Thursday, July 21, 2022

“Hello you’ve reached the A&P Hotline—so what ails you?”

I saw on the news recently where the Suicide Hotline has a new number now, similar to 911 for Emergencies.  It’s 988, and it’s a pretty wonderful thing. 

At the same time, I can’t help but feel we need an A&P Hotline for folks 60 & above who are living in some discomfort, but also live alone (or maybe bent the ears of friends or family a little much already)—the Aches n’ Pains Hotline. 

I suppose the Hotline would be manned by volunteers, my only request is that these volunteers also be 60 or older.  I’m looking for a sympathetic ear, not someone who’s doing eye-rolls on the other end or responding to my A&Ps in a condescending or patronizing manner!

A&P:  Hello, A&P Hotline.  What ails you?

ME:  Hey A&P.. oh I shouldn’t be bothering anyone with this, the last couple weeks have just been a little rough, that’s all.

A&P:  That’s what we’re here for—go ahead, I’m listening.

ME:  Well, yesterday I had a pretty bad gallstone attack.  They never last longer than 2-3 hours, but it’s my third attack this month.  It’s been a couple years since I’ve dealt with these, so I’m hoping they go away like before.

A&P:  My sister-in-law had gallstones, she had to have her gallbladder removed! 

ME:  I hope it doesn’t come to that!  Anyway, that’s the least of my problems.  A few days ago, I began experiencing TMJ issues—jaw disorder pain in my left jaw again.  Ugh it scares me.

A&P:  You had it before?

ME:  Yes, a more severe case in December 2018 after getting oral intubation during kidney surgery.  It lasted over two years and I wound up being involuntarily committed after an opioid overdose. 

A&P:  Heavens!  What do you suppose brought it back?

ME:  I don’t know, I think a combination of stress and too much jaw crunching—eating hard things.  A couple weeks ago I bought a very pricey chair online that wasn’t what I expected, and it took 15 calls to Wayfair to get things sorted out and returned.  It was a thousand dollars, I’m still waiting for a refund.

A&P:  And what kinds of hard things have you been eating?

ME:  Well, the first week of July I went on Amazon to buy a veggie chopper and a milk bottle brush.  Amazon said “You’re just $3.75 away from qualifying for free shipping.”  So I looked around and added a box of Belvita Breakfast Biscuits to my Amazon cart for $3.88.

When I got my order a few days later, they didn’t send me a box of those biscuits—they sent a CASE!  So I’ve been doing more than my share of munching and I think they’ve really aggravated my jaw muscles.

A&P:  I enjoy those Belvitas myself, but they’re more like dog biscuits than cookies!  You should have a cup of hot coffee nearby for dipping.  That and a soft piece of fruit makes a fine breakfast.

ME:  Okay, thanks I’ll do that.

A&P:  Will an over the counter medicine like Advil help your jaw pain?  They do wonders for my back.

ME:  I can’t take Advil or even aspirin for that matter.  I’m on two meds for hypertension and Advil makes my blood pressure skyrocket!

A&P:  What about Tylenol then?  I’ve read it’s not good for the liver in the long-term, though.

ME:  I’ve read that too.  But I don’t think a couple would hurt on occasion.

A&P:  Okay, great!  Now don’t forget my suggestion for enjoying those Belvita Biscuits, take care now!

ME:   I will, thanks A&P!  Nerd smile