Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Danish Experiment: well, when you’ve got everything handy…

Have you ever watched someone cooking or baking something on tv or Youtube, and it occurred to you that you had all those ingredients, so maybe you’d give it a go?

The other night I watched some woman making danish for her boys on Youtube, but they looked… un-danish.  She took a tube of dough, chopped it into 8 hunks with a cleaver, then pounded each chunk with her FIST into a hockey puck.  Wow.

I had a tube of crescent rolls from Easter, but didn’t want to make hockey pucks.  I watched a couple others make their own versions, then got busy. 

Here, I’m laying out a couple rectangles of crescent roll dough.  See those perforations between each triangle?  Crimp the little holes together with your thumb & finger so each rectangle looks solid. 

Hmm, these look about 4” wide per rectangle.  We’ll want one inch strips.

Get out your pizza cutter--well, they’re not perfect but they’ll do!
Okay let’s make the cream cheese filling.  We want 4 oz. softened cream cheese, 2 tablespoons GRANULATED sugar & 1 tablespoon lemon juice.  Beat it all into a frenzy, then set aside.
(Don’t use powdered sugar, or the filling will become frosting.)     
Now we take each strip and twirl ‘em—then curl them into a circle on your baking sheet.
After I put each twirled & curled strip on my baking sheet, I used a tablespoon to fill the centers with a big glop of jam or cream cheese filling.

I’m going to bake these at 350F for 15 minutes.

Didn’t these turn out nicely?  But we’re not through yet—let them cool to room temperature….
Take 1/2 cup of POWDERED sugar & 1 tablespoon lemon juice.  Beat the two together using a spoon for 1-2 minutes, then drizzle over the tops of your danishes.

NOW they’re ready to enjoy  Nerd smile