Monday, April 22, 2024

Sometimes I feel like one, but I’m not a ghost just yet

A couple days ago (Saturday, to be exact) my face woke me around 6am, with it’s customary “post covid” pinching, soreness & burning.  I jumped out of bed to use the bathroom and splash some cold water on it, saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror and felt angry, afraid, defeated.

My damn face looked just like it did in mid-February at the height of this long covid affliction, swollen and ugly.  This has officially become a long-term condition.

I spent the morning doing the customary things I’ve been doing—applying hot and cold compresses, making coffee, making my bed, turning on the news, turning off the news, watching people on the street below my livingroom window.

I have every intention of joining those people outside again.  I just wish I knew when.

This past week, I was folding my laundry and my head & face were pretty hot (any type of exertion gets the flames going), but I just got so fed up with living like a shut-in that I decided I’d walk up to the Senior Center.  I haven’t been there since February 21, I missed everyone.  So I shaved and got dressed and left my building (it’s a little over a half-mile walk) and when I got about halfway there, knew this was a bad idea but hey, too late now. 

When I arrived, I was almost relieved to see Dennis (the three-pack-a-day smoker) in the same spot outside I’d seen him last, smoking a cigarette.  I asked how he was, he whispered “Do you remember me losing my voice a couple months back?”  I said yes.  He said “I still haven’t found it.  Now my prostate isn’t looking good.  How are you?”  I said I’ve been better, was sorry for his problems but happy to see him.  Then I went inside.

Right away I heard “There’s Doug!” and “Doug’s back!”  and I can’t tell you how much I wanted everything to be normal again; but I was dizzy from the walk and the inflammation was so severe I only stayed 15 minutes.  I’m still glad I went though, it was wonderful seeing friends Mary, Debbie, Evvie, Geri, Bridget and Courtney. 

Geri, a petite 80 year old Italian woman who can easily outwalk me, said “We thought you divorced us!”  She is so dear and too funny.  I said I loved them and hoped to see everyone again real soon.

Later that night, I reached out to a couple of people I’ve met in an online Reddit group called “Covid Long Haulers” with symptoms similar to mine.  I said I was at my wit’s end, every time I think I’m starting to get better, I go to bed and wake up the next morning back to square one. 

Miss Lightfoot (one of the members who recovered but still visits to give moral support) said the same happened with her.  There’s no getting better and staying better, it just repeats the same cycle until it finally goes away for good.  Hers took a year.  You know what?  At least I’m getting some good hours here and there. 

On a more upbeat note, I wanted to give a shout-out and thank you to my friend David Hofstede over at the blog Comfort TV.  You really should check his site out sometime, it’s a wonderful tribute to classic television.  Not only does David write a blog, he’s published several books on television as well.

He reached out to me last week and said he’s been following my ongoing ailment, and asked if I’d like one of his books.  He told me not to feel obligated to say yes. 

I said yes I would, thanks very much and this is what he sent.

The book covers many, many tv shows from the 1950s-1970s (and I like how he gives plot synopses of the best episodes from every series). 

But what I’ve enjoyed so far is his look back at “appointment television” (if you’re 60 or older, you probably remember The Carol Burnett Show aired Saturday nights on CBS). 

And then we had those annual shows like the Miss America Pageant or the MDA Telethons hosted by Jerry Lewis for 45 years.

Reading David’s take on those telethons, with the cuts to local tv stations, “big stars” like Norm Crosby or Charo and some of Jerry’s hammier moments really made me laugh.  I’d forgotten so much of that!

It’s a warm, nostalgic read and David delivers so much more than what you’ll find on Wikipedia, trust me.  Thanks again David.

And thanks to everyone out there who continues reading my humdrum posts.  Your feedback has meant a lot, and I cannot wait for the day I can get on here and say I’ve fully recovered and I’m my old self again.  Take care.



  1. I too am looking forward to the day when you can say it's behind you now. I think of you every day and send you good vibes, friend.

  2. How sweet of him! Glad you enjoyed his book. And it's so important to meet with old friends again. Keep in touch.

  3. What you're going through is so frustrating and discouraging! You discovered the senior center and social outings and now have them temporarily snatched away. :( I hope you get through this soon, Doug and get back to your normal routines. I loved reading the posts of your adventures with the seniors.

    1. Thanks very much Margaret--I remember when this began, I thought "I hope this doesn't last more than a week, we got some fun stuff coming up". Here it is, 2 months later... I'll get back there soon,

  4. Hang in there. I'm so sorry your after effects of Covid just keep hanging on. I had it in February, sick as heck for a week and awful for two more weeks. It affected or afflicted my memory, shot to heck ever since, slowly returning. Glad to hear you made it back to the Senior Center, good for you.

    1. Thank you Celia, sorry to hear you were hit with after covid too. I heard about people getting this before but never took it too seriously. I learned a big lesson here.

  5. Glad you got out for a walk..especially since the weather has been nice the past couple days…


    1. Thanks Beth, I've been trying to get outside whenever it's sunny but that always makes the inflammation in my head worse for a couple hours. I still want that sun though. 🙂

  6. This too shall pass
    But I wish for your sake it would hurry up
    It’s brilliant that you met up with friends - even briefly - and I pray that Long Covid is soon behind you

    1. Thank you Siobhan, I believe that this too shall pass will be my new mantra. 🙂

  7. Hi Dug! I'm not a terribly religious person (although I was brought up Catholic), but when things are beyond my control, I usually do the 'let go and let God' thing. Sometimes it helps to believe that someone else has taken over as I've done all I can. (just a thought) Also sending you good thoughts and prayers that this long covid thing ends soon. (and a virtual hug too!)

    1. Thank you Rian, you're very kind... and I'm sorry for blogging about this long covid thing so much.

    2. Don't be. It's what's going on in your life now. Sharing (good or bad) helps... and we like to stay updated.

    3. Much appreciated, Rian.❤️

  8. Hi Doug, wow, that is wonderful you made it to the Senior Centre. Sorry your visit was short but glad to read you were able to meet up with your friends.
    David’s book sounds very interesting.l do love a number of the older shows. That’s why we have so many DVD’s!😆😆😆
    I can’t even begin to imagine all the pain you have been going through Doug. Know you have so many people thinking about and praying for you.❤️
    Take care.

    1. Hey Robin, thanks so much. Slowly but surely, I'm going to beat this wicked thing. And yes, David's book is a good read, he sure knows his stuff! Anyway, thank you for the kind words my dear friend. Please say hello to Chuck for me. ❤️

  9. I'm so sorry to hear the symptoms continue and I do hope they abate soon. Your Reddit group is good for some support and knowledge you're not alone in the battle. Perhaps a taxi ride to the Senior Center would allow you to stay longer? I'm sure that is the worst of it - being kept inside in your space and not seeing familiar and friendly faces. Take care!

    1. Thank you Maebeme, and I could take a bus there. I just want to be 100% my old self again. I'm counting on sometime in May! Thanks again for your kind words. 🙂

  10. I’m glad you found an online group who understands what you are going through. And that you made it to the center! Even though you didn’t stay long I can tell it helped you. I had an attack of vertigo and migraine like symptoms at my center last week and had to go home. Hang in there! 😊. Joyce

    1. Thanks very much Joyce, I'm so sorry you had your own scary experience! I sure hope you're okay! What would I do without you? 🙂

  11. Wishing you well. Really sorry you're having to endure this and certainly hope you get some relief soon!

    1. Thank you Bobi, I sure do hope I'm not sounding too whiny or anything. I am more than ready to move on.

  12. You've really been struggling, but I admire how you just keep on keeping on.

    1. Thanks very much Debby... well, it's like you and Tim and his health concerns. All uou can do is keep hoping.

  13. Long Covid sucks. I believe I've said that before. I only know two people who have it, and you're one. It is not fair that our help is limited to "I wish this would end; I wish I could help; Feel better soon, Etcetcetc." May it not take a year. Next February is far away.

    1. Thank you Joanne, you're both funny and kind. I appreciate your words.

  14. It's just so hard to not be able to do the things you enjoy. Hopefully you can get to the senior center once a week so they will know you still love them and haven't divorced them. We all need our friends.

    1. Thanks very much, dkzody. So nicely said, and I so agree. I'm going to try again soon. :^)

  15. Hi Doug - glad you're enjoying the book, and I can only repeat my hope that this situation of yours will finally get better sooner.

  16. I am so glad you went and touched base at the Senior Centre, now they know you are still with them and will get there when you can. Comfort TV looks like a good blog, I have added it to my already-too-long list.

    1. Thanks very much River. And good to hear you checked out David's blog. 🙂

  17. So frustrating. I feel so awful you are going through this. Hoping you reach the right combo of treatments to help this go away.

    1. Thank you so much Miss Merry. I'm really hoping to have this behind me by summer. 🙂

  18. I'm very glad that you wrote this post. I always check to see if there's a new one and it makes me happy when I see one! Good for you that you made the big effort to get out and see some people at the Senior Center. Even those few minutes is good for your mental and emotional health--and those are just as important (if not more) than your physical condition. And, thank you for the heads up about Comfort TV. I did not know about it. But, at 70, I certainly was one of those who was part of the first television viewing generation and it was special. I'll definitely check it out. Keep on keeping on!

    1. Hey Don, thanks so much for this super comment. I couldn't agree more with what you said here about mental health. And I'm glad you're going to check out Comfort TV, that guy puts so much work into his blog I'm surprised it doesn't get more exposure. I'm going to be his McMahon and Tate! You know the advertising agency on Bewitched 🙂

  19. Covid has really caused havoc. Medical science has a way to go to solve the long Covid issues. I'd like to think somebody is working on solutions. The MD's you worked with seemed thrown for a loop and were not prepared to provide a care plan. It does seem we are on our own to deal with long Covid. I do hope you are continuing to experience some improvements. Getting to the Sr. Center when you can is good for the spirits and clearly you are missed.

    1. Thank you Susan, so well said. I just finished talking with my friendErin who took me to the hospital on March 22, told her I'm about 10% better than that night but that was over a month ago. This is just taking forever.


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