Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Microblogging, Teepee Style: Five little things from this past weekend

Isn’t this a great idea?  Instead of sitting here twiddling my thumbs, trying to come up with a topic blog-worthy to write about, I can just mash some odds n’ ends together from recent people, places & things swirling around in my brain or on the news.

And just like that, I’ve got a new blog available, suitable for reading, framing, or lining the cat litter box.

So, away we go…

1. This past weekend… Lisa Murkowski (the GOP senator from Alaska and one of the few GOP senators with half a brain) thanked Joe Biden for shooting down a mysterious, cylindrical object hovering over Alaska.

For some reason, the spaceship from the movie ET. the Extra-Terrestrial came to mind.  I sure hope this gun-happy country (more like gun happy planet) didn’t shoot down E.T.! 

2. This past weekend… I did my taxes early to take advantage of a 30% discount promotion I got in the mail from Turbo-Tax (that expires Monday, February 13).


After doing said taxes, which took 2 hours and 44 minutes because their online software required me to re-type my banking information and the 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B & 1099-R forms already downloaded by them, the 30% discount promotional code I received in the mail was rejected as invalid. 

The code was:  LYAYPYCVBEC5G8.  I entered it 6 times before calling the help number, only to be put on hold for 35 minutes.  I finally gave up and pressed the ‘Continue’ button, I couldn’t throw away nearly 3 hours of work!  I hate you, Turbotax.  I HATE YOU SO BAD.

3. This past weekend… Nicholas Colasanto, who played Coach on Cheers, died on this date, February 12, 1985.  He was 61 years old.


I mean no disrespect, but he was only 61 years old?  I thought Coach was a lot older.  I’m 61 years old.  Do I look like an old man?  I’m not an old man!

4. This past weekend… I watched the movie Tar starring Cate Blanchett, a drama about the Berlin Philharmonic’s first female maestro and came upon a startling realization.

Many actors have looks, many have talent.  (I dislike Tom Cruise, but I won’t deny the man has talent.)  Cate Blanchett has more; looks and talent and genius.  My God, this woman IS a maestro!  I didn’t look away the duration of the film.

5. This past weekend… I watched this too.  I don’t know what it was, but this young man has talent up the proverbial ying-yang.

Apparently Zhou Shen has become a big deal in China, and deservedly so. But he’s a 30 year old man!  How in the world—I’m reminded of that quaint custom the Catholic Church had 200 years ago, when they castrated boys before puberty to keep them sopranos for life. 

Well, you never know what China is going to come up with next…  Eye rolling smile


  1. That was a fun journey through the deep dark corners of your mind, Doug. What fun! I guess I'll have to watch Tar.

    1. Haha--thanks DJan, but I'm afraid those corners aren't that deep or dark! And my gosh yes, watch Tar. It's your cup of tea. :^)

  2. Oh my goodness, I thought the Canadian version of Turbo Tax tax prep software was pricey at $40. I haven't bought it in years, and use another companies version - currently discount to me for $21.99 (plus tax). I hope you're getting a refund.
    That young man has an incredible (and surprising) voice. I hadn't heard of him, or the particular Catholic church barbaric practice before. The former is quite the surprise, the latter, not so much.

    1. Thank you Maebeme, I think this is karma at work here--for years when I was working, I always used the free tax software as my taxes were so simple. (I'm single, own no property...) Now that I'm retired and have to live on retirement withdrawals, dividends & capital gains... you have to pay for investment reporting assistance, and I am! As for the Catholic ritual, these boys were known as the Castrati... it was a real thing.

  3. Interesting! Sorry about your Turbo tax woes; but why am I not surprised πŸ˜•

    Regarding Zhou Shen, the male falsetto voice has always mystified me. I enjoy listening to Schola Cantorum music (Baroque era) and at a local concert I noticed a male signing is the soprano range! But his speaking voice was deep. I looked on Wikipedia, and there is a long scientific explanation of how this can be done. More than I wanted to know, but interesting nevertheless.

    Happy ❤️Day! Hope you get to enjoy some chocolate πŸ˜‹


    1. Hmm! Carole, thank you for that interesting info about the male falsetto (that just intrigues me to no end). And your advice is right on--chocolate would be perfect, I'm going to the store! :^)

  4. I've also heard some swearing about Turbo Tax. I have my taxes done since they're fairly complex but John and my daughter have both had issues with it. That would be SO irritating! I too assumed that Coach was in his 70s or even 80s. How could he only have been 61??

    1. Thanks Margaret--if it wasn't for my investments, I'd be doing them (for free) on my own. So many forms now. Just angers me that Turbo keeps trying to get you to sign up for Credit Karma, etc, WHILE you're trying to focus. I'm going to send them a mean letter. As for Coach, I did look him up this morning; I guess he had some alcohol & heart issues. What a shame. :(

  5. Haha. Not bad for a medley of topics. So glad you watched "Tar." Cate Blanchette is terrific. If she wins the Oscar this year, it will be her third to date. Great actress. She has no peer.

    1. Thank you Gigi, I almost tried to contact you after seeing that movie it was brilliant! I 100% agree about Cate Blanchett, there is none better. πŸ†

  6. DH uses Turbo tax. We generally just buy it at Best Buy for $50 and do it online... early too. Never had a problem, but our taxes are pretty simple. Will have to check out Tar... and that young man's voice is fantastic (he doesn't look 30).

    1. Thanks Rian... I'm curious do you guys buy the Deluxe TurboTax or Premium? I know the deluxe is a lot less, I buy the premium because of my investments. Maybe next year I'll buy the PC software from Amazon or Best buy too.

  7. I absolutely love TurboTax. I bought the deluxe version at Costco for $40.00 which included one state. I had no problem entering all my information. I filed online and the federal was included and the state was $10,00. The whole process took less than an hour.


    1. Well David, that's probably what I should have done. I don't know if the deluxe version handles investment forms though? Regardless next year I'm skipping the online stuff!

  8. Don't you dare let TurboTax get away with cheating you! Keep calling, email or write to them but don't stop until you get that 30%! Tell them I'm boycotting them till they treat you fairly! ;-)

    1. Haha! Thank you Bobi! πŸ˜„♥️πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  9. I like your teepee pattern at the beginning. I thought you were getting a new pillow. I think the 61 year old actor lied about his age. I use a CPA that friend recommended so I don't get my nerves pissed off. Mine are pretty simple, but I know it's done correctly. Being ripped off is one thing I HATE. Try the Best Buy ones next year. As an old Band kid and former music therapy major, I'm not sure I can handle the movie about the maestro. My old band director had just enough perfectionist emotions in him for us to get the job done and still love and respect him. I'm not sure ET can phone us with all of the new smartphones. If they did shoot down aliens, they sure wouldn't allow it in the news. Strange how they're now saying they can't find the debris from the Alaska and Lake Huron downings. One news bit said the first shot didn't hit the Lake Huron one. Makes me wonder about our military capabilities. Linda in Kansas, where only cow-tipping and UFOs occur.

    1. Linda, you do know I enjoy reading your comments a couple times over? And I know you're being honest here too! πŸ˜„. Really, thank you for the fun and good info! πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ‘

  10. Not ALL the planet is gun-happy, thank heavens. Fortunately, I live in one of the countries with really strict gun laws.

    I’m glad I don’t have to pay taxes any more.

    Coach was 61, eh. I look like an old man, but then at 77 I am an old man.

    It’s good to see the rest of the world catching up with Cate.

    Like everyone in the clip, I was pretty gob-smacked by Zhou Shen.
    These days in the classical world there are counter tenors to sing the parts written for the castratos (castrati?). Perhaps he was trained in this discipline.

    1. Thanks for your comment Peter - I truly envy places like Australia, New Zealand, Finland when it comes to arms. Why can't we be as smart? πŸ˜• I also like your observations about that young Chinese man, I should try to find out more about him. πŸ€”

  11. Micro Blogging! Good idea! 61 certainly is not old! Filing taxes -- my brother uses Turbotax but my sister and I fill out and mail in the old fashioned paper forms as we did fifty years ago. I know -- we are still in the stone age in some ways. Happy Valentines Day!

    1. Florence--cough, sputter--when it comes to micro blogging, who do you think inspired me the most?? Haha! As for your old-school paper tax filing, good for you! I used to do that too, I swear--until I put all my savings into the stock market and had to start dealing with dividends, capital gains & cost basis on sales. :^( Happy Valentines Day to you too, my dear :^)

  12. Valentine Day and my taxes aren't filed! This is a first. I moved to an independent living facility and I'm independent of the rest of the universe. The super went out today and jumped my car, so I guess I better get a grip on myself and do something I should do.

    1. Thanks for sharing Joanne, this was actually the earliest I've done mine in several years--hmm, you just shared something interesting I'm planning on blogging about soon (independent living facility). More & more, I'm getting curious about pursuing that. I hope your car is okay :^)

  13. I used Turbo Tax for about five years. Last year my return was rejected for errors. The letter from the IRS did not list what exactly was wrong (like a line number which would have been helpful). I had the same phone experience you did, hours in line. I finally called a local CPA and had him straighten it out. We are just going to him from now on. AND the error was in our favor, thanks government.

    1. Holy Audit, I'm sorry you went through that Miss Merry. I'm starting to wonder why I even used them again. I actually have an old friend that's a CPA, maybe next year I'll follow your lead. Thank you for sharing! πŸ‘

  14. I also thought Coach was much older, Cheers is from last century, so I just assumed. 61 is way too young to die.
    We Australians are quite proud of "our" Cate Blanchett. There is an article about her in our newspaper today, saying she is taking a little time off to rest up. I think she deserves a break for sure.

    1. River, I didn't even know Cate Blanchett was Australian until earlier tonight! I'm sure you guys are very proud of her, she is one in a million that's for sure. πŸ™‚❤️πŸ‘

  15. Hi Doug, wow, what a rip off, Turbo Tax! All that work and no discount. We had a few years of complicated taxes so have been taking ours to an accountant for the last ten years. Our perception of age changes as we get older. When we watched Cheers I remember thinking why is an older man like that working in a bar? Now being nearly that age I don’t think he is old!
    Take care Doug.❤️

    1. Hi Robin! Thanks for sharing, this was interesting as I had no idea if Canadians filed taxes too, how often, etc. As for Coach, you're a nice person. I still see him as old. πŸ™„πŸ™‚❤️

  16. Replies
    1. Tom, I am on the phone with my doctor and you just made me laugh out loud! πŸ˜†

  17. It appears people are having trouble with TurboTax. 2 friends have used it successfully for many years and this year it is not going as smoothly. My CPA does the taxes for me and there is never a problem. Yes, to Cate Blanchett, beauty, brains and talent! This seems to be the era of "things in the sky" that "must" be shot down. I do not know if I should laugh or cry. China is full of anomalies, expect anything!

    1. Oh really! That doesn't I am calling them back, thanks Susan. I really should think about going to a CPA, my taxes get more complicated it seems. Your China comment made me laugh, thanks Susan! πŸ™‚πŸ‘

  18. We used Turbo Tax (not online) for years with no problems. Since our taxes became more complicated, we have used a local accountant known to us. There's been a blip or two along that way (it's still worth paying attention), but it's really nice have a CPA to help sort things out if needed. Fight the dirty, rotten scoundrels for that discount! Good luck. Kim in PA

    1. Kim, thanks for chiming in. I've missed hearing from you! Well this is another sign that I should probably go to a CPA next year versus TurboTax. I appreciate you sharing! πŸ™‚πŸ‘

  19. My funniest memory of Coach on Cheers is when he said his nickname had been Red. They responded with a" why you don't have red hair" and he responded
    "I read a book".

    1. Haha! Thanks for sharing, GA--I should watch some of those old Cheers episodes... :^)

  20. Kay of Musings: I really found this interesting and fun, Doug. As a matter of fact, there was a murder of a 63 year old couple and the News called them elderly. Excuse me. I’m 73 and I still don’t consider myself elderly. πŸ™„

    1. I'm sad for the couple, but elderly! Wow--well Kay, I'd hardly consider you & Art elderly either. πŸ™‚

  21. AND we haven’t even thought about taxes yet. Arrgghh! 😫

  22. Hi Doug, It was an absolute delight to find your comment on my blog yesterday. Yes, I have so enjoyed your comments on DJan’s blogs over years and years. 😊 Your take on things is so often exactly like my own. Now, this is a very cool post. Great idea to take and “mash some odds n’ ends together from recent people, places & things” … I may have to steal this concept! 😊 Amongst the items mentioned this time … OMG, so sorry to hear about your experience with TurboTax. I have been using them for years and it seems like every year there is some sort of kink to work out. Next, I think you just gave me the movie to stream this weekend … Tar. My next stop will be Prime Video to see if it’s available there. Thanks for sharing your blog and for your kind comment on mine. Have a great weekend Doug. John

    1. Hi John! You always leave such nice comments (I read them every Sunday on DJan's blog) so reading your words on my blog this morning was a real treat. Thank you for the kind thoughts, and I don't have Amazon Prime so I don't know if Tar is available there but I hope you get to see it. It's brilliant. Nice talking to you, and I sure hope you have a good weekend too. :^)


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