Friday, August 13, 2021

Your office days are never far behind you, y’know

No one tells you when you retire, you’re essentially trading one office for another.  (Or in my case, another and another—and another.)  Yesterday afternoon I went to my dentist’s office, for my “Four Month Exam & Cleaning”.  I was told I’d be working with their new dental hygienist, Kaylee.

This young woman suddenly came bounding towards the front desk where I was standing. She was small but athletic looking and had a big blonde ponytail on top of her head.  I swear she looked like a white version of Simone Biles, in scrubs.  She said “DOUGLAS MAY I CALL YOU DOUGLAS?  I’M KAYLEE AND YOU’RE MY FIRST PATIENT!” 

I said “Hi Kaylee, so when you say first patient do you mean first ever, or first today?  Um…. how old are you?”  

She laughed and said “I LOVE IT, GUESS!”  I said “Over 16 I hope?”   She tossed her head back and laughed again.  “THANK YOU!  I’M 21 BUT I’M FEELING MORE LIKE 40 TODAY, MY MOTHER HAD TO DRAG MY YOU KNOW WHAT OUT OF BED THIS MORNING!  WE SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY I WAS BORN JUNE 10 2000 AND SHE WAS BORN JUNE 10 1980!  HOW OLD ARE YOU DOUGLAS?”

Old enough to be her mother’s father.  Omigod that means I could be this young woman’s grandfather. 

As Kaylee picked and clawed at my teeth & gums, she prattled on.  “WE’RE MORE LIKE SISTERS THAN MOTHER DAUGHTER YOU KNOW.  I MEAN, WE BOTH LOVE CLASSIC TV.  FRIENDS, SEINFELD, FRIENDS—“   Suddenly I heard the voice of my favorite conservative, my dentist Dr. Shannon.

“Well, how are you young man!  It’s so nice to see you!”  I told her likewise, and she said “So Kaylee tells me you STILL haven’t had that dead tooth removed from the back.  Douglas!”  

When did Kaylee tell her that?  She’s been talking to me this entire time!  I apologized profusely and promised to have an oral surgeon pull it soon. 

Dr. Shannon said “I also hear you have a new smart phone!  Your first one, right?  Well congratulations!”   I thanked her and fished the phone out of my pants pocket.  As I handed it over for her to look at, it vibrated.  She said “Douglas you better take this, it’s from Mercy Hospital!” 

I said okay, wondering if her and Kaylee would excuse themselves and leave.  Nope!

When I said hello, I heard this:  “Douglas Morris?  Please hold for Dr. Ahman.”  A couple of clicks and then a male voice on the line.  “Mr. Morris, this is Dr. Marvi’s office, I’m Dr. Ahman.  Where have you been?”  I said “Well, today I’m at my dentist’s office and—“ 

He cut me off and said “You went to the Emergency room on June 25 and you never followed up with your PCP.  The attending physician reported you had very high blood pressure.” 

I said “Well, I spent that night in a lot of pain from kidney stones, so maybe that’s why my blood—“  The doctor cut me off again.  “Those factors were taken into consideration.  Are you taking your… carvedidol as prescribed?”  I said yes. 

“Then you need to come into the office and be re-evaluated.  I mean ASAP.  How does Tuesday August 17 look for you.”

I said “Well Doctor Ahman… I have an appointment with my urologist on Wednesday the 18th, the very next day.  Since his office is only one block from yours, and to get there I have to catch 2 buses and walk another 4 blocks uptown, if you could see fit to let me come in on Wednesday I could kill two doctors with one stone.  That’s a joke, but you know what I mean.  Instead of killing two birds with one stone, I meant—“


I let my phone drop in my lap.  I suddenly noticed the room was very quiet, except for the loud rain pattering on the windows.  I felt a hand rest on my left shoulder, and saw Dr. Shannon’s long manicured fingers there.  From behind me she said “Take a deep breath…  now take another.  After Kaylee finishes up with you, come out front and talk to Nina.  You have a chipped filling and I want you back here next week young man.  Try for Thursday, got it?”

Sure why not… I’ve got nothing else scheduled for that day.


  1. Seriously... Doctors' appointments Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday... you are very accommodating, Dug. I would have called one (or 2) back and rescheduled. Unless all were absolutely necessary and important that they be done without delay, I wouldn't put myself through that. But that's me. You know what is best for you.

    1. Rian, I feel just the same--but my prescriptions are out on my blood pressure & pee pills, and both docs are insisting I come to the office since I haven't been there since the pandemic--I'm stuck!

  2. Oh Doug, don't you hate it when they do that to you! I got one of those calls the other day and I have to see my PCP Tuesday or no more refills on my meds. But that is just one appointment. I feel for you with three! You are so right about trading one office for another when you retire. It's like we suddenly become professional patients for a variety of different kinds of doctors and it gets worse as you get older! I am still catching up on appointments from the pandemic and now it looks like the pandemic is starting all over again.

    I'll give you a hint on using your smart phone. Anytime you have an appointment put your phone on silent before you go in. You will still get messages and when you are back home you can deal with them on your own time. I get way too flustered trying to deal with what you had at your dental appointment! Good luck next week!

  3. Thanks Bonnie! By the way, "professional patient"; I love it. You know, when I was younger I swore I would never get on all these pills and now here we are. And thanks for the tip about the phone, that's why I set it from ring to vibrate, I just wasn't expecting my dentist to be holding it. Live and learn! 🙂

  4. Good grief they are tracking you down. Do kind of know what you mean by all the appointments. If it weren't for doctor appointments, not sure I'd have that much of a social life:) When ever I get a free week, it is like the old working days facing a 3 day weekend. Whee.

    1. Haha! Thanks Patti, and I have to admit I thought "Well, it's getting me out of the house at least!". Still wish I could consolidate the 2 doctors though, it's not a great part of the city. 🤐

  5. Appointments are the bane of my existence, and I can't imagine getting to them without a car. Yikes.

    1. I suppose I need the exercise anyway Margaret.. Oh well!

  6. Just this week I had 3 appts in two days but I had made up my mind I was going to get it done and I did! They all worked out fine and now I am appt free for six months. I think I would appreciate a doctor that cared enough to follow up with me.

    1. Thanks for sharing afcg, I was trying to put a humorous spin on it but I really am grateful I have a doctor (a couple of them) and health insurance. (But I'll still be relieved when this week is over!)

  7. Gosh you are in for a busy week! Why would you have a dead tooth pulled if it isn't causing any trouble? Keeping it means your gum and bone won't shrink away. Unless they want you to have an implant in its place.

    1. River that tooth in the back is 95% under the gumline, just a tiny sliver of tooth on the top. (It broke off in January and they "sanded it down" to make it comfortable until it was pulled. My dentist said it's much more prone to infection but yes I feel as you said. Darn it!

    2. I have a couple exactly like that and they are not causing any trouble at all, one is recent, the other has been there ten years.

    3. Thank you River, I appreciate you sharing that. I'm not in any hurry to give up that last molar. :)

  8. Wow Doug! You are a very popular guy. ha!

    1. Haha thanks Sue! But the sooner it's over the better :^)

  9. Gosh, Doug, I really feel for you with all those appointments. And it does seem a little scary that the doctors are so aggressive. You don't want to mess with high blood pressure, though. You are a good writer, and I felt like I was right there next to you in the dentist chair! :-)

    1. You're very kind, thanks very much DJan. And I know you're absolutely right about the high blood pressure, I need to take these things more seriously. I'm not looking forward to the week, but I'm not going to grumble about it either. :^)

  10. Hi Doug, wow that was quite a dentist appointment!
    Your description of KAYLEE was so perfect I could just picture her.
    I hope you get everything resolved with your blood pressure meds.
    You have a busy week next week!
    Take care.

    1. Hey Robin, thanks very much! Maybe I can get a picture of Kaylee for the next time (she's a sweet, hyper character)! And thanks for the good wishes I hope you have a very good week ahead too :^)

  11. Oh ouch with the tooth, Doug and ouch with that doctor. There are doctors and then there are doctors. I hope the guy you see has a good bedside manner. Art had one doctor that I would like to have kicked his shins. Luckily our doctors at the military hospital have been so friendly. Do be careful with your blood pressure though. My mom used to take simvastatin twice a day. When we changed doctors, he switched her to Amlodipine just once a day and it made a huge difference.

    1. Alright you just made me laugh here, thanks Kay! But I'm glad I read this before Tuesday, thanks for sharing. I'm going to ask about your Mom's drug if it's only once a day.

  12. Your Kaylee sounds adorable. I’ve got a young hygienist who treats me almost like a child saying, “That’s good. You’re doing such a good job. This is going to be a little uncomfortable now…” and so on and so forth. Sometimes it almost makes me want to laugh, but I love the guy.

    1. Kay, that's too funny how you're talked to--and sure sounds similar to what I hear! (I also think it's funny how my 37 year old dentist calls me "young man"). But like you, I love my dentist too :^)

  13. Oh, my! That is just awful. All those medical and dental appointments all in a short period of time! I feel your pain, Doug. I have high blood pressure, too. I really should readjust my medication. I take Telmisartan, but my BP is still high. Oh, well, if one thing does not kill you, something else will. I would rather die of a stroke than from cancer. Pick your poison.

    1. Thanks very much, Gigi. To be honest, these appointments this week and the high blood pressure issue made me think of you because I know you wrestle with it too. I'll just be glad when the week is DONE. Also I know what you mean about dying of stroke and cancer, it's a morbid thought but I feel that way too! Sometimes I read about somebody dying in their sleep, and I can't help it think they were lucky. Oh well!

  14. Definitely keep that blood pressure under control ‘cause you don't want to need the services of someone in my profession. As for Dr. visits, they used to be incidental activities in my life, but somewhere along line they seemed to take on greater precedence. I kinda like the idea of getting as many off as I can, scheduled in close proximity to one another. Then I can have long periods of time without medical appointments. The dentist used to be mostly teeth cleaning twice a year but in recent years they’ve increased. I just want to keep my teeth — no false ones or implants. I am beginning to feel like royalty now with all my crowns, but I sure could forego the root canals though.

    1. Thank you Joared, trying to see this week in a more positive way. :^)

  15. I need to start scheduling regular doctor's appointments but just haven't yet. Going to the dentist twice a year is traumatic enough as it is.


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