Monday, March 17, 2025

Sometimes I’m good with change, sometimes not so much

Have you switched to a smartwatch yet?  Or do you wear a regular watch and wonder if you’re the only one who still does.  Up until 3 days ago, that was me—all I owned was a couple of Timex watches.   But more & more I felt like the odd man out.

(I would say I felt like the old man out, but I’ve seen these gadgets on just as many seniors wrists as I have younger ones.)

I began checking out these gizmos on Amazon, and thankfully don’t own an iphone so I didn’t feel compelled to buy a $749 Apple Watch.  COME ON, THAT’S A LOT OF MONEY.  The one I selected pairs with my Android phone, has 12 different clock faces, records my steps, takes my temperature, monitors my sleep, heart rate & blood pressure. 

A link to the watch on Amazon is RIGHT HERE.

There’s 50 other functions it supposedly does, but I haven’t gotten around to figuring all that out yet.  I doubt I ever will. 

I really like it.  I haven’t started wearing it full-time yet like you’re supposed to, but it’s very comfortable on my wrist and shares it’s readings with an app on my phone called “Da Fit”. 

Amazingly, it only cost $24.95.  I hope those $750 Apple Watches can dance circles around this one!

The other day I was at the market, bought a quart of 2% milk and in 2 days the milk had gone sour.  I was FED UP.  This same thing happened a couple weeks earlier, and I just assumed I wasn’t keeping my fridge cold enough.  I set the interior temp to 37F, and no longer put my milk in the fridge door.

So when it happened again last week, I said “no more” and began looking at alternative sources of milk.  I know my store carries regular milk, 2% and skim, lactose free milk, 5 varieties of oat milk, soy milk, almond milk.

My friend Diana said soy milk played havoc with womens hormones, and according to the folks on Reddit, almond milk was either too sweet or too watery.  So oat milk it would be. 

I was happy to see it had a “Use Buy” date of 3 months (!) and rubbed my hands together in glee at all the cold cereal I’d soon be eating for breakfast again.

Okay, it’s been 5 days and the verdict is in.  First of all, I can’t get used to the color—it’s a murky tan.  Secondly, it’s so… thick.  And I only bought the regular oat milk, I can’t imagine what the ‘Extra Creamy’ would be like.

Also, something about it’s texture keeps triggering my gag reflex, and reminded me of that stuff a snail leaves behind.  I’m headed to the store right now for some good old fashioned 2% dairy.  

The last time I was there I told the cashier about their milk souring in just a couple days, and she told ME to keep my receipts from now on and bring it back if it doesn’t last at least one week.  I will do that. 

If anyone has any other suggestions, I’m listening… but honestly, I don’t see myself giving up the cow’s stuff again!


  1. Hi Doug, wow, that is a snazzy watch! I am still a regular watch wearer. 90% of the time I forget to bring our newly acquired cell phone out with us so I definitely am old fashioned. Hope you can figure out what is happening with your milk. I tried oat milk probably twenty years ago and wasn’t a fan. The milk I buy is micro filtered. It seems to last quite awhile. Maybe you have something similar in the states??
    Take care!❤️

    1. Now see Robin, if I had known you were a regular watcher like myself, I might’ve held out a little longer. 🙂 Okay, I don't know if my store sells micro filtered, but I like the sound of that already. Thanks Robin, I'll let you know. 👍❤️

  2. Your watch is a nice fashion statement, Doug. And wow, what a bargain! Have not worn any watch myself, since retiring. Like Robin does now, I used to buy micro filtered dairy milk. Tastes better and lasts much longer. Never heard of soy milk affecting women's hormones. And I'm a woman who drinks oceans of the stuff. 😄 I would suspect that dairy milk might do that though. ❤️🦉

    1. Thank you Florence I was hoping I'd hear from you regarding the milk. I will look for that micro filtered tomorrow. As for the watch, I guess I don't need one at this point but I just feel naked without one. Maybe I'll get some actual use out of this thing. 😉 PS Looking forward to your next blog 🫶

  3. I haven't worn a watch or a Fitbit since I retired. I do carry my cellphone - it shows the time if I need it. I'm pretty sure I rely on that thing more than I ought to.
    We drink 1% (at my son's) or 2% (at my daughter's). I've learned to never take the carton from the front of display. I'll reach as far back as I can to grab a carton. I suspect it isn't your fridge isn't cold enough, it is the cooler at the store. With the door opening and closing as people get their own carton, I'm sure it doesn't stay cool enough.
    I've only ever tasted almond milk and would agree it is rather sweet.

    1. Thanks for sharing Maebeme, I almost forgot about those Fitbits! As for the milk, it's definitely the store--they don't even keep it in cases, just open shelves. I both reach for the back -and- look at the Sell By date. For years I bought my milk at the drugstore and not once did it spoil before I drank it. That drugstore closed 13 months ago, boy I miss it.

  4. I use oat milk in my tea and coffee, having switched over from soy, which kept souring on me after a few days. I love oat milk, though, and use half and half at the coffee shop for my americano (er, I should say my canadiano). I'm so pissed at our ridiculous tariffs, etc. I wear an Apple watch but don't think I paid anywhere near that much for it. Yikes! (I looked up my SE version, which is around $200.)

    1. Hmm, thanks for sharing DJan--interesting to know about the soy milk. I use half-and-half too for iced coffee, but I tried it on cereal a couple weeks ago and won't be doing that again. And good to know not all Apple watches are over $700. :^)

  5. Cool watch but I have enough trouble negotiating a phone.😉
    You might want to try shelf-stable milk to keep in the pantry for emergency use, it lasts for months with no refrigeration. (There are plant and cow milk varieties, my store keeps it in the aisle with hot cocoa mixes.)

    1. Bobi, thank you--I am making a note of this to ask my store Mgr tomorrow. As for negotiating these gadgets, I need an online class or two 😄

  6. Perhaps it’s because I’m old, but I own a watch that just tells the time – hours and minutes, not even a second hand, let alone the date.
    It doesn’t need winding, it doesn’t require changing batteries, it’s solar powered. I’ve had it for more than fifteen years without a glitch (oops, tempting fate there).

    I don’t have an IPhone or equivalent. All my phone does is make and receive phone calls (and text messages).

    I only get regular milk, full cream, and it seems to last the requisite time. Perhaps Australian cows are more contented than American ones.

    1. Peter my friend, I own a solar watch too and was going to share a picture of it here. I bought it a year ago thanks to you! As for your cows being more content than ours, haha I believe it 100%. 😄

  7. I got the Apple watch mostly for its fall detection and a few other health things. With milk, I've been all over the place - real and alternatives, never chose one. Of real milk it seemed the Horizon organic (ultra-pasteurized) lasted the longest for me. I now live near a dairy in central PA - with the old style glass bottles! - so am trying to support them. My gut isn't as happy as it is with non-dairy though. Like so much - too many choices. Kim in PA

    1. Thank you Kim and you are very fortunate; ultra pasteurized was the first dairy milk I was looking for as I know it lasts substantially longer. Wow and glass bottles too! I would happily support them as well. I'm going to really scrutinize the dairy case tomorrow. 👍

  8. Hi Doug! I stopped buying dairy milk years ago! I’ve tried most of the alternatives and my favorite by far is Silk Unsweetend Coconut Milk. Great with cereal!

    1. Silk! I saw that! Thanks Jase, if I see it at the store again I will give it a go. Great idea thank you Commander🖖😎

  9. I drink my skim milk. I would probably keep an eye on the temperature in my fridge. You can get those thermometers that take outside temperatures and you can read it from a monitor in your house. There is a wire to the outside. Heck, they probably have some fancy wireless thing too, but I'm the odd woman out on technology.

    I do have a smart watch. It also syncs with my smart phone. TBH, I don't use all the gadgets. I use it to count my steps. I use the water prompt to remind me to swig water. And of course to see what time it is. I don't care about the rest of the things it can do, tbh. I got Tim his first smart watch at the same time that I got my new one. He likes it quite a bit. He did not think he would.

    1. Debby is this you? I saw Tim 🙂. Listen I got one of those temperature / humidity gauges for my refrigerator a year ago. Actually I got two, one for my bedroom. My fridge does work great it is definitely the market that is not keeping their dairy case properly chilled. Okay thank you because I'm going to see if my own watch has that water prompt, I really do need that. As for skim milk all I can say is I tried!

  10. I meant to say, run the wire to the inside of your fridge and just keep an eye on it to see if your temps are fluctuating.

    1. I do know mine doesn't fluctuate, it's at a constant 37° F 😬

  11. I was going to tell you how to make oat milk at home, but you have a better solution: refund!

    1. Haha thanks Joanne. I just don't think oat milk is for me! 🤢

  12. My kids all have those smart watches, but I just can't have a watch that is smarter than me!
    That is odd the milk keeps souring. I would bet that somewhere between the dairy and the shelf it is not being stored properly! I am a plain old white cow's milk myself and can't stand the look of those other milks either. I think the save the receipt method is best and if they get enough returned, maybe they will check into the improper storage.

    1. Miss Merry, thank you--you're a kindred spirit :^) I admit the watch makes me a little nervous, not sure I like being monitored, we'll see. As for the milk, it didn't happen all the time (go sour in a couple days) but 3 times this year is plenty enough. I am going to be vigilant about those returns.

  13. Dug, I stopped wearing a watch after I retired, but now I have an Amazfit band 7 (an older basic version ) that my son gave me a few years ago. Think it cost about $35. It does do a lot of things, but what I use most is the steps, the sleep info (I have mild sleep apnea), and the fact that it buzzes and lights up when I have a phone call (and says who it's from) when my phone is 'somewhere' in the house and I can't hear it. It also can give you your heart rate and oxygen level, etc. (Gave me an alarm today when my heart rate went up to over 103 today, but that's due to our present situation).
    And as for the milk, we use lactose free milk (100% whole) and it tastes the exact same as regular milk, but lasts forever (or almost). We use Mootopia - but there are many other brands that are probably just as good. And I've tried almond milk, cashew milk, silk, and soy - didn't like any of them. Really like whole milk!

    .. which is an Amazon watch.

    1. Thanks very much Rian, I had no idea you were so technically up to date. I appreciate the lactose free milk suggestion also, I've seen that and wondered what it was. I think i'm gonna try it. Rian, you've been on my mind a lot these last couple days. You and your family are in my sincerest thoughts. 😔

  14. I really, really like Fairlife milk. It tastes good, and more importantly, it seems to last much longer than other brands. In the past milk seemed to smell a little "off" to me even when it was new. But Fairlife never smells like that. It's higher in protein than the average milk. You should try it!

    I'm interested in your watch. I, too, have an Android phone and never considered that they had compatible smart watches! Thanks!

    1. Also, it's lactose-free, so maybe that's why it's better.

    2. Thank you Jennifer, I've added Fairlife to my list of milks to look for! I have a feeling that lactose free is the way to go. And I'm glad you like my watch, just don't try to set it--it took me a good hour or so to learn you have to download the fit app to your phone first and THAT sets the watch 🙂

  15. Hi Doug. Good move on going with a less expensive smartwatch. I don't usually wear a watch at all but I do have an older Timex "regular" watch that I wear occasionally when I don't want to be taking out my phone to check the time. Now, for the milk situation. (You knew I couldn't let that one pass :) My wife drinks oat milk and has for a long time. She previously preferred cashew milk but it was a little harder to find consistently. You might try that one. I only drink soy milk and I really enjoy it. It is practically identical to dairy milk in color, taste, and nutrition. PLUS, it has been linked in studies to prostate health for men. Try it--I think you'll like it. And remember, cow's milk is for baby cows not people.

    1. Don, thanks for sharing your own watch experience (gee I wasn't as alone as I thought) and I really appreciate what you had to say here regarding the milk--I'd love to try the cashew milk (my store didn't have that). But I will give the soy milk a go! I am all about that prostate, and yes you're right about that baby cow stuff. Thank you again. :^)


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