Friday, January 7, 2022

A few days ago, there was this… and then this, and then this

A few days ago, my sister Shawn sent me this photo of my 17 year old niece Sophia and her cat Flynn.  She said Sophia had been busy in her puzzle workbook for over an hour, while Flynn sat beside her and watched the entire time.

I got such a kick out of this picture, and said I needed to come up with a reason to include it in my next blog.  Well, here we are a few days later and I haven’t come up with anything.  So I’m posting it anyway!

It seems I’ve been waiting for Sophia to have some sort of meltdown since she brought home her very first report card with all A’s and my sister whooped it up.

I’d think to myself sure Shawn, enjoy it while it lasts.  Because when Sophia becomes a teen who’s tired of cracking the books, and joins some chick gang where they wear white lipstick and hang out at the filling station or candy store, don’t say I didn’t warn you!  Thankfully, that never happened.  Soph is going to be a senior next fall, is still sweet & upbeat like she was in elementary school, and still cranking out those straight A’s.

Also a few days ago, I decided to make my very first withdrawal from my IRA.  It was only $3,000 but I wanted to see how simple the process was, now that I’m 60 and meet the age requirement for penalty free withdrawals.  They asked me three questions:  1) How much do you want  2) Would you like us to withhold 10 or 20% Federal tax for you 3) Where do you want your cash deposited.

I got my money the next day.  It still felt weird though, like I had no business touching those funds.  I’ve had this retirement account since my 20s.  

I told my friend Danielle about tapping some of that work-loot, and she said “Promise me you’ll do something fun with it!”   I thought “That’s not how it works Danielle, I plan to reduce the monthly sell from my personal portfolio by $250 to compensate for that 3K advance”  but I just laughed and told her okay, I will. 

Well, I have had this laptop since 2012.  I sure could use a new one.  Eye rolling smile

And finally, a few nights ago I was getting ready for bed around 1am, and thought I’d run my garbage down the hall to the trash room so I wouldn’t have to do it in the morning.  When I got down there and opened the door, I was surprised to see my friend & neighbor Opal inside (I haven’t seen her since before Thanksgiving).  I think we both jumped about a foot.

She said “You almost gave me a heart attack!”   I apologized and said I wasn’t expecting to see her at such a late hour either.  She said “All I’ve got on is this ratty robe and nightgown, I didn’t feel like changing so I just waited until everyone was asleep!” 

I told her it was perfectly acceptable to be caught wearing a ratty robe at this time of night and she said “Well it’s all I’ve been wearing for 3 days anyway!”

I asked her if she had a nice Christmas and she said yes, her and the kid (her 40 year old daughter who lives with her) went with Opal’s sister to Ohio, to spend a couple days with family there.  She asked me if I did anything for Christmas, I told her not really.  I got a couple slices of ham from the hot foods counter at Kuhn’s Market on Christmas Eve, made scalloped potatoes and raspberry lava cookies, watched a couple holiday movies.

Opal looked down and shook her head no a couple times, then chuckled a little.  She said “I don’t mean to laugh, but your life is so depressing!”  

What the—how do you respond to something like that?  I thought about wishing her a Happy New Year and asking her to pass my wishes along to Little Edie down the hall at Grey Gardens, but I just shrugged my shoulders and said oh well, and goodnight.


  1. I've waited until dark a few times over the years to wheel the garbage can out to the end of our driveway without changing out of pajamas. It never fails though, I can be out there for hours in normal clothes and not see anyone drive by on our dead end street but in pajamas, I always end up sprinting back to the darkness of the garage to avoid headlights.

    1. Ed, to me that's getting dressed up. I've run down the hall to the trash room late at night in my boxer shorts! And I just know that one night I'm going to lock myself out of my apartment! 🀐

  2. Well, those lava cookies sound delicious! LOL. Happy new year, Doug.

    1. Thanks Gigi, yeah those lava cookies are good. I wrote a blog about them a couple months ago! Happy New Year to you too my friend. πŸ™‚♥️

  3. What? Your life depressing? I'd say idyllic. And from a lady wearing a robe for three days? Ha! And well done Sophia on all A's!!! The world is your oyster, girl!

    1. Thanks Florence, I hope all is good with you! πŸ™‚πŸ’•

  4. I'm laughing a lot! Ok, for the kitty to pay attention to the homework so much tells me it's probably giving Sophia the answers! Maybe the kitty needs it's own laptop.
    At least continue to wear something when taking out the trash. 3 days for your neighbor being in the same robe is what's depressing, not you. Yes, spending some of that withdrawal on something YOU want; maybe a laptop for kitty. Cheers, Linda in Kansas

  5. I love the way cats are interested in what you are doing... or simply want you to stop and pay attention to them. Mine used to slap at my hands when I was typing on the computer or put their head or paws over the pages of the book I was reading. In the picture, it sure looks like the cat is fascinated by what Sophia is doing.
    As for your life being depressing... I don't think so. All our lives are a bit quiet at this stage - meaning retirement - and the pandemic makes it even more so - but I wouldn't have it any other way (well, minus the pandemic of course).

    1. Rian, thanks very much. I do lead a quiet life, but I like it. I also liked your feedback on my niece's cat, I thought of you when I saw this picture! πŸ™‚πŸ‘

  6. Loved the shot of your niece and the cat so intent. As for lady in a ratty robe for three days saying your life is depressing, I'm a little sorry you didn't say what you were thinking. That "Grey Gardens" was a pure zinger but you are a nice guy so I'm glad you didn't.

    1. Patti, thanks very much and I do feel a little bad for even thinking of that Grey Gardens comeback, but you're liking my zinger gave me a real chuckle! πŸ™‚πŸ‘♥️

  7. Hi Doug, I LOVE the photo of Sophia and Flynn! Both working so intently.
    Our retirement accounts (RRSP’s) are different here in Canada but similarish, is that a word?? We can contribute until age 70, then they have to be transferred to RRIF’s which you then withdraw from. We too have had our account for a long time. I hope you do buy something for yourself Doug!
    I agree with your other commenters, three days in a bathrobe??? That is sad. Your life is very relaxed and pleasurable, I think. Love the Grey Gardens remark! Ed’s comment made me laugh. The same thing seems to happen to me!
    Take care Doug.❤️

    1. Hi Robin, thanks very much for your feedback and I like that word similarish, I think it applies here. I know when I turn 72.5 (it used to be 70) I'll have to take RMDs or required minimum distributions so the government gets their tax money. So weirdly, the less I have of it 12 years from now, the better. Anyway, glad you like that Grey Gardens remark, I do feel bad about that but I'm glad people got it! You take care too. πŸ™‚πŸ‘♥️

  8. The picture of Sophia and Flynn is wonderful and I'm glad you shared it! I love how cats are so interested in what we do. I have one that watches me closely like that when I'm doing something that interests her. It's interesting to hear how smoothly your IRA withdrawal went. I understand your feeling about finally touching it. I am 69 and have not touched mine yet but I am wanting to move it and the thought of doing that scares me for some reason! When you are 72 you are required to take a percentage out each year and Tom and I want to move both of ours to a new joint account before we reach that age. We always scrimp and save so it is strange to think of spending some of it!

    Opal was a little rude to say what she did to you! I think what is depressing to one person is not at all to another. I'm sure many would consider my life to be very depressing but I'm happy with it and that is all that matters! Take care Doug, I love the way your blog is just like we are sitting down and visiting with you!

    1. Bonnie, I always enjoy your nice comments. And yes, the moment you said you were 69 I wondered if you knew about those RMDs. That's terrific that you've never touched your account, but boy the penalties for not taking enough out when you're 72 are very severe! I hope you and Tom are able to work that out! And thanks for your feedback regarding Opal, love it or hate it she is just a very blunt, honest person. I still like her though. Thanks again Bonnie! πŸ™‚πŸ’•

  9. Raspberry lava cookies? Do tell! My NYE was as depressing as it gets and yet somehow fitting for the past few years. Lonely and quiet. I think a new laptop is in order! It sounds so easy to get that money but I know what you mean; I have retirement accounts and AM retired, so why do I feel guilty using money from them? LOL

    1. Margaret, the recipe for those raspberry lava cookies are here on my blog and they are pretty darn tasty! I'm sorry about your NYE, to be honest I was just glad to still be here to see 2022 come in. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy! πŸ™‚♥️

  10. "monthly sell" "personal portfolio" those words are so alien to me. I know they have to do with investments and savings, but that's all I know. I'm not an A student and left school at fifteen. Also, you need to put more than one black line through those numbers. I can still make out what they are!
    Congratulations to Sophia for all those straight A's and for the brainteaser bookwork. I've looked at those types of books but never bought any. I'm happy enough that I can still work out the "easy" crossword in the daily paper.

    1. River, I don't know as much about investing as I sound like, believe me! As for those numbers I blacked out, I don't think they were particular to my accounts after I reviewed them further. But I'll keep that in mind for next time because I do share too much! And thank you for the nice words about my niece, my sister told me that was actually a crossword puzzle book she was working in so you would probably feel at home with it. πŸ™‚♥️

  11. Wow to Sophia! What a smart and gorgeous young woman. I can see why you are all so proud of her. Doug, you are so knowledgeable about finances and stuff. I'm like River. I know nothing. I know nothing. Thank goodness our daughter is really good at it. Well, it's her field anyway.

    And as for depressing... sigh. We didn't do much of anything either. We had sushi and octopus for Christmas. We had Panda Express for New Years. For our anniversary which (would you believe?) is the day of the Insurrection we just had a McDonald's breakfast with my mother after she got a blood test done. We are a funless bunch. Ah well... And for Opal in the bathrobe... no cools at all. You, on the other hand are very cool, Doug.

    1. Kay, you are way too funny and kind! And I don't think anyone finds you (or Art or your mom) funless or depressing at all, look how many people follow you guys, I'm one of them! πŸ™‚. Thank you so much for the nice words about Sophia, she really is a smart and beautiful young woman. But I know for a fact her uncle is not that cool. 😎♥️♥️

  12. Kudos to Sophia, turning out well is every Parent's Dream Goal on raising Children. I don't know that everyone appreciates different Lifestyles and how Contentment can be had with almost any of them if it's a good fit for you. Opal may be the type to think one needs lots of stimulus in Life for it to NOT be depressing, I dunno? I've often heard some complain of Boredom in Life and wonder, with so much anyone can think to do, why would you ever be Bored and not find something? It depends on a point of reference I guess... and perspective entirely. Especially during Holidays a lot of people associate it with lots of activity, gatherings, doing too much... so if you opt not to, they can't see how that was satisfying and preferable?

    1. Thank you Bohemian, very nicely said and much appreciated! πŸ‘πŸ™‚

  13. For Christmas we got a take-out turkey dinner from our local diner. So in my book, with scalloped potatoes and raspberry lava cookies, you're living the high life!

  14. Such a cute photo of Sophia and Flynn!! I am a huge cat fan and I am also from Pittsburgh! I am now following your blog! I look forward to reading more of your life - it sounds level-headed but definitely not boring! Cudos for the first withdrawal!! HUGS

    1. Hi Annster, thanks so much for your nice message here! Very nice of you to say and I'm especially glad to meet someone from Pittsburgh (and a fellow cat lover, haha)! I look forward to talking to you again. :^)

  15. I think it is always interesting that people feel entitled to judge another's life. Her comment was simply rude. The proper response to that would be a mild, "that was uncalled for, really..." and go on about your business. I kind of think someone who says right out loud that she's been wearing her PJs for three days straight hasn't got a good reference for what constitutes 'boring'. But, hey...that's just me.

    1. Thanks very much Debby... I felt petty after sharing it here, but I must admit that comments like yours did make me feel better, so thank you. :^)


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