years ago seeing a news story where people who lived in NYC (in apartments) hung their wreaths inside to enjoy more (and to keep them from getting stolen).  But that’s NYC, this is Pittsburgh.

I moved it to my closet door, then went down the hall and asked Opal if she wanted to see the wreath again.  When I told her I was going to hang it inside instead, she said “You men are all alike, your front doors are bare!  Only the women bother to decorate!” 

She did surprise me later though, when she returned with Sarah and both agreed it would be nicer in here.  (Now my conundrum is which door to hang it on.  The closet door seems better, it faces the center of the room.)

Still, I felt guilty.  That all changed though, when I googled my conundrum and found this article on Apartment Therapy:

If You’re Not Putting Your Wreath in this Spot, You’re Missing Out

The article says if you live in an apartment and your door doesn’t face a public place like the street, you’d probably be happier hanging your wreath on the inside.

All’s well that ends well—yesterday I came across these 12” wooden door plaques with a sparkly bow-tie and got one for my own front door.  Opal said “That’s perfect!” 



  1. I love your pretty wreath and think hanging it inside is a great idea! It's really quite a steal for what you paid for it, I think. And your door plaque is perfect! :-)

    1. Thank you very much, DJan--I did get that wreath for a great price, didn't I! I'm just glad I got it before I found those door plaques :^)

  2. Lights on a wreath add lots of sparkle and your new wreath is wonderful. Hanging it inside where you will enjoy it is a great solution. Your second wreath on the entry door wishing all a "Merry Christmas" could not be better. Adding holiday decor lifts the spirits and makes everything cheerful and bright. Nice decorating job. You've got the Opal seal of approval. Gotta love Opal.

    1. Hahahaha! Susan you almost made me spit out my coffee!! "The Opal Seal of Approval"!! You are so right!! Anyway, thank you for this nice comment and the good chuckle! :^)

  3. You really got a bargain with that wreath. Looks great and lights up too. Love the idea of putting it up inside where you can enjoy it.
    The wooden plaque is perfect. It is like a Christmas card for your neighbors. Well done Doug.

    1. Patti, thank you very much! I did get a good price on this wreath, I just wish I could take better photos as it looks so much nicer in person. I didn't even know it came with lights, the box had no label or anything inside. And I love the idea of the plaque being like a Christmas card! Thanks again. :^)

  4. Hi Doug, both wreaths look wonderful! The lighted one must look lovely in the dark. I agree with Patti and DJan, you got the lighted wreath for a great price.
    Take care!❤️

    1. hanks Robin! I know this was a silly thing to write about, just keeping things in the holiday spirit around here... 🙂♥️

  5. And the batteries even worked ... a sign that, clearly, you're going to have a merry Christmas!

    1. Well Tom, they were my batteries (they're rechargeable) so no surprises there, but I still lucked out 🙂👍

  6. You sure took a chance buying it sight unseen! But they are both perfect. There is something soothing about looking at pretty lights, hope you enjoy it! Joyce

    1. Thank you Joyce, I thought the same thing on my way home. Why did I buy this without looking at it first? But it turned out nice! 🙂

  7. Gorgeous wreath and I love your outside decoration too! I usually have a wreath and didn't this year. Seeing your lovely one makes me wish I'd bought one!

    1. Thank you Margaret! Well, you have that beautiful tree so I'd say you win in the decorations dept...also, yours is REAL :^)

  8. There you go, everyone is happy. :) I have to agree, you were brave to buy something you hadn't seen - finding the LED lights was a nice find.

    1. Thank you Maebeme, I honestly don't know why I bought that wreath without checking it out first--it said exactly 2 words in small red print on the side of the box, ONE WREATH. I'm just glad I found those plaques too :^)

  9. Dug, you did great! I agree that buying anything sight unseen is a bit dicey, but you seemed to have lucked out. The wreath looks really good to me. And we have a sign on our front door that says Merry Christmas also... and although we haven't pulled our wreaths out yet, they go inside also. I'm glad you're decorating some for Christmas. I think it lifts one's spirit... and (IMO) it's not necessary to go overboard (unless you're really into that).

    1. Rian, you're so nice thank you! I gotta say, I do like this wreath, I just turned it on, a soft 'alternating twinkle' and the radio is playing Christmas music. It's nice to know someone else hangs wreaths inside too. :^) I actually have holiday stuff out in every room, I think my next blog will be about that.

  10. Looks wonderful, Doug! And where it is, you get a bonus one in your mirror's reflection! Been a bit tardy with my decorating this year. (There is no snow outside to get me in the mood.)

    1. Thank you Florence, and you are too funny about that bonus one in the mirror. I was thinking the same thing. I'm sorry about the no snow show, I totally understand as we're barren too here in Pittsburgh. 🤔

  11. You have inspired me. I will set up our tree tomorrow. Being as how I have no wreath.

  12. This all worked out for the best. It didn't occur to me to get any decoration for my door, but my daughter's m-i-l came to visit, and when she left she was giggling like a little girl, until I had walked her out and found the decoration she had hung on my door.

    1. Thank you Joanne, and haha--too funny what you shared! I hope you didn't mind what your MIL did. :^)

  13. I haven't hung any kind of door decoration in years. I have a metal circular decoration which isn't a wreath, but Christmassy, but it's packed away in a crate in the shed along with everything else. I'm just not into decorating anymore.

    1. River, I honestly know just how you feel. Like I wrote above, this is the first wreath I've hung in 10 years. I'm just trying to get a little more in the holiday spirit for a change of pace. :^)

  14. You are really goofy! You did all of that hemming and hawing about your chair, the color, the fabric, and you bought a wreath in a box sight unseen!? After your friends made you open the box, and you hemmed and hawed some more, that's just DANDY to have it as your tree substitute! And SO COOL that it has little lights. Your Mom would be very proud and impressed! Your subsequent door sign is really cool and you should get a bow tie to match for yourself. I'd read about real and fake "half-trees" vertically sliced so that apartment folks could hang half a tree on their wall. You just need a Star Trek something to rest in the middle of the wreath......but don't let it fall off! Then, turn off all of your lights except the wreath lights and just watch it. (My kid and I used to turn off all the lights and lay down in the floor with our heads under the tree and look at all the lights on the tree.)
    Cheers! Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, thanks for the chuckle this morning--omigod I am a goof! And nice of you to say about my mom, I think she'd be impressed too as this kind of stuff was important to her. I HAVE seen those vertical half-trees, that would be a great idea (hmm, now you got me thinking)... and we used to do the same thing as kids, turn off all the lights except for the tree. Sure do miss those times. :^)

  15. If I decided to hang a wreath, and that’s a huge if, I would hang mine inside.
    I live on the top floor (of two) and I am the only one at this level so the only people who’d see it is the A.M. and me (and neither of us is into that sort of thing).
    That’s my “Bah Humbug” for today.

    1. Haha thank you for sharing, Peter. Your bah humbug sounds just fine to me. 🙂👍

  16. I don't see wreaths here in Hawaii unless maybe someone makes it out of coconut leaves. But I would be proud to hang your wreath on my door in Illinois. It's one of the nicest ones I've seen in a LONG time. And I love the one you hung outside your door too. Happy Christmas, Doug!

    1. Thank you Kay, and Merry Christmas to you & Art (and your awesome mom) too :^)

  17. They both look lovely. If I had things like that hanging on my door they'd constantly be falling off when I opened it. Plus it's too windy up here to hang anything on the outside of the house sadly.


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