Tuesday, December 28, 2021

As 2022 approaches, Happy New Year from… wait, I haven’t decided yet

This past Thursday, returning home from a dental exam and teeth cleaning (of my remaining teeth that is) I looked thru my shuffle of mail, and saw I’d gotten a letter from Pennsylvania Agency of Human Services.

It said pending verification of my social security number, my application for public assistance—a monthly check, SNAP voucher (food stamps) and Medicaid was approved. 

It included my caseworker’s contact information.  Great, but--

I NEVER APPLIED FOR ANY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!  I called the number on the decision letter and someone named Ashley answered. 

I told her they had the wrong Douglas Morris, this must be for one of the other Doug Morrises in our city because I know for a fact they’re all losers. 

How do I know this?  Because over the years, I’ve gotten calls & threats from bill collectors for a $400 bar tab, bad checks written for a bicycle & auto tires, and one Doug Morris had the audacity to open and close a flower shop, owing money to a couple dozen customers & creditors.  Oh and one was arrested for DUI, I got his court summons.  Need I go on??

Ashley said she was very sorry, and the only reason this was sent to me (she thinks) was because HER Douglas E Morris was moving into an apartment and mine was listed as being one.  Huh?  Anyway, she told me it wouldn’t happen again and I said I know it wouldn’t, because the first thing I’m going to do in 2022 is change my name.  First last & middle, the whole shebang!

After I cooled down, I thought about this off & on over the holiday weekend.  And then yesterday (my laundry day), in between loads of wash, I ran into my neighbor Janice in the hall, asked if she had a nice Christmas, then told her about the new Doug in town, and how I decided to change my name.

I added that after much thought, I decided I liked Douglas enough to make that my new last name.  Now I just needed a new first.

She said “How about Mike?  Mike Douglas!”   I said “You mean like the actor married to Catherine Zeta Jones, or the 1970s talk show host?  I also have an Uncle Mike, my dad’s brother.”

She said “Ok, Steve Douglas.  No, Rob Douglas!”   I said “Believe it or not, I’ve got a brother named Steve and not one but TWO brothers-in-law named Robert.  Where are you getting these names?  Oh I know, My Three Sons!  Janice, c’mon!” 

Janice laughed and said “When I was born, my mother named me after a girl she grew up with who died.  I always said if I had a choice, I’d be Angela.”

I said “My mom wanted to name me after her dad who died when she was only 5, but my dad talked her out of it.  His name was A-R-R-O-L.”   Janice said “How do you pronounce that?”  I said “Like a stroke victim attempting to say Earl.  Well, I’ve always been partial to Paul.  I feel like a Paul.”

Janice said “Hey!  I like the sound of Paul Douglas!”  I said “So did 26 other parents in Pennsylvania, I already looked.”

So, after wishing each other a Happy New Year, I came back into my apartment and began washing dishes.  I thought, I want something short, but it had to be uncommon too.  As I was rinsing off a bent fork, it reminded me of Uri Geller, that 70’s psychic who claimed he could bend silverware with his mind.  A voice in my head said “Uri… not Uri… Ari.  Ari Douglas.”

That’s it!  I ran over to my computer, did a search for Ari Douglas in Pittsburgh.  None.  In Pennsylvania?  NONE.  In the US?  Okay there is one. Hmm… it appears he was run over by a NYPD scooter during the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011.  Oh man, a loser.  But wait!  Ari Douglas sued, and 7 years later won 145K! 

He looks like a winner to me!  Okay, to be continued… in the meantime, Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Hi Doug, or should I say Ari, goodness, you would think people would make sure they have the right Doug Morris before contacting you! I use to get mail for Mr. Robin Bailey due to the spelling of Robin (instead of Robyn) but that is about it. When we lived in Nova Scotia there was another Charles Bailey that lived in our small town so we would get phone calls for him. I distinctly remember one lady phoning insisting that Chuck applied for a church custodian job and she was calling to say he got it! Uhhh...I would have thought that Charles Bailey would have left his phone number!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
    Have a Happy New Year Doug!❤️

    1. Haha, glad to hear I'm not alone but I'm sorry you guys have had to deal with the same, Robin! Well, Pittsburgh has 4 Doug Morrises, and my state has around 30. I wrote this half kidding, but the more I think about it..! Anyway, thanks Robin and happy New Year to you too πŸ™‚πŸ’–πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  2. Well that was a grand bunch of freebies you almost got. The Medicaid itself is amazing. I have a friend on it and she pays nothing for health services. Let us know what you decide so that your posts don't go in to the spam folder by mistake.
    Years ago, I once went into my gynecologists office and was a bit surprised when the nurse led me into a back room for my "shots." Curious I said, "What shots." Seems my namesake (a high school music teacher) also used the same doctor and she was being treated for a venereal disease. After that they were sure to ask for my birth date before poking me with needles. Good luck on your new life.

    1. Oops, Happy New Year Doug. May it be a dandy.

    2. Haha, thanks Patti. My gosh, getting someone's venereal shots is a new one! Boy, in my hometown this would've been a big scandal πŸ˜„ thanks for sharing Patti, Happy New Year to you too! πŸ’•πŸŽŠπŸ₯‚

  3. Ari? Why not Apache? Where does Apache come from, anyway? (But you might get in trouble, like the Cleveland baseball team or Washington football team.) Or how about Douglas Douglas? (There's a Tommy Thompson, former governor of Wisconsin ... and I hear there's an opening next year for governor of Pennsylvania.) In any case, it'll be interesting to see what you settle on for a new name for the new year ... and thanks for the fun post!

    1. Thanks Tom! The Apache thing is a long story, having to do with some native American ancestry. As for a first name..! And I didn't share this, but I have an old friend named Paul Paulson. How do people arrive at these sort of things? Anyway, thanks again and this is not over! πŸ‘πŸ™‚

    2. We have a doctor in our church. His name is John John.

  4. Wow! That was a bunch of nice benefits that people fight to be eligible and obtain. You should keep your name: it's unique in that you're the only good one in the bunch.

    I was aware of a cafeteria lady with my name, who followed my docs, hospitals, and pharmacies. Different birthdate fortunately. She finally retired to Lake of the Ozarks. Not sure if she was taking any VD meds. LOL! Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, that other Doug Morris is getting great benefits and he's only 37! I'd like to know what his story is.. anyway thanks for the vote for my old name. And that's kind of funny about the cafeteria lady, I'm still laughing over Patti's VD namesake! πŸ˜„πŸ’•

  5. Wow, the other Doug Morrises in your area are an "interesting" bunch! Ari, eh? You don't look like an Ari, but do look like a Paul.

    1. Margaret, I appreciate that Paul endorsement, but there's just too many of them already. And it just hit me a few minutes ago, Ari Onassis. Now I like it even more. πŸ˜„πŸ‘

  6. Just add '(The Good One)' after Douglas E. Morris. It would be interesting to clap eyes on those other Doug Morrises. Poor 37 year-old Doug. He must be handicapped in some way. Anyway, Happy New Year, Doug E. Morris (The Good One).

    1. Haha, thanks Florence. I don't want to put myself on a pedestal, but I've never bounced a check or anything. As for recent welfare Doug, you have a point...he could be disabled or be facing some other difficulty, I just don't want associated with the crooks! πŸ˜‡

  7. I know what you mean, Dug, about googling names. When I was looking for a pen name for my book, I googled many... originally thinking Sheri Hart (my family called me Cheri when I was growing up but that's because my mom's family is all French). I didn't like it and they eventually stopped. But you can't imagine the things that came up under Sheri Hart... wouldn't want to use that name. But to be honest, I don't think there's a name out there that doesn't belong to someone. So good luck!

    1. Rian, this gave me a chuckle. I can just imagine about Sheri Hart. Well the important thing is, you DO have a pretty uncommon name already! πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ’•

  8. Why not just switch the middle and first names? and after you do that legally, you're going to have to contact EVERYONE you do business with. Banks, dentists, post office, utilities and so on. And you are going to have to show the document as proof. Is it really worth the trouble?

    1. River I honestly thought of that, doing the first middle name switch. I just figured, as long as there's still going to be a lot of hassle involved, I might as well shoot for the Moon and go all in! But you're right, the more I think about it.. I appreciate the reality check. πŸ™‚πŸ‘

  9. I'm sorry you have to deal with all those mix ups! I can see how aggravating it must be for you. Actually, I like your name plus it would be a real pain to change everything you would have to change! However, I do kind of like the name Ari...
    Happy New Year Doug, or Ari!

    1. Haha thanks Bonnie, I really have missed you. Now see, I know it'd be a huge hassle, but when I hear someone call me Ari... πŸ‘πŸ™‚. Happy New Year, my friend! πŸ’•πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰

  10. Ari is a nice name, but very ethnic. Why not call yourself Morry Morris? Nobody feels sorry for Morry. Heh heh.

    1. Gigi, you're too funny. I know Ari is ethnic, that's half the reason why I like it! I do like Maury (Morry), but it just reminds me of an old man for some reason. Thanks for your input! πŸ™‚πŸ’•

  11. This was a shocker, Ari - pretty funny yet I think you may mean it. I suggest Bryan Cranston's name from when he was on a soap opera, Douglas Donovan. I always loved it.

    1. Thanks Shawn but I'm so Donovan'd out I'd sooner go with Billy Banana Peel. Hope you, Jim & Sophia Lindon have a Happy New Year! πŸ™‚πŸ’–πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

  12. My vote is for McDonnell as in McDonnell Douglas. You might be able to bluff your way into some really ritzy parties.

    1. Ed, I do like that name! But I grew up being called McDougall by my grandparents, I have a feeling people would start calling me that again. πŸ™‚. Hope you're enjoying your holiday week. πŸŽ„πŸŽ‰

  13. I really like Ari! This was truly interesting, and I do hope your faithful readers will get to know what, if anything, you decide to do about your name. I once had someone with almost the same name as me in Boulder, and we had the same bank, which caused some problems, but nothing actually happened. She was lots younger than me, sort of like your young public assistance recipient.

    1. Thanks DJan, and I can actually relate to that close name situation you had. In my old apartment building, there was Douglas Morris, William Morris and Douglas Williams. We usually had to meet up a couple times a week just to sort our mail. Thank you for liking Ari, and I hope you have a Happy New Year. πŸ’•πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚

  14. You really shouldn't be left to ponder on your own. My goodness, man. The things you come up with.

    1. Debby,πŸ˜„!! This was probably the best advice I've gotten on here this week! Hope you have a Happy New Year πŸ™‚πŸ’–πŸŽ‰

  15. OH nooo... Now you've got me wondering what would go well with Douglas. This is fun actually. But gosh... Wouldn't you have to go to all kinds of trouble changing document information, bank account info, insurance info, etc. I wonder how that works. And hey... I'm going to use your previous post on mine for Friday because it happened to me last week too!

    1. Hi Kay, yes please feel free to use whatever you'd like off my blog--I'm honored! As for the name change, you're right... it would be a huge hassle, I was just fed up last week when I got mistaken for another Doug Morris for the 10th time! Happy New Year to you, Art & your mom!

  16. I don't know if you wrote this in jest or are serious about a Name Change? During the Adoption of my Two Grandkids their Caseworker told them both, without informing me, that they had the option of changing their Names! This said to a then 15 and 10 Year old was not something I particularly appreciated, since I'd never considered changing their Names Post-Adoption. The Young Prince messed with me and said he was going to change his to Crimson Rose! OMG, I almost had a Stroke right there and he laughed, told me he was just kidding, and you should have seen your Face Gramma! Anyway, he did change his First Name, but ran his options by me first, he was a Junior and was wise enough at 15 to realize getting mixed up with his Dad could cause problems for him later in Life. He kept his Surname and we all got used to his new First Name eventually... hard when for 15 Years we'd called him something else.

    1. What the--wow, this was interesting stuff, thanks for sharing Bohemian. Hmm... I admit when I wrote this, I was being half serious, half sarcastic, but the more I've thought about it, and then read comments like your own, I'm giving it serious thought again! I had a real chuckle over Crimson Rose!!

  17. The new year is a week old already, have you decided yet?

    1. Haha--River, to be honest I'd forgotten about it and planned to move on, then got 2 more pieces in the mail for the other Doug Morris yesterday. I'm so bugged!


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