Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Haunting old places: so this must be what a ghost feels like…

Recently, thanks to the internet, Zillow & a bored but inquisitive mind, I came across something I’ve wondered about but haven’t seen in thirty years.  

My first real apartment in the city that I got on February 1, 1989.  I wasn’t quite the hermit I am now, I was in my twenties, dated a bit and family visited on the weekends.

And then on the first Friday in August 1994, I came home from work to find a Sheriff’s notice on the front door.  The owner of the building, delinquent in his taxes and with a stack of unpaid gas, water, trash & sewage bills, had deserted the property. 

We (myself and 2 other tenants) had 60 days to vacate the premises.  I honestly cried like a big baby, I lived there 5 1/2 years and loved my place.

I eventually moved to a neighborhood closer to downtown, and in the 30 years I’ve been gone, have looked at old photos on occasion and wondered what happened to the place after I was booted to the curb.  And now I know.

The building from the outside, 1989.  It had an insurance office and two apartments above.  (I was on the second floor, in the rear.)

  And how it looks in 2023.  (Pretty much the same, a bit scruffier.)
My living room in 1991, and my friend Rebecca dropping by for a visit.  To the left of the double bookcases was my kitchen.  To the right, my laundry room & bathroom.
And here’s that same room in 2023.  It’s a woman’s place now, and boy does this lady decorate.
Here’s the wall with my couch, in 1990.  That was my first girlfriend in Pittsburgh, Rossi.
Here’s that same wall now, 30 years later.  By the way, do you see that framed photo collage by the current tenant’s front door?
I had a collage by that front door 30 years earlier.  Here’s a pic from 1991, with my sisters Courtney & Donda-Lin.
Here’s my sister Shawn in August 1993, celebrating her 30th birthday.  I baked her that cake, y’know!
That same kitchen, 30 years later.
  Here’s a boring pic of my boring bedroom in 1990…
And here’s Miss Modern Day’s bedroom in 2023.  I am impressed.
I don’t have any photos of my bathroom back in the day, but I recognize this layout like I’d been in here yesterday. 
Finally, here’s the laundry room now, and how it was in 1993.  (That’s me, smoking a cigarette out the window.) 
Well, not everything changed in 30 years—in the current (first) photo, that’s my same linoleum floor!


  1. Wow! That's pretty neat to get a chance to walk around inside. Is the building for sale?

    1. Thanks Debby, I didnt get to walk around inside though--I found these current pics online, on Zillow--you're right thought, the building was recently for sale! PS. What the devil--you're the first person who commented and it went to my Spam folder, I am so sorry!

    2. Blogger is a strange and twisty place.

  2. Fun to see the place today. I am sorry you had to leave it like that, though.

    1. Thank you DJan. Well, it took long enough but I got over it. 🙂

  3. Morning Doug, interesting post! What a shock for you to have to leave your apartment after 5 1/2 years. Three of our houses we have left before the five year mark!😆 Looks like your kitchen cabinets are the same, just painted. Thanks for sharing this.❤️

    1. Thanks Robin--the owner of the building wound up going to prison (for embezzlement of funds where he worked as an accountant, he had a major gambling problem). Anyway, the place was far from perfect but a lot of fun & happy memories were made there :^) PS I love your rebuilt radio!

    2. The radio is an American one. It was built in Philadelphia back in 1934, I think I told you the wrong year originally. Take care.❤️

  4. Thanks for taking us along on your hauntings, Doug. It seems that in days gone by the decor was much darker. Often I feel ghost-like myself because I'm living in the same house I grew up in. Who says you can never go home again?!?

    1. Thanks Florence and I think it's awesome how you were able to go from life in the city to your childhood farmhouse. And you've certainly improved on it!

  5. I had to look to see what Zillow is and now that I realize it is a real estate site, the fact I understand how you were able to find photos of the current occupancy. :) It's nice you were able to find photos too, of then and now. She's definitely not a minimalist, but her colors are nice.
    My first apartments were all very short-lived and I couldn't tell you exactly where any of them were located. (At one point, I actually moved 11 times in 18 months!) I would like to see what has been done to the house I owned before this one. I do know, they developed the basement to hold a self-contained rental unit. We moved from that house 13 years ago because it was too small for three adults. The new family numbered 4, including two children, and then they added at least two more adults to the basement.

    1. That's cool how much you know about your previous house Maebeme, thanks for sharing. But wow, 11 apt moves in 18 months--I can't imagine! 🫨

  6. I am shocked that you found photos of your apartment by the current tenant. Wow, incredible! The wonders of the Internet! Anyway, it was a nice place before and after. I can see why you were upset when you were evicted.

    1. Thank you Gigi, very nice of you to say! And you took the words right out of my mouth, I was surprised when I found these too--the property was up for sale recently and it included pics of the apts within. Anyway, it was good I moved... it wasn't a great neighborhood, lots of bars and bad stuff.

  7. That’s so nice you could see your first place again. The internet can make us all private investigators, lol. I look for my first basement apartment on Zillow and wonder if it was as big as I imagine, which it wasn’t since it was only half of the basement and the other half was the owners rec room. 😊. Joyce

    1. Haha, Joyce so cool that you were able to see your former place too--anyway, well said about us becoming private investigators, I'm sure people like us have put some people out of business :^)

  8. Guess there's good accountants and bad ones. I had a veteran patient once who was from a nearby prison; a really sweet guy. He was to return to the prison after he got better. Turns out he was a mathematician and "accountant" for the Mafia and got caught... Linda in Kansas

    1. Very interesting Linda, wow. Well, MY guy had a serious gambling addiction. He wound up losing several properties and going to prison for it. I only met him once too, but I liked him a lot. Ugh :^(

  9. I notice in the kitchen you had a range hood over the stove but the current tenant has had it removed. So she lets her cooking steam spread throughout the kitchen? Maybe she doesn't cook. I was going to say I don't like her decorating style, it looks "bitsy" with little things everywhere, but then I lokked around here at my place and I have things all over too. The difference is these are things I love, so I'd say the same is true for her too.

    1. Thanks River, I noticed that about the stove too--and bitsy for her decorating style was the perfect term. 🙂

  10. One thing that really puzzles me is the placement of the toilet paper holder in the bathroom. Usually one places that necessity of life conveniently close to the toilet. That's an awkward walk to get the paper to...well...you get my drift.

    1. Haha! Debby, right on--omigod, this just jogged a very old memory. I always kept "my roll" on the back of the toilet tank behind me. :^) PS. Once again, your comment went to my spam folder without even notifying me.

  11. Zillow is amazing for home pictures. Comparing and contrasting the apartment from your time there to the current day is pretty remarkable. The original landlord sounds like a pretty slick operator who eventually got caught for his fast dealings. Eviction must have been hard, especially when you were perfectly comfortable.

    1. Thanks very much Susan, yes I was pretty surprised to see these pics on Zillow! (I was just hoping to see the outside of the place using Google Maps.) As for my landlord, I'm sure he's passed now but I learned he had a very serious gambling problem. I think I'm going to do a blog about that soon.

  12. What a trip down memory lane, Doug! It's fascinating how people (and the era) put their stamp on the cabinets and decor. My mom still has the original vinyl floors in her house- from 57 years ago.

    1. Thanks Margaret and really? 57 years? That's wild! Well, I almost couldn't believe this was my old apt until I saw that linoleum in the laundry room :^)

  13. I prefer the way you had the apartment to the way the current woman has it.
    You had books, she has clutter and junk.
    You had some decent pictures on the wall and a simple couch, she has, well, clutter and junk.
    Kitchens are kitchens. No comment thee.
    Once again in the bedroom, simple is better. Hers looks like a hospital bed (but then on my last visit to a hospital, I found the bed quite comfortable).
    As with kitchens, bathrooms are bathrooms.
    Smoking cigarettes? Tsk Tsk

    1. Now this is what I waited all week to hear! Thank you Peter, much appreciated. As for those cigarettes, long gone my friend--I gave them up July 4, 2008 :^)

  14. Dug, it may just be me... but your new post doesn't come up. It says, "the page you are looking for doesn't exist...???

    1. Rian, sorry about that. A post I made a couple days ago (after this one) I decided it was too silly and took it down. Maybe I'll get the courage to repost it when no one is looking :^)

  15. This is so much fun that you had the photos to make the comparison. Now you're making me wonder about the places I've lived it.

    1. Thanks Kay--yes it was cool to see how it looks now :^)


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