Friday, March 21, 2025

“It’s for the birds” applies here in more ways than one

On Wednesday a few of us from the Lutheran Center took a little road-trip to visit the National Aviary.  The day started out pretty chilly (around 40F) but 5 seconds after this photo was taken, I was in a rainforest setting and wishing I’d brought my loincloth.

I was kind of bummed that none of my peeps (Evvie, Mary, Debbie, Geraldine, Dennis) elected to go; Dennis yelled “It’s not an eating trip, Doug!  I like eating trips!” 

Well Dennis, I will have you know that I enjoyed the best grilled chicken & bacon wrap of my life at the Aviary’s Kookaburra Cafe—so there!

Weirdly, my phone—my NEW phone stopped taking pictures in color towards the end and my chicken wrap only came out in black & white!  I was really bummed about this, you know how I am about my foodie pics.

Here’s a few boring pictures of my visit there.   I really think the aviary is someplace you have to visit in person to appreciate fully—some of these birds really astonished me with their personalities.

These 2 GIANT tropical birds kept shouting “Hello boy!” & “Hello down there!” 

I honestly believe this peacock believed it was directing human traffic

I liked this one passageway with dozens of paper mache birds hanging from the ceiling

One of two toucans here, a woman kept trying to get this one to say something.  I said “I don’t think toucans can speak” and she said “What about Toucan Sam?”  Um…. that’s the cartoon mascot for Fruit Loops.
Speaking of dodos, I really liked this oversized oil painting of a dodo bird
These 2 bald eagles were beautiful, but I felt uncomfortable seeing them in this cage.  (The staff assured me they’re happy here.)
This pink flamingo is much prettier in person—right around the corner, there was 20 more, standing at attention
I think the penguins were my favorite exhibit—they would wait until all eyes were on them, then go crazy with splashing water at us

And finally, my delicious grilled chicken & bacon wrap with tomatoes & purple onions—my camera suddenly stopped taking color photos and I still don’t know why.  (I fixed it on the ride home by doing a phone restart.)  The End!


  1. Really great pictures, Doug. I am glad you were able to fix the phone so easily.

    1. Thank you DJan. I must've jostled the controls somehow at the end of the day without realizing it. Too many options get in the way of taking a picture!

  2. That looks like a fun trip! I used to frequent the north side and would pass the aviary all the time. I used to sing with the Pittsburgh concert chorale and in 2002? I think we had a concert at the aviary where I got to sing a little solo. We then got to walk around. That was a fun day. I know the aviary has branched out into having events like weddings and parties and whatnots…and just my warpness coming through..but you could get a chicken the aviary? Ha!


    1. Thanks for sharing Beth, that sounded like a really nice memory. And I was not aware you could hold functions there, what a great idea! As for the chicken wrap, haha yes I did consider the irony of eating a bird while there... :^)

    2. That looks like a really fun trip, Dug. But you know how much I love birds. I would have loved to go on that one. And those eagles were looking up... like 'let me out'... although those particular eagles might have never known free flight. And I think penguins are adorable... and playful. And sorry about the foodie pic... black and white just doesn't do it.

    3. Thanks very much Rian, I know you're dealing with a lot of things right now yet you take the time to read and leave nice messages, and it is much appreciated. Well, I know you love birds, and I wish you could've been there with me. This type of outing is more fun with friends. :^)

  3. I think your black and white foodie pick looks very dramatic- worthy of the NY Times food edition .
    In the UK we have several wetland
    sanctuaries for birds - beautiful places and the birds can fly away if they want to . Your pictures look great - and I am sure the birds there are very well
    looked after and loved

    1. Siobhan, I'm seeing my chicken wrap in a whole new light. And thank you for your other kind words, these birds can't fly away but I was still very impressed with the people who worked there. You could really see the love. :^)

  4. I believe that many of the aviaries/sanctuaries take in birds that were injured or are born in custody. I'm sure the eagles and the rest would be happy to be out in nature, but they are safe there and what a wonderful experience to see them.
    Toucan Sam had me howling with laughter!

    1. Maebeme, thank you I appreciate you sharing that (about injured or birds born in captivity). Well, these ones did seem very content. There was a lot of love there. And yes, Toucan Sam really made me stop & think for a minute! :^)

  5. I love birds; they are so varied and SMART! The Toucan Sam remark by that lady made me blink. I mean, what?? I would love that outing and would also enjoy your wrap!

    1. Thanks Margaret, gosh you're so right I had no idea how brainy a lot of these birds were. That wrap was EXCELLENT and I admit it, when we sat down to eat I googled Toucan Sam to make sure she wasn't referring to something else :^)

  6. I went to the zoo for the first time in 50 years last summer and I was enthralled! Much like you at the aviary. I don't think I ever saw a real flamingo until that day and I think they are the greatest color I have ever seen. Not pink, not orange, not coral. A color that can't even be captured on film. I want to go back, just to sit and stare at flamingos.
    Your friends missed a great lunch. The best meal I have had in years was at the cafe at the Cleveland Museum of Art. I think we may go back for our anniversary. In addition to cheeseburgers (and all that other cafe stuff my husband loves) they do a themed meal and the month we went it was Monet. I had Beef Bourgeon over noodles with greens and vinaigrette dressing ($14). It was absolutely delicious.

    1. Miss Merry thank you and yes you summed up that flamingo so well--I think I'm so used to seeing the plastic ones, I had no idea just how magnificent those creatures are. Well, your museum lunch sounded wonderful (and surprising), that's how I felt about the aviary. They had all sorts of hot & cold things, mine was hot and really delicious.

  7. I would have loved the aviary! Were the birds making a loud racket? Spring is here and they do like to advertise themselves. And your grilled chicken & bacon wrap sounded wonderful! So glad you are feeling better and up for these fun adventures. ❤️🦉

    1. Florence, thank you and you HAVE to know who I was thinking of when I was among all those birds--you!! I really could've used your photographer's eye on Wednesday. And yes I forgot to mention how noisy it was with the screeching, clicking, yelling, whistling, you name it--but they sounded happy, and I sure didn't mind. I wish you could've been there. :^)

  8. I’m with Dennis – eating trips are preferrable, but I’d have gone anyway. Also, you couldn’t have kept the A.M. away, she a real bird person.

    You mentioned the Kookaburra Café. Did you see any kookaburras? Or more likely, did you hear any? They’re very distinctive.

    Oh boy, the toucan lady. Shakes his head.

    I think it was self-justification when the staff suggested that the bald eagles were happy there.

    1. Peter you always manage to give me a chuckle, thank you. I'll be honest here, I didn't even know kookaburra was a real thing--I'm going straight to google! 😄 Well Music Man, I'm sure this aviary was tame compared to the birds in your neck of the woods, but I would've enjoyed you and the AMs company...

    2. Norma (the A.M.) asked over lunch, “Oh, did Doug go back and look for kookaburras?”
      I had to admit that I didn’t know.

    3. Peter I didn't return to the aviary but I did read up on them on Google. You Australians have all the cool named critters. 🙂

  9. That sounds like a fun trip. Dennis is funny. He only goes when there's food?

    1. Thanks Debby, but the best part of the trip for me was sitting with a couple ladies and listening to their life stories over lunch. As for Dennis, yes there must be food, a place to smoke and booze on the menu 🥴

  10. What a fun outing! I’m glad you got your phone fixed…if we’re going to see pics of you in your loincloth, they better be in color!! XOXO

  11. A great day. The eagles perhaps are rehabbed from accidents and not able to be returned to the sky.

    1. Thank you Joanne, and I certainly hope that was the case... 😔

  12. Beautiful birds. I love penguins, too. Your wrap sounds delicious. Fun trip, Doug, Gigi Hawaii

    1. Thank you Gigi, it wasn't Hawaii but at least it felt like it a little! 😉

  13. Hi Doug, definitely my type of outing.Your photos are wonderful. I was going to ask too if it was noisy but Florence had the same thought. Having never seen a flamingo in real life I didn’t know they had pinky/orange legs and feet! When we visit Niagara on the Lake we often visit the Butterfly Sanctuary there. It is extremely hot too! Glad you enjoyed yourself. Have a good weekend.❤️

    1. Thanks Robin, you're very kind! Okay, I'm surprised what you said about not seeing pink flamingos in real life, I know you know a lot more about birds than I do. It was a beautiful bird, and I'd love to visit the Butterfly Sanctuary someday. If I ever get the chance I will let you know, it would be awesome to meet up with you & Chuck too :^)

    2. Just let me know when!❤️❤️


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