Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Senior Center and the not-quite-senior Doug: is there a problem?

Recently a couple other bloggers mentioned their respective senior centers, so I thought I’d share the one in my own neighborhood I joined a month ago.

It’s exactly 0.6 miles from my apartment building.  There’s a couple residents in my building who are members and go almost daily, and ride the bus there.  They’re over 65, so PAT Transit is free for them.

I still have to pay, so I walk to save the $2.75 bus fare.  I don’t mind, I need the exercise anyway!

The center is a former Lutheran Church, run by three women—Courtney, Bridget, and my old friend & former coworker Elisa who I’ve known since the ‘80s.

Courtney is surprisingly young and can’t be a day over 30, but she’s pretty wonderful.  I felt like we were old friends after my first day there.  Bridget is 10 years older, with crinkly eyes and a wide smile.  So much kindness.   

As for Elisa, it’s a funny dynamic—we both used to work for the Department of Aging in the late 80’s thru the 1990s. I always considered us around the same age; I was born the last day of October, 1961.  Elisa was born the first week of February, 1964.  There’s only 2 years, 3 months age difference there.  But at the center I’m considered one of Allegheny County’s Aging (you’re required to be 60+ to join) and she works there.

At least Elisa doesn’t treat me like an older person—yesterday I walked up there just to have lunch and chat, and teased Geri (one of the other members) I was following her in the market a couple days prior and what was with all the bottled water in her cart?  Some of us like to drink water too, y’know.  Elisa said “Geri if you hold him down I’ll kick him.”  

The old Lutheran Church, now the Prime Time Activity Center

So from what I’ve seen, there’s around 4 women to every man.  The men tend to be a couple years younger and don’t socialize as much.  There’s one guy I like, but I think I blew it.  His name is Mike, he’s 5-6 years older than me and is probably a foot taller as well.  Seriously, he’s a lanky 6 1/2 feet tall.

After I’d gone there a couple times for lunch (sitting alone at a table in the back) he introduced himself one day.  Like me, he has no kids and never married.  But after we finished eating, he offered to take my tray back for me and I declined and I think it offended him. 

A couple days later on “Movie Day”, we all gathered to watch A Man Called Otto with Tom Hanks.  Mike sat beside me, but 15 minutes into the movie asked if I wanted to join him and a couple others in the exercise room for a board game and I said I was enjoying the film, no thanks. 

And then just yesterday, he approached me and asked if I wanted to join his Bible Study group.  Sorry, Mike I’m not interested.  Doggone it.

The center has 3-4 outings a month, shopping, museums and restaurants where you’re expected to pay your own way but the transportation there & back is provided.  In June it was the Heinz History Center, Bartram Bakery and the Three Rivers Casino. 

I didn’t go on the casino trip.  In July it’s the Dive Bar & Grille (a pretty upscale bar and restaurant) and lunch on the Gateway Clipper.  I’ve signed up for both.

The two most popular things at the center are Bingo on Monday & Friday, and an “Exercise Dance class” on Tuesdays & Thursdays.  That Bingo crowd is intense—they show up at noon, sit silently and wait until 12:30 when lunch is done.  IF YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PLAY, FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE IN THE CENTER TO GO.  Those players mean business!

There’s also Bible Study (cough), an Art Club, weekly meets with various reps to discuss the latest in Medicare and a nurse who does weekly blood pressure readings—followed by an “Ice Cream Social”.  Isn’t that quaint?  

Oh and there’s a weekly “Tech Tutoring” that I’ve never attended, I just roll my eyes at.  Meanwhile, at home I’m on Windows 7 and the rest of the world is on—I don’t know what the rest of the world is on, I’m stuck in the year 2011.

When I first signed up with the Center, I was told they served lunch 5 days a week.  There is officially no charge, but you’re invited to contribute $3.00.  You just have to give them 2 days notice as the exact number of lunches are ordered in advance.

I told them I wouldn’t be participating in the lunch program, I was only interested in the monthly outings.  They said that was no problem, but I soon found myself going to lunch there around twice a week.

Here’s the July lunch menu.

So a few days ago, I saw Teriyaki meatballs with scalloped potatoes and broccoli on the menu and called ahead as required.  When I went up for lunch and was standing in line, I told my friend Elisa I didn’t feel quite right.  She asked why, I said “Because I’m not poor, far from it.  I have a kitchen in my apartment full of food.”

She said “But here you’re with others and don’t have to eat alone.  That must get old.”  I said that was true, but at the same time…  I wasn’t REALLY an “old person” yet.

The woman setting out the trays smiled at me and said “Half the people in here don’t see themselves as old people either.”


  1. IDK what I hate more, horror movies or bats, and you know it, but your new movie review was so enthusiastic, I may take something for anxiety and watch it. Far as the senior ctr goes, you're just on the young side of being a senior. Enjoy that while you can :)

    1. Thanks Shawn, and I hope you get to see Renfield. Nicholas Cage was in all his glory! As for being a senior...I feel around 15 inside, except when it comes to Steiner my landlord who treat me like a senile old man.

    2. They don't see you as senile. Maybe crotchety, but not senile. I've been the oldest mom (by a lot) in Sophia's class her entire life so I'm used to being treated like a senior citizen, and the transition for me will be a piece of cake!

    3. They've now asked me twice if I'm on a stroke medication, so trust me they think I'm an old geezer! Anyway Shawn, I know you had to deal with being an older mom since the day Sophia was born and you handled it remarkably well. As much as I love our parents, I wish they had been a little older when we were born. šŸ™‚

  2. Doug, You really are smart getting involved at the Senior Center now. Since you are on the younger side, maybe there are volunteer opportunities there you can be part of too.

    1. Thanks Jackie... I'm not sure what I could volunteer at, I guess time will tell. šŸ™‚

  3. Morning Doug, another interesting post! I am glad to read you are taking advantage of your great senior centre. We are I think at an in between age. Not young and I think not old. I still feel 18 inside but when I automatically get the senior discount (sometimes they will ask”are you eligible for the senior discount?”šŸ˜†) I realize I am almost 60.
    The lunches sound very good, nice to see lots of fruit and veggies.
    I agree with Elisa, it must get tiresome eating on your own a lot.
    I popped over to your movie blog and read your review for the Nicholas Cage movie. It sounds interesting. Must see it. I still haven’t seen the Tom Hanks Otto movie. I loved the book.
    Have a good weekend Doug.❤️

    1. Thanks for the nice comment Robin! I've been thinking about you and Chuck and Florence these last couple days, with the Canadian wildfires going on. Hope you guys are okay. And thanks for checking out my movie blog, the Tom Hanks movie was very sweet but I guarantee you it's a 180° turnaround from the Nicholas Cage movie! Happy Canada Day my friend! šŸ™‚šŸ‘♥️

    2. We are ok Doug, Chuck is using his puffer a couple times a day. We are supposed to be getting some relief from the smoke tomorrow.
      Thanks for the Canada Day wishes!❤️

  4. My goodness, that menu - the lunches are far better than anything I prepare for myself. I think I'd eat there every day. :) Or maybe not, because I'd gain too much weight.
    I wouldn't worry about Mike. I think he's just trying to find ways to get to know you, or to find other ways to get you involved at the centre.

    1. Thank you Maebeme, I still hope Mike & I can become friends. And that menu does look good, doesn't it? The food isn't exactly restaurant quality but it is filling and the price is right. :^)

  5. It seems you have found a few things you enjoy at the senior center. Some of the meals sound pretty good and your museum tour was spectacular. Given that you can pick and choose what you want to partake in makes this a good option. In my town, activities for seniors seem limited to eating, games and exercise. What about an outdoor walking group, creative writing, poetry or drawing (short) course? I think these courses would appeal to a broader group.

    1. Susan, thanks very much and aside from the 2-3 outings a month,the center sounds similar to your own senior stuff. As for outdoor walking, creative writing, drawing...I like all of those. I am going to bring these up, thank you. :^)

  6. Oh, I'd love a cruise on the Gateway Clipper and I'd be tempted to join the Art Club. Also, I'd give the exercise dance a try as well as some of the lunches. Lots to choose from, Doug, and so many interesting people to meet (and blog about). You could probably instruct folk with your IT expertise. Tall Mike needs to work on his timing. Thanks for that report, young man!

    1. Thank you Florence! I make it sound like I'm a regular there and I've only gone on 2 outings, an in-house movie and 3-4 lunches. But I plan to try out more stuff. It'd be a big plus if you lived nearby and we could hang out there together. :^)

  7. No bible study Doug? šŸ˜† Me too! I saw the Tom Hanks movie and loved it! He is such a great actor. I didn't know you have a movie blog; I'll have to check it out. I watched Tar based on your mention of it, and loved it. So powerful. Strange that Mike didn't want to stay for the movie...

    The lunch menus look good! So glad you have found a place and people to connect with. I tend to be a bit of a recluse myself, but sometimes you just have to give yourself a little push.


    1. Carole this was so sweet of you, thank you! Yep I'm still dealing with the recluse thing too, I have to fight back those impulses everytime I head up there. It is a super nice group of people though. Hey I can't believe you saw 'Tar' based on my mentioning it, so glad you loved it!

  8. That page of lunch menus looks to be very tasty. I would have tried it before saying I wouldn't be taking part. If the food turns out to be less than stellar, you can always have lunch elsewhere.

    Also, with Mike, you should accept his gracious offer to take your tray and kindly explain and/or apologize for not accepting his offers to go and do other things. He is reaching out, and trying to be friendly. Too many in these sorts of places stay just with one group of friends, never making the circle bigger. It sounds like Mike is trying.

    1. Thanks dkzody! Well, I did take back what I said about not participating in the lunches, and usually attend 2 a week. As for Mike, you're right and I'm going to be more accomodating in the future--I think we'd make good buds :^)

  9. Doug, I believe I was one of the first readers to suggest finding your local Senior Center and I'm delighted that you did! I can already tell that it is a positive influence in your life--and we all need more of that. dkzody is correct, Mike is obviously eager to make friends and sometimes we just have to say "yes" even to small things we might not really want to do because having friends as we age is really, really important.

    1. Thank you Don, you did suggest that and it's nice to hear from you again. And I haven't given up on Mike yet either, I will do as you guys suggest! :^)

  10. Well, this was fun, Doug. I enjoyed learning about your Senior Center forays into a new way of thinking about yourself. I too attend our local Senior Center, which offers quite a lot of good stuff. I take yoga and Zumba Gold there, along with several different hiking groups. They also do our taxes every year for free. It does cost $50/yr to join, but so far I've found it's worth it. We also have lunches similar to yours. I went once and found it not to my liking. Everything was too well cooked.

    1. Thanks for sharing DJan, I thought of you when I saw the exercise classes on the activity calendar--but I still think this center would be a little slow for someone like yourself, we don't have a hippie in the bunch. So yours does your taxes for free?? Nice! I need to ask about that, for real :^)

  11. I’m sure there’s an old folks’ centre in my suburb as the demographic leans towards the older end (as it’s up market, and they’re the ones who can afford to live here. Fortunately, I bought my place before prices skyrocketed). I have never been much of a “joiner”, and I’m still not.

    I used to think that old was someone ten years older than I was. Now, at (nearly) 78 I’m beginning to think of myself as old, especially when my arthritis acts up, which is pretty much every day.

    Like you, I like cooking. I don’t mind eating alone, but also Norma the A.M. joins me 3 or 4 days a week for lunch. She thinks it’s a splendid arrangement that I get the food, prepare and cook it. We eat it, she does the crossword and Sudoku and goes home leaving me with the dishes.

    This part of the rest of the world has two desk top computers – the old one has Windows XP (that’s stuck in some year that’s earlier than 2011), the newer one (although not all that new) has Windows 10. I keep the old one as it has some useful functions that don’t work, or aren’t on the newer one.

    1. Thanks for sharing Peter, I've always felt we were much alike. I'm not really a joiner either, and if I had a Norma in my life, someone close who dropped by regularly, I'd be good with that. You're a lucky fellow. And wow--Windows XP! You just inspired me to hold on to my laptop here a bit longer! :^)

  12. You're not old, but what I do enjoy is seeing how chipper you are. You seem to thrive on your interactions with others. That's a good thing. You walk there to save bus fair. Why, there's another good thing. You're getting out and doing things. So many good things!~

    1. That's very kind of you to say, thanks Debby--and (if you didn't see), I found your comments to my last post in my Blogger Spam folder--why, why?? I need to start checking that daily!

  13. When the Center guy was trying to be friendly and helpful, I was wondering if he was trying to pick you up! Hmmmm. Maybe ask him to something that you like. My senior apartment complex is run by a very small non-denominational church. The pastor and his grown kids live here, and his grown daughter is the cook. They have meals every M-F for $3.50 and you don't need a reservation. Your meals look a lot healthier. Keep hanging out at the Center: not everyone is old. Careful discussing meds with your new friends; it's a common topic among retired folks, and they rely on each other's information too much. Best to keep your doc as a friend. Don't get arrested around your new rowdy friends. Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda you are as funny as you are informational--haha! Thank you my friend, always appreciated! (And I very much wish I could go to my own place without planning 2 days ahead, good for you.) I'll watch the med-talk for sure, I do hear a lot of talk about that sort of stuff.

  14. Oh, I have Windows 10. You should switch. As for the Center, it's awesome. I really like the food. The menus look better than the food I cook.

    1. Thank you Gigi, and if we lived closer to one another I'd be asking you if you could tutor me in the new Windows--I'm clueless!

  15. That July menu looks fabulous! I'd be eating there everyday! Walking to and from should help with the extra calories. You're probably going to be one of those people who still don't feel old even when they are 70 like me, or 75 like my sister who claims she isn't old and never will be.

    1. Thanks River, and I VERY MUCH hope I am like you in a few more years--and that's wonderful to read about your 75 year old sister. Fingers crossed! :^)

  16. I'm delighted that you're getting more and more involved in your senior center and finding activities that are enjoyable! The ratio of men to women doesn't surprise me and Mike seems like a friendly sort. But Bible Study? (firm no from me as well) I run Win 10 on my laptop (they're after me to upgrade) but I still very much miss XP.

    1. Thanks very much Margaret, I didn't think I'd be hearing from you. Been thinking of you & YD and your new grandson, I sure hope everybody's doing okay.

  17. I’m so glad you are enjoying it! I go to one on Wed and Fri. The lunches are not very good here, so I’m going to start taking something from home. We have a new gym, with knowledgeable staff ( I need to work on balance) and bingo! That’s why I am there through lunch. The extra thing here is they give you a 7 day breakfast pack to take home every week ( has 7 individual cereals, juice boxes and 7 packets of instant milk). I keep a couple packets of the milk to use in baking. We also got a weeks worth of daily meals for a week as hurricane prep. Plus we get a liter of water every time I go. Most of it is edible. And anything I won’t use I put in a food blessing box. I watched Otto at home and loved it. Joyce in FL

    1. Hi Joyce, thanks very much for sharing--wow, very interesting! It sounds like you have quite a center! I think mine is struggling a bit in comparison, but I do know they're excited to get a new food vendor that starts this week (that menu I posted above is a big step up). Well, for now i'm like you and going 2 days a week. I just wish mine had some more guys my age :^)

    2. We only have three guys, and they come only to eat lunch. So I can imagine how you must feel. Joyce

  18. Dug, I love the look of your Senior Center! Ours is very modern - which is nice, but yours has much more ambiance. And we're not 'joiners' either... so hopefully we can make ourselves go since we signed up. We plan to go today to use the gym and have lunch, but are still thinking about it. I'll need to see if they're any gluten free items available. If not, I can always do salad (or take the bread off the BLT).
    But I think your joining the Center was a good idea... even if just for the lunch and trips (and possibly Mike).

  19. Hi Dug. Sounds like a very nice group at the center. And a lovely looking church. Good community use for it! Might be your turn to engage Mike at some point. Sounds like he was just trying to make an effort; I'm thinking you come across as friendly and approachable. Have fun! The upcoming outings sound like a good time. Kim in PA

    1. Hi Kim, thanks very much (and yes they did make good use out of that church). As for Mike, I guess we'll see. Happy Fourth my friend :^)

  20. It's me again. I just had to comment again in response to the many statements about "not being old". Definitions of old are "having lived for a long time, no longer young, long established or known" etc. I'm 69 (almost 70) and I am delighted and thankful to be "old" and to meet all of the above definitive attributes. We all need to push back positively and strongly against the notion of always staying "young". That would be abnormal. Young is not better than old, just a different stage of existence. And I for one think "old" is more valuable. Think well designed and cared for antiques--their worth keeps going up!

    1. Thanks very much Don, I had a real smile while reading this. You're absolutely right of course and I would rather embrace my age then deny it! šŸ™‚šŸ‘


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