Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I’ve never met a Christian woman I didn’t want to choke… a little

Isn’t that an awful title?  Now before you shake your head in disgust and click off of my blog in search of something better, at least read my disclaimers:

1) I don’t consider the act of choking someone the same as strangling them.  You strangle someone to death; with choking, all you’re doing is choking some sense into them!

2) I don’t just have it in for Christian women.  I could easily replace that category with siblings, Republicans, former bosses, former Facebook friends, school bullies, Biden fear-mongers, Donald-Trumpers.  I’ll get around to all of them sooner or later, I promise.  But for now…

At 9:27am on Saturday morning, I knocked on my neighbor Janice’s door who lives up the hall from me.  She has a 2 bedroom apartment, where her larger bedroom is on the other side of MY bedroom.  Janice opens her door and greets me in an out-of-breath whisper, like a librarian running behind schedule.  She’s a boxy, dark woman who puts me in mind of Theresa Merritt who played Mama on That’s My Mama.

  • ME:  Good morning.  I wanted to tell you, one of your kids, the 7 year old I’m guessing, is waking up around 7am and kicking the wall behind his bed.  I’m not a big sleeper-inner, but I would like the option.  Maybe he’s an early riser and bored waiting for the other two--
  • HER:  They are not my children.  They are God’s children, and I am their foster caregiver.  I have children of my own, but they’re adults now and live far away.
  • ME:  Yeah, anyway one of your foster kids is kicking that wall behind my bed.  Maybe he could go into the livingroom and read a book or look at tv until everyone else is up?
  • HER:  My rules are firm, no television until 9:00am.  The children are in there now, watching cartoons and eating their cereal.  Did you know I am a minister of God?
  • ME:  Yes, you’ve told me before and so have a couple others here.
  • HER:  And your name is… Douglas?  Your birth name I mean.
  • ME:  Uh… yes.
  • HER:  The Good Book teaches us to love thy neighbor.  Are you familar with it?
  • ME:  If you mean the Bible, yes.
  • HER:  Wonderful.  Douglas, I want to pray for you.  At my next service.
  • ME:  It’s really not necessary, but thanks.  Anyway I thought I’d come to you first before calling Steiner…
  • HER:  I hope you have a wonderful day.  (She closes her door.)


Janice this isn’t over.  Furthermore, this whole “praying for me” nonsense is ticking me off.  A couple weeks ago I sent an old friend a birthday card.  This is someone I worked with in the early 90s and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen since then.

She sent me a thank you email, and included the following in her message:

“I know you don’t believe in God but I pray for you everyday and will continue to do it, I don’t care if you like it or not!”

I’ve been hearing that for 30 years.  I NEVER SAID I DON’T BELIEVE IN GOD.  I said I don’t follow any organized religion.  Furthermore, I said that 30 plus years ago!  For all she knows, I’m a Buddhist monk now! 

I am a white man, free of debt & disease with a nice stock portfolio.  Surely she knows of someone (or ones) far needier and deserving of her prayers.

A few weeks ago, an old friend and former classmate decided it was time I knew she was a Conservative.  After picking myself up from the floor, I said “Well, at least you have the decency and smarts to have NEVER defended or supported the godawful monster that is Donald Trump”  and she said “As a matter of fact I did support our former president.”

After getting myself up from the floor again and asking how is this possible, she said “Well, I’m a Christian.  I don’t expect you to understand.”   SHE’S RIGHT—I DON’T!

But I care about her and if I ever find religion, I’m going to pray for her.  Angel

Finally, my dear Aunt D.  For the first 35 years I lived here in the city, she would ask me the same question everytime she saw me.  It always went like this:

  • HER:  Douglas, I neglected to learn the name of the church you joined after moving to Pittsburgh.  I’m assuming it’s Methodist in denomination, but you tell me.
  • ME:  Aunt D, I have not joined any church since moving to Pittsburgh in 1987.
  • HER:  WHAT???
  • ME:  Furthermore, I’m not exactly a Christian.
  • HER:   WHAAT?!!!

For a long time it bothered me to no end.  Then a few years ago, after developing TMJD (to the extent I lost 65 pounds as I was unable to eat for several months), she expressed so much worry & concern about it that I fibbed to her the Christmas before last and told her my TMJD had mostly healed. 

She said “Oh, praise Jesus.  Praise Him!”    If it makes you feel better Aunt D, I will.



  1. Although I'm a registered Republican for caucus night participation rights anyway, I never could bring myself to support Trump. Still, if we meet in person Doug, I think I will be wearing some sort of metal collar with spikes around my neck just in case you want to choke some sense into me!

    1. Haha! Ed, for once I'm at a loss for words... 😅👍

  2. Well, at least that frustrating exchange birthed an entertaining post! Sure hope the kid stops kicking your adjoining wall. Maybe he's trying to escape. Or pretending the wall is Jennifer. I love these little real life dramas, Doug. Thank you, thank you for my morning chuckle!

    1. Haha, thanks for your comment Florence! Funny, he's only kicked the wall once since I said something to her. Maybe she talked to him, I hope so! 🙂👍

  3. Great Title, Dug... really grabbed me! I started laughing before I even read the post. Now don't get me wrong, I was and still am Catholic, but don't go to any church anymore. I've come to have my doubts about any 'organized religion' these days. But all that's besides the point. For a self-called Christian, your neighbor certainly wasn't acting very 'love your neighbor'-like. (Aren't YOU her neighbor?) And her saying she will 'pray' for you sounds like the way people say 'Bless your heart'... and are really not 'blessing' anything. ;)

    1. Rian, what a great response--thank you! I'm glad you saw the humor here, I'm waiting to get a tongue lashing from someone who doesn't appreciate my lopsided sense of humor. 🙂👍👍

  4. This is a great post--gave me smiles but also grimaces of frustration. Do you think the child will keep kicking the wall? I really used to like people more than I do now and thought more of their intelligence and kindness.

    1. Margaret, I feel like I'm listening to myself with your comment here! I feel just the same about people what you just said, thank you. Well the kid hasn't been kicking since the night before I went over there, so maybe my prayers have been answered. 😉♥️

    2. Because of course god is forcing that kid to kick/not to kick the wall. ;) That's the illogic of her position. ARgghhhh!!

    3. Haha--wellll, maybe she just didn't appreciate some stranger dissing on her kid. One time when I was a kid, a woman in my mom's beauty shop told her I chewed gum like a cow chewing it's cud. If Mary Jane, the owner of the shop hadn't stepped between them my mom would have brained her! So I do get the defense posture.. if that's what it is. 🙂

  5. That kicking the wall had to be maddening. How did she not hear it? So glad for what ever reason it has stopped. Had to laugh at you speculating that your prayers were answered. People are so on edge these days and it doesn't seem to bring out the best in them.

    1. Patti, her bedroom is on the far side of that apartment, the two bedroom units are like mobile homes so there is no way she heard him. I think I got her a little riled up, then she maybe said something after she calmed down.. I guess? But yes the wall thumping was maddening! 🤕

  6. Not sure if this would work or not...but it might be funny. When my son was young, we lived in an apartment and his bedroom backed onto the neighbour's master bedroom. He complained to me that they occasionally woke him up by banging on the wall. I told him to bang back....that stopped it. So, maybe you could do the reverse, start banging as though there is some hanky panky going on and perhaps Janice will decide to move the kid to another room in the apartment. :)

    1. Hi Maebeme, and thank you for your advice! I think I'm going senile, why the heck didn't I think of that? This is definitely what I'm doing the next time that kid starts kickin'!! 🙂👍

  7. Hi Doug, goodness, you do have interesting neighbours! I see when your answered Florence’s comment you stated you have only heard the kicking once. Hopefully that will be the end of it.
    Seems like you have a lot of people praying for you!😆
    Enjoy the rest of your week.❤️

    1. Robin in all honesty I heard that little guy kicking the wall behind my bed when I was answering Patti's comment. Maybe he was being forced to take an afternoon nap or something! Anyway, when you have a hundred neighbors in one building, I think there will always be something to comment about! 😉 Thanks Robin I hope you have a nice week ahead too. 👍

  8. As the old saying goes: Thank god I’m an atheist. Also that I live in a far more secular country than yours. I seldom come across Christians (at least ones who say they are) except for a few politicians on TV (the main one will be voted out in a couple of months – I hope).

    1. Peter, thanks for sharing--its good to hear from you. Well, I like that old saying, I may have to adopt that one. Interesting about you not coming across a lot of Christians, I always thought Australians were an ornery bunch on the whole! 😉👍👍

  9. Dear Duggie,
    1. You need to pray harder. That's all anything takes. (Jeepers, what bizarre rationale.) If prayer worked, we wouldn't need divorce.
    2. If you kick the wall back, the kid might think it's a new game. Be careful.
    3. Have some cotton balls at bedside to stuff in your ears.
    4. If all else fails, play LOUD "christian" music in a hole that you "accidentally" knocked in the shared wall.
    Good luck, grrrrrr, you tried to be neighborly, and I HATE it when folks bring up their god as the reasons for whatever is happening.
    Linda in Kansas

    1. Thanks Linda, you're too funny but good advice too. I am wearing earbuds to bed! 🙂👍👍

  10. I don't follow any organised religion either, but if people want to pray for me, I don't mind.
    As for the kid, I say, kick back. If Janice complains tell her you thought she said it was okay to be kicking walls early in the morning. Can you move your bed to a different side of the room?

    1. Thanks River! I wish I could (move the bed) but the room is long and narrow, the bed just wouldn't fit. I've been lucky the last couple nights, but if it happens again.. I'm not going to stay silent! 👍🙂

  11. I cannot abide people who introduce Jesus into a situation that doesn't require His participation. You had a complaint. The woman introduced Jesus to derail and dismiss your complaint. She sounds like an asshole and you will find them scattered throughout virtually every faith, I'm sorry to say. On the flip side, there's also plenty of godless assholes.

    They should get together and start a group. Maybe get t-shirts. That way the rest of us would know who they are.

    1. Debby... Will you marry me?! 🙂👍♥️♥️

    2. I'm afraid that would be very big 'o me. LOL!

    3. Wait was that a yes or a no? Haha :^)

  12. I don't think religion is important, which is why I don't go to church. However, I do believe in God. Anyway, I hope that kid stops kicking your wall. That is one person I would choke!

    1. Gigi, I don't know if it was your intent, but thanks for the chuckle! 😄

  13. This was all very entertaining! I enjoyed the comments as much as the post, and that's saying something. I've pretty much had it with people who use religion as a way to justify their small mindedness. And I LOVE Peter's phrase, I never heard it before but I'll use it now.

    1. Thanks very much DJan, I gotta say I really have too (enjoyed these other comments), including yours. When I wrote this I was full of a lot of emotion and worried I'd be crossing some lines. Thank you again. 🙂♥️

  14. LOL! LOL! But I wanted Duggie to marry ME! I must make apple dumplings to catch him! After he gets the kid to stop kicking the walls. Linda in Kansas

    1. Haha! Thanks Linda, and I'm a sucker for apple dumplings! 😋😋

  15. I never quite understand how Christians can also be Trump supporters, and I'm saying that as a practicing Christian. Okay don't kill me now!

    1. Joey you're the last person I'd kill! I like you too much and you're precisely who I believe a Christian would be, NOT a Trump supporter!! Thank you! 🙂👍👍

  16. Support and the defense of IQ45 'because' she's a Christian is quite the oxymoron and I'm with you, who could 'understand' that one?! She does need the Prayer more than anyone she might be allegedly praying for. People who allege to be Christians and who are supporting devils disciples seems to be a new Fad now apparently. Like Debby, I also cannot abide by people who introduce Jesus into a situation that doesn't require His participation... being sanctimonious when their conduct is unbecoming is such a typical response tho'. I'd start kicking your side of the wall like all Hell in response, just a thought. *winks*

    1. Haha! Bohemian, I always enjoy your way with words, thank you! 🙂👍

  17. You know I consider myself to be Christian but I generally stay away from organized religion these days because of all the politics mixed up with it! If that kid keeps kicking the wall I would go to you landlord about it. Besides disturbing you, I'm sure he is not doing any favors for the wall! You might be saving him the cost of repair work on that wall. Take care Doug!

    1. Bonnie my friend, I was being a little dramatic with that title, but if we ever met in person I'd have to change it. Well, more and more I'm thinking my neighbor said something, there's only been one kick the last few mornings. Maybe she read my blog! Thanks for chiming in here Bonnie. 🙂👍♥️

  18. Oh good gosh, Doug! I had to check in to see what you were up to. OMG! This is one of the rare times that I actually laughed out loud. You and Art would get along so well together. He’s taking a bath right now. When he gets out, I really have to read your post to him. You know I’m Buddhist. My mother taught me that I can’t really pray to have God change things. It is what it is. We can pray for strength and wisdom to help cope with a situation, but you can’t change what is. It bothers me when people who manage to escape a disaster says, “God saved me.” That implies that all the others who perished weren’t worthy of God’s attention. And then there’s those football games where the team prays that they will win. Why should God help their team win over the other team? Sigh… I can go on and on. This time, I had to read all the comments because they were all so much fun to read. Great post, Doug!!!

    1. Kay, thanks so much!! I wrote this tongue in cheek, but I gotta admit you brought up some good points--I don't want to disparage anyone's religion, but we just can't assume everyone is on the same page. And I totally agree about praying for victory before a game! 🙂👍👍


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