Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Dragon Food & Democrats: Where the Friday takes you

This past Friday was my sixth anniversary of leaving the corporate world behind to pursue early retirement.  To celebrate said event, my good friend (and former coworker) Danielle got together with me for dinner. 

It was great seeing her, the last time I saw Dani in person was in August 2019 when I met her & her husband Josh at Lincoln Brewery.  That was before the pandemic, which makes it seem even longer ago than it was.

Anyway, we got General Tso & crab rangoons from Dragon-Town up the street from my apartment, and Danielle brought along some very fresh cupcakes from the bakery. 

We ate in my apartment, and since my small dining table is being used by my ceramic Christmas tree, and I’ve yet to assemble that coffee table under my bed, I asked if she wouldn’t mind sitting on the floor and eating off a blanket like a couple of hippies.  Can you believe what I put my guests through?

She presented me with this (very heavy) 5 starred coin, and said it was in recognition of my many years of hard work at UPMC Healthplan.  I said “Wow, for real?  They’re giving this to me after all these years?”  She said “Of course not, no one remembers you!  All of us got one of these recently, and I’m giving mine to you.”  I felt like the Cowardly Lion getting that hand-me-down medal of courage from the wizard’s bag in Wizard of Oz.  Oh well, I always liked getting company branded stuff—I still have a pair of dark blue coffee mugs we got when UPMC Healthplan hit 25,000 members umpteen years ago.  I use them to this day.

While we ate we talked about estate planning and who we should leave our stuff to, the various streaming platforms on tv (we agreed that Netflix has too much junk and Hulu is our favorite) and Michelle Obama.  We still love her, wished she had run for President in 2020 but her motto “When they go low we go high” needs tossed out with the baby’s bath water.

I’m sorry Michelle, but it hasn’t gotten us anywhere.  We think Dems should go lower instead, and hey—we should have a couple crazy low-lifes like Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene in Congress too, they pull no punches!

To be honest, as our chatting turned more animated (and more political) I felt the “old me” emerging again, someone I’ve been trying to keep buried in a shallow grave.  It seems the more bloggers  I’ve gotten to know online, the more I worry about stepping on toes.  A few weeks ago an old friend—well, not old but I’ve known this person since we were 9 years old—told me 1) they were Republican 2) they read my blog 3) I caused them discomfort over the anti-GOP stuff I’ve written here.

We haven’t talked much since, mainly because it left me tongue-tied.  The last thing I want to do is offend my friend, but it’s not like I’ve written anything I feel the need to apologize for either.  I’m a Liberal, dammit!  In fact, I have one liberal friend who keeps asking if I’ve gone over to the dark side yet because I never write anything here anymore.  I know he’s kidding, at least I hope he is.

Anyway, I’m just sitting here babbling.  I always get down in the dumps this time of year to the point it’s become a holiday tradition, and right now I’m not feeling motivated to do much of anything, let alone come up with an entertaining blog.  But I need to post something, I’m tired of looking at that photo of the two coats. 

Well, I think I’m going to close this up and make myself a cup of coffee, or maybe a cup of hot cocoa.  At least with my pair of vintage work mugs, I can have both.



  1. I'm with Michelle Obama. Surely you can express your views without insulting people who disagree with you, or calling them names. And if you're not offensive, then if they're offended it's their problem. No? Btw, I love that cupcake!

    1. Someone should have told Donald Trump this, about a thousand times! Well except for the cupcake part. 😉

  2. You have mentioned Danielle several times and always with love and appreciation. So glad you had such a fun get together and hey, as long as you are still young enough to get up without help, eating on the floor is fine and fun:)
    I do tip toe around my Republican face to face friends but luckily none of them read my blog so I feel free. Anyone else I offend just doesn't come back.

    1. Thanks Patti, Danielle is a good friend. She's a little goofy, a little mental, I'm not afraid to be myself around her. You actually remind me a lot of her, she even has a Cookie & Muffin like your Callie & Minnie. As for the tip-toeing, I honestly think of you when I try and do the same. See how you rub off on a person? 🙂💕

  3. I think one should abstain from talking about politics unless they have thick skin. Being sort of in the middle of the political spectrum, I frequently touch the buttons on both sides that cause political irritation. So...

    I think the Democrats should stay high although unlike Michelle's statement, I don't think they have done so. I think any politician who keeps the high road and stays on topic versus just stating they are not the other guy, is someone I would probably vote for even if I don't agree with them 100%.

    I'm pretty sure the Republicans can't get any lower than Trump. It would be interesting to see the Democratic version of Trump though I hope to never see either version in office during the remainder of my life.

    1. Ed I think you should go into politics and I mean that in the best way. You're as logical as you are diplomatic. I always enjoy reading your comments (both here and on others blogs). Thanks sir. 👍

  4. Glad that you invited your friend over for dinner. Sounded great. I used to be a liberal but now am conservative. I still like you. Lol.

    1. Gigi what the--!! Oh dammit, well I still like you too. Very much. 😄💕💕😄

  5. How nice to have lunch with a kindred spirit. I hope you had cushions for your picnic on the floor. (Note to self: pick up some cupcakes on my next grocery run.)

    1. Florence, I did have four pillows! As for those cupcakes we only had one each. 🙂

  6. Hi Doug, wonderful you were able to get together with Danielle. Six years since you retired, wow! I love the wide range of topics you two talk about.
    I am not crazy about this time of year either. My Dad LOVED Christmas and with him gone it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.
    Hope you enjoyed your cup of coffee/cocoa !❤️

    1. Thanks Robin, and yes I can't believe it's been 6 years either. I'm sorry about the loss of your dad, but I know just what you mean. Since our mom left us in 2004, Christmas was never what it was again. Hope you're staying warm up there. 🙂

  7. I'm very glad that you had a good time and interesting conversation with Dani. We all need times with long-time friends with which we don't have to share our back stories; they already know mostly everything about us. Doug, this is your blog and you should write what you feel and think--to heck with what everyone else thinks. If they don't like it, no one is forcing them to read! I love what you write and am always interested in your posts. Mine lately haven't been at all entertaining but they've certainly been therapeutic. My readers/friends have been so supportive. Like you!

    1. Margaret, thanks so much--I always enjoy your feedback, you manage to be kind while being very honest too. And that's precisely why myself and your other followers enjoy your own blog, you tell it like it is! I always find your posts entertaining, I bet the others would say that too. 🙂💕👍

  8. Combine the two and have a mocha :)
    Dragon food and cupcakes are yummy enough but I do think you should get that table constructed to impress your guests.

    1. River, thank you and I very much agree about the table! 🙂

  9. I don't remember when I first found your blog, probably because of a comment you left on another mutual friend's post, but I liked you immediately. I always enjoy your honesty, and as a fellow liberal, I like your politics. I try to stay away from it, but since it's everywhere these days, I guess it leaks out into some of my posts. I find your honesty really attractive. :-)

    1. DJan, you just made me blush with your kind words here thank you. And it's good to hear from another liberal right now, a couple of my more conservative friends weren't too pleased with my post here. 💕🙂👍

  10. I agree with DJan 100% and well... you know I liked you immediately too. You always sound like a comfortable friend I've known a long time, even though we've only known each other for a few years. You see...I can't remember when I've met you because it feels like I've known you forever. Anyway, I also love your honesty and am so very happy that you had this wonderful dinner on the floor with Danielle. That sounds like so much fun. I've been up to my ears in a gazillion things recently that my head is spinning. I'm hoping things are peaceful on your end.

    1. Kay, thanks very much for this sweet message. I remember how we met, I actually read your blog for a while before I had the courage to leave a comment. One day you had me laughing with Art's latest, I couldn't keep quiet anymore! Anyway I'm very glad we're friends, and I feel fortunate to be a part of the Musings community. I'm sorry about the gazillion things, and I hope your head stop spinning soon! 🙃🙂💖

  11. Dug, I probably grew up Conservative... although I have to admit our family was never too political and I have no idea whether my parents were Republican or Democrat... but being from Louisiana, I imagine Republican. However, after Trump... I would never vote or call myself Republican again. And I did like Obama (and Michelle) a lot. They are good people. And I think taking the high road is best. Doesn't always work out, but still think it's best.
    And I do think you should speak your mind on your own blog - seems like whatever one says nowadays offends some people. Maybe people get offended too easily these days...
    Anyway, I'm glad you and Danielle had a fun time. With the pandemic, there hasn't been too many fun times. Have fun, but stay safe.

    1. Rian, I really needed to read these words today. Thank you, I sure am glad to know you! 😊👍😊

  12. So glad Dani came by and you got caught up and she Gifted you with something meaningful from the Old Days and made you come Alive and be more authentic to Self. I think your Blog is YOURS and you should Write anything you want without regards to how it is received. People can and will find all kinds of things to be Offended about and if they lack the Maturity to just Agree to Disagree, then that is an Issue they can sort out with their Shrink or something. *Winks* It is awkward when a long time Friend's Politics go toxic enough that you end up having distance because of it, that has happened to me too when some got on the ReTrumplican Cult Crazy Train, it spoke volumes about them more than who they could justify supporting that was deeply disturbing to me. I'm okay with moving apart from those whose moral compass has gone so far askew that I wonder if I ever really 'knew' them and if they suppressed a lot of disturbing traits until it became Mainstream enough once one of their kind got into the Presidency and then they let it rip? Anyway, you DO YOU and those of us who enjoy your Blog and enjoy your Authentic Self expression will be able to handle it my Friend. I am a Moderate Independent so I've seen Positive things about Liberal and Conservative viewpoints that aren't extreme or bat shit crazy. What 45 represents is NOT Conservative, it is Fascist Lunatic Extremism and Anti-Democracy... I don't Care who I Offend who ascribes to that Cult, it's dangerous and has been so divisive and Hateful towards fellow Human Beings that it sickens me to my Core. Dealing with the Disease of the Pandemic is enough for most of us to Cope with, without the Plague of Toxic Politics being something else to worry about destroying our Nation and killing people too.

    1. Thanks Bohemian! Boy did you sum up Trump's so-called "political stance" great, among other things :^)

  13. You are a GD lib???? My god. Pleased to meet you. I'm one too. :D

    I will never understand people who see him as no worse than any other presidentin our nation's history. I believe that he was a clear and present danger to our democracy. I will never forget what he did in Syria after a phone call with Putin. I will never forget his stubborn refusal to condemn racists. His triumphant tearing off his mask to show us that Covid was a hoax. His whole presidency was based on self promotion.

    1. Haha! Debby--I am going to print & frame your comment, and hang it on my wall. SO WELL SAID, thank you!


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