Friday, June 12, 2020

How to lose 40 pounds in three months or less, without really trying

On March 13 when the pandemic “officially” began, my doctor’s office called to postpone my appointment for the forseeable future.  When they asked me if I had an accurate scale, I said yes & Sandy (Dr.Marvi’s nurse) said “Why don’t we get your weight for our records.”

Reluctantly, I fished my scales out of the closet, climbed on and told her:  260.2

She said “Are issues with your jaw improving?  Your weight is pretty high.”  

I told her I began to see some improvements with my tmj in February, and admitted I had added foods like ham sandwich spread, pancakes & overcooked pasta to my TMJ diet of scrambled eggs, mushroom soup and mashed potatoes & gravy.  (I know, I know—a lousy diet.  Let’s not go there.)

She spoke to the doctor, then told me Dr. Marvi wanted me to lose 10 lbs by my next appointment, whenever that was.  Well, if & when I do see them again, they should get their wish and then some.  I got on my scales this morning, 219.4. 

That’s a 40.8 pound loss since mid-March.

As glad as I am for the weight loss, I admit I wasn’t trying.  I suffered a backslide with my TMJ in April, and chewing became too painful an ordeal again.  But this time I told myself “Doug, you’re not going back to cream soups and gravy again.”

I now have a cup of coffee & glass of Carnation Breakfast Drink for breakfast, another coffee and glass of Metamucil for lunch (love that bulk fiber) and a tall glass of V8 Healthy Greens juice for dinner (along with hummus or a scrambled egg if my face is calm enough).

Lots of water, hot & iced tea throughout the day.  No ice cream.  Well, maybe a little on the weekends.  I get plenty of vitamins from those Carnation & V8 drinks, but I still take a vitamin D3 pill daily.

Do I miss stuffing my face?  Yes, very much.  Until this TMJD, food was my buddy.  I’d give anything for a big hamburger right now, french fries, pot roast, a plate of spaghetti & meatballs and garlic bread...

A tall pot of my spaghetti and homemade meatballs; I used to make this on Saturday, feast all weekend & still have enough for leftovers for the week

I know what you’re thinking, I am too: Your tmj is going to get better, then you’ll gain it all back.  But I can’t go back to how things were before. 

Chronic stomach issues (including a non-alcoholic fatty liver), hypertension, insomnia, a swollen leg & foot in the summer, a pounding chest and panting like a dog while walkiing home from the supermarket or barbershop.  I’m getting too old for this kind of stuff.  

I’ve lost weight before, of course.  5 years ago I began a “Weight Loss Challenge” to lose 50 lbs (I blogged about it here) and succeeded.  But it took a year of intense, daily workouts and careful meal planning.  It was exhausting.

I grew tired of the effort, and gained the weight back in two years.  “Near fasting” and a daily walk is easier.  I wish I wasn’t being FORCED to near-fast, but perhaps that’s what I needed.

Y’know, I weighed 170 lbs when I graduated from high school and will never be that skinny again.  I don’t WANT to be—I’m a shortish, stocky fellow who likes having some meat on his bones.  But if I could lose another 25 lbs and get down to 195, man that’d be something.  I haven’t weighed that in 25 years. 

At the same time, I’d happily slap those 40 pounds of fat back on my thighs & belly if I was guaranteed to wake up tomorrow morning TMJD-free.  After wrestling with it for 18 months, I’m scared things will never be normal again.  I have an appointment with a TMJ surgeon on June 25, and frankly I’m dubious. 

So (for now at least) I’m trying to put a positive spin on things and use those TMJ lemons to make lemonade—well, without too much sugar.



  1. Overweight is the cause of so many health issues, once you get to your weight, resolve to stay there. I have back slid many times so I know it is difficult. I wouldn't think that your weight could be a factor in the TMJ issue, but losing a few pounds could not hurt.

    I really hope that issue would just clear up on it's own. You have my sympathies, I can only imagine how miserable that must get.

    1. Thanks very much Joe--I am STILL hoping it might clear up on its own, I read that for many it can take a couple years. As for the weight loss, it has helped other issues I've had. I just gotta accept the fact I'm not 24 anymore and eat accordingly :) Thanks for chiming in, hope you're ok.

  2. I can see that your diet would be liquid if you cannot chew because of your TMJD. It's awful. I am obese, but not morbidly so. Frankly, I would not want to look emaciated. Some people I know have had to drink protein shakes all day, but they are still losing weight. I would not want to look frail like them.

    1. Gigi I know just what you mean... I think when people get older, being very thin is not a great thing. I'm not looking to be 21 years old again! But I guess I was much too heavy for my frame. Hate the tmjd, but in a way it's saved me too. (Now I just wish it would go) :)

  3. Oh Doug, I just might understand a wee bit what you have been going through. Multiply my minor miseries by a 1000 however to even come close to you. I had a toothache for 3 days before I could see the dentist so I barely ate then except for pain meds. Finally got the tooth pulled so it was liquids and soft foods while I healed. In just a few days I've gotten so sick of soup, puddings and jello and can only imagine if I had to do it every day. Actually I can't imagine. Kudos to you for maintaining such a cheerful attitude while being miserable and food deprived. Also my weight is dropping at about a pound a day so I can understand yours dropping. However,I will be fine in a few days while you have to live with this on a daily basis though hopefully not for much longer. Praying a little extra hard for you tonight.

    1. Patti thanks so much for your kind feedback; and I'm very glad to hear you got that tooth pulled, I've been wondering about you since Monday. Yes the soft foods or liquids DOES get very old, I just keep telling myself "at least I'm getting rid of all this excess weight". It's helped keep my spirits up. But YES I will be so glad when this is behind me, and I'm eating real food again! I sure hope you're doing good, thanks for your input & good wishes :)

  4. Good for you, Doug! Your March weight was certainly high, but you're going in the right direction. Can't even begin to appreciate the ordeal of your despicable TMJD. Shakes (made with bananas, unsweetened plant milk and a handful of walnuts) are also a nutritious, easy to swallow comfort snack. Stay the course lad, better days ahead!

    1. Florence that drink sounds delicious (well, can't do the walnuts right now but still.. yum). Anyway, thanks! Just trying to make something positive out of this weird medical dysfunction... ready for it to leave now.

    2. Oh, I meant that the walnuts are blended smooth as an ingredient added to your blender. I find they add a richness to the shakes. And who knows, in a few months you'll be cracking the shells off with your teeth. (If wishes were horses, etc...)

    3. Haha ok Florence... (and you are too funny) :)

  5. I also have the non-alcoholic fatty liver from too much sugar and sitting around, my favourite snack is chocolate :(
    Well, I'm supposed to be losing 40 pounds and I lost the first ten pretty quickly, no sweet stuff and three walks a day, but now it's cold and wet outside and I've been doing some serious back sliding on the diet, plus no walking. I haven't put the ten pounds back on, but haven't lost any more either. Time to knuckle down and get onto it.
    I hope your TMJD gets much better sooner rather than later and it's good you are taking better control of your diet.

    1. Hi River, thanks for reading and your comment. I'm sorry about your own fatty liver, I knew I couldn't be the only one out there with this. If yours improves, will you let me know? And thank you for the good wishes... right back at ya.

  6. I guess that having some problem is one way of losing weight. I know that I lost weight when I broke my neck. This was from eating less, but mostly from not drinking wine for about four months.
    It’s not the best method for shedding kilograms (or pounds). I wouldn’t recommend it.
    Alas, since then I’ve been back on the wine and the weight has returned, dammit.
    I hope your TMJ is fixed soon. It sounds awful.
    Peter, the Music Man

    1. Peter the Music Man, thanks very much for your kind comments; well, I'm sorry you got the weight back--but very glad it's because you survived that terrible accident. As some of your love of music has rubbed off on me, I'm hoping to get some of that luck of yours as well. :)

    2. Wow! 40 pounds? That’s huge weight loss! I’ve kind of stayed the same during this crisis... sort of... Well, maybe I’ve gained a couple of pounds, but my glucose went up, probably from not enough exercise. Sigh....


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