Friday, November 3, 2023

Hot Dog People and green devilled eggs: what a difference a year makes

I’m sure everyone is pretty much Halloween’d out, but I wanted to share a few photos from the party at the PrimeTime Center this week.  It was such a fun time, with good people and good food, and a few too many treats.

There was cupcakes & candy galore, punch, cider, cheeses, crackers, meatballs, chips, dips and ghoulish green devilled eggs.  Those eggs were to die for... heh heh!

Three of the four women that run the center (Courtney, Elisa & Colleen) were dressed as giant hot dogs and hilarious, each in their own way.  They announced it was my birthday, and it was quite a thing, 50-60 people singing Happy Birthday.  A pretty wonderful experience.

Giant cobwebs (and tarantulas) cover the stained glass windows of the center

I say what a difference a year makes, because precisely one year ago, I spent my birthday at Mercy Hospital, undergoing drug trials for new BP & heart meds.  When I came home the next day, I had a severe gallbladder attack and wound up right back at Mercy Hospital!

Anyway, here’s a few photos of the festivities at the center this week.

“Say weiner!”  Elisa, Colleen (center) & Courtney looked great in those costumes, but Colleen’s “Puttin’ on the Ritz” complete with hat & cane stole the show

  Earlybirds are settling in, pretty soon the center will be filled with young and old alike

I was served my favorite lunch, a jumbo sausage sandwich with onions & peppers, sauteed spinach and a watermelon and Feta cheese salad.   Did you notice that cupcake with the lit candle in the upper corner of the tray?

The Phantom of the Opera (Elisa’s long-time friend David Passeau) played organ music that varied from lighthearted to foreboding, depending on what was going on.  I love this guy!
I love this woman too, and I don’t even know her name!  Dressed as a giant Hershey bar (with a Hershey kiss on top), she won second prize in the costume contest. 
First Prize went to Ruthie, for her homemade Dalmation costume.  She’s a sweetheart (and I believe the oldest person there).

I was going to wear my Navajo serape from the Pow-Wow we attended a few weeks ago, but chickened out.  (I did wear a Pumpkin orange shirt and glowing ghost ring, at least!)  I’m just sorry I didn’t get more photos of the people or food, I went home holding my belly and groaning never again—so what’d I do the following day?  Went back and feasted on leftovers!

Courtney getting her second breath--a hot dog’s work is never done


  1. Hilarious! You know me, I LOVE parties. More, more, more! And Happy Birthday, Doug! Being at a party is much better than being in the hospital.

    1. Thank you, Queen Gigi! Yes I know you love parties! I wish I had better photos, it really was a lot of fun :^)

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun, and much better than how you spent last year's birthday! Joining this group has really been good for you.

    1. Thank you Maebeme, you're very kind. I hope I'm being too boring with all this stuff. :^)

  3. That really sounds like you had a good time, Dug! I'm not a party person, but enjoying time with friends is always good. I also love that your activities are in that neat old church. It makes for great ambiance. As birthdays go, 100% better than last year!

    1. Rian, thank you so much! Yes that old church is pretty awesome, I love all the stained glass windows. Well, like you I'm not a party person either but I like these people very, very much. :^)

  4. Doug, I love this! What a wonderful birthday you had. Your birthday lunch looks fabulous. I wish you had worn your serape, would have loved to see another photo of you in it. ❤️
    Take care.

    1. Robin, thank you! I always enjoy your kind comments! To be honest, I did put that serape on--but it was so heavy, I knew I'd be uncomfortable (it's best for outdoor wear only). So I changed my clothes to Halloween colors at the last minute. Maybe next year I'll be a little more daring :^)

  5. What a difference a year makes indeed! You are busy, socially active and having fun--as well as some excellent meals. :) It sounds like a perfect birthday celebration too!

    1. Thank you Margaret, I appreciate hearing that--I feel like you get me. It's been tough breaking free of the hermit mindset but so far so good. :^)

  6. Belated Happy Birthday, Doug!!! Wow, what a fun party!! Yes, what a difference a year has made for you. You are definitely paddling your canoe in the right direction. Never saw someone knitting at a party before. I wonder what that lady in the red sweater was making. Next year's costume perhaps? The keyboard player was a nice bonus. Great entertainment report! Wish I was there! I think I'd go dressed as an owl. If anyone asks what I was, I'd just hoot.

    1. Florence you made me laugh here from start to finish--I need to examine those photos a little more closely! Anyway, thank you and I wish you had been there too, I really do :^) Love the owl idea!

  7. Wow! Your center has it going on! I am so glad your health has improved and you are enjoying new things. My center is small and the food not nearly as good, but we have a nice bunch and I enjoy it. Joyce

    1. Thank you Joyce and I really am glad to hear that, from the first time you & I talked, I feel we've been in similar boats. "A nice bunch and I enjoy it". Those are my words exactly. :^)

  8. Happy Birthday Doug. Hope you have no more hospital visits. Looks like a great group of people to celebrated with birthdays and Halloween!

    1. Thank you Celia! I couldn't resist sharing, I'm very fond of that center and the people there. Thanks again. :^)

  9. What a blast! People at your center go all out and everybody has a good time. You've got some creative friends as the costumes are unique and fun loving. Adding your birthday to the celebration was a very nice touch. These people are outstanding. Your birthday lunch and cupcake (with candle) looks yummy.

    1. Susan, thanks so much! To be very honest, I almost didn't share this as I worried it was a little too square. It really helps to get feedback like yours. 🙂 anyway, that was a nice surprise when they rolled my birthday into their party like that!

  10. I'm so happy that you had a good Halloween and birthday celebration. Good for you going and joining the festivities.

    1. dkzody, thanks very much! If someone had told me a year ago I'd be doing this in a year's time, I'm not sure I would have believed them. 🙂

  11. What a great group! Your senior center is the best thing ever! What a wild and crazy party. Happy Birthday! And you are right, What a Difference A Year Makes!!!

    1. Thank you Miss Merry! I really am enjoying that senior center, I just hope I'm not talking about it too much. The thing is, there isn't a sour grape in the bunch :^)

  12. Love the costumes (and Happy Birthday.) Your giant sausage sandwich looks less than appealing to me, but the rest of the food sounds terrific.

    1. Thank you River! This blog could've been so much better if I had taken photos of the party food, vs my lunch. And the funny thing is, I'm not a really big sausage person--but the one they serve there is the best I've ever eaten. :^)

  13. Well, happy birthday once again, Doug. I'm so glad it was such a festive time, with plenty of food and celebration with good friends, young and old. Mostly old! :-)

    1. Thanks DJan, can you tell I enjoy going there? :^)

  14. I did not know you a halloweener...or if I did, I forgot. Senility? Anyway, happy belated birthday. You sound so happy. I am glad you pushed out of your comfort zone. It has done you a world of good.

    1. Thank you Debby--and no it's not senility, you've got a lot on your plate. Anyway, I wouldn't say I was happy but I am a little less lonely. I talk about that center too much, but I truly like all the people there very much. :^) PS. Your comments always go to my spam folder and it's driving me crazy. Why??


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