Saturday, August 12, 2023

Photo of the Day: It’s Saturday morning and the race is on

I think I’m going to start a new Blog category titled ‘Photo of the Day’, when I have a photo I want to share but little else to go with it.  Isn’t this a nice picture?  Last night I went to bed an hour later than usual, but was feeling a bit chilly so I turned off the AC and opened my bedroom window instead.

A little before 7am I awoke to the sound of chatter outside (and below); I don’t know why, but I jumped out of bed, tugged on my treadmill shorts, patted down my bed-head, slipped on my sandals & grabbed my phone, went outside and snapped this photo.

(An hour later when the race began, this street would be filled top to bottom with runners & walkers.)

I asked a couple firemen and a local policeman what the race was for, they were all apologetic and said they didn’t know, were just told to be here.  I told them they had nothing to be sorry for, I live here and was clueless.  I walked up the street (in my bedclothes no less) and asked one of the runners.  He said it was to raise money for the North Hills Community Outreach, a faith-based organization that helps the poor and runs a year-round food pantry.

I said “Aw, how nice—where’s the North Hills Community Outreach located?”  He said “Er… at the Greenstone Methodist Church.  We’re standing in front of it.”

Well, I just thought it was a nice view of the street I live on, with the sunrise and all.  I love my neighborhood, and living in the city.


  1. I love those random encounters and city living makes for quite a few of them!

    1. Haha thanks Margaret, I don't know what prompted me to share this :^)

    2. This is the stuff of blogging, sharing the sights and sounds of one's day. It's all part of life, a part of making a life. When we lived in San Francisco, the Bay to Breakers race would start just below our apartment, on the Embarcadero. Quite a sight.

    3. Thanks dkzody, this was really nice of you to say. (I mean it, comments like this encourage me to post more.) As for the Bay to Breakers race, I bet that was quite a sight!

  2. It is a nice picture and a good cause for the race/walk.

    1. Thank you DJan, you're very kind! I feel a little less sorry for sharing this now :^)

  3. What a great place to live! The Pittsburgh metro area has some beautiful old streets and neighborhoods. Our son went to graduate school at Carnegie Mellon and lived in an apartment in Squirrel Hill. Walking or buses to everything. Enjoy your place every day!

    1. Don I just ate (at a great Jewish deli) in Squirrel Hill on a recent senior outing, I love that neighborhood! If I had just a little more money...haha. Anyway, thank you my friend. Pittsburgh is a great place to live. PS. You must be very proud of your boy, Carnegie Mellon!

  4. Kay of Musings: You know what? I thought you lived in a more city like area, but gosh! This is really a pretty location with green grass and of course, you know I like the name of your apartment.

    1. Aw, thanks very much Kay! Well, I am very fortunate to live on such a 'green street', it looks even better in the opposite direction. And I'm glad you like the name of my place, it's pretty special. :^)

    2. Please share a photo of the opposite direction. We bloggers love stuff like this :)

    3. River I will have to do that very soon, thank you :^)

  5. I like to read your posts and I think this surely qualifies as one, even though it is not as loquacious as most of your posts. Thanks for giving the Northboro folks a boost.

    1. Joanne, this was so nice of you to say and much appreciated--thank you. :^)

  6. You definitely live in a great location. The convenience of city living has lots to offer. The deli sounds outstanding...I'd probably be there once a week. The road race is for a very good cause. Fund raising for a good cause is always impressive. I wonder what other good deeds this church takes on. Love your photo!

    1. Thank you Susan! I wish I lived closer to that deli, it was in an upscale Jewish neighborhood and had wonderful onion rings and very fat roast beef and pastrami sandwiches. As for the church, they also have a daycare center for low income moms and they put out a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner every year for the older people in the community. :^)

  7. WAAAY too early for me. Okay, glad you met some more of your neighborhood. Now you can get up early Sunday mornings and go to the church so close to your apartment! Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda you always make me chuckle, then leave me tongue-tied for words!

    2. Yes, consider it Doug, Methodists are a friendly bunch! Kim in PA

    3. Haha thanks Kim--well, I was raised a Methodist so I know you're right :^)

  8. It's a lovely photo, but I think it's funny that many didn't know what the run was for but came along because they were told to. Also that you didn't know where the Outreach centre was but you live right in the area! Did you join the run? Will you join next year?

    1. Haha River you're so right about people not knowing, when the race started I was in my building's lobby with several other residents and had to fill everyone in on what was going on. No I didn't join in but it DID give me something to think about for next year, to be honest. It had a lot of walkers too. :^)

  9. Dug, I agree it's a great picture... and I'm also impressed with your neighborhood. Thinking you lived in a much more busy city location, it's nice to see the area is green and quite peaceful looking. Those houses across the street - are they individual homes, apartments, boarding houses??

    1. Thanks very much Rian--I think it's a combination of private homes and a couple smaller apartment houses, but on MY side of the street it's all high-rise apts and condos (after that church). The street is also much prettier in the opposite direction. :^)

  10. Hi Doug, you do live in a beautiful neighbourhood. Such a gorgeous area. Enjoy your Sunday!❤️

    1. Robin you are too kind! Thank you my friend, and I hope you enjoy your Sunday too. :^) PS My next blog won't be so boring (I hope).

  11. Yes! Photo of the Day! Good idea, Doug. And I really like your neighbourhood homes. Like Rian, I thought you lived in a more commercial location. But a picture is worth a thousand words, eh!

    1. Thank you Florence! I'm a little embarrassed at all the nice attention this one photo has gotten, so (as always) your comment here is very appreciated. I just wish I had a better camera like "another blogger" I know :^)

  12. What a lovely neighborhood!
    It's kind of strange that they could organize such a large event in such a vacuum. They obviously advertised to the running community, but seems like flyers or signs to inform the neighbors and volunteers as to the mission/purpose/date/time of the event would have been advisable. I find it sad that these days everyone lives in their own niche world. In spite of all the media, social media, advertising, etc. there are so many things I miss because for some reason I'm not in the targeted group. There is no longer just one or two places to look for events, everything is so compartmentalized and marketed to a preconceived group. (Sorry for the rant, enjoyed your photo!)

    1. Bobi, this was well said and thank you. You expressed my own feelings here very well. Virtually no one in my neighborhood knew what was going on, all we knew that no parking was permitted from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday morning and everybody wondered why. So what you said here was spot on!

  13. I too thought you lived in a more big city neighborhood. I love seeing different areas, and your neighborhood is beautiful. And wow, you went downstairs to check it out! I’m on day 8 with the virus for the first time and still feeling sick but so bored. Joyce

    1. Thank you Joyce, you're very kind and I sure am sorry you're sick.. Day 8! I know Covid can be rough. Hey I also wanted to thank you for commenting on that 'Italian sausage blog' I'd posted then taken down--I saw your nice comment on it. I may repost it (and it has your comment attached). Get well.

  14. How nice! And you have a beautiful neighborhood with good people.

  15. I'm sorry, I'm laughing. Is there no signage?
    In any event, it's a wonderful photo, the green of the grass and the stately homes across the street are lovely in the early morning sun.

    1. Haha thank you Maebeme and nope no signage! But I thought the early sun looked nice on the street too. 🙂

  16. I assume you didn’t go for a run – running in sandals would not be a good idea (for me, running in anything isn’t a good idea).
    We don’t have a church in our street; we don’t even have a synagogue (which is more likely round these parts).

    1. Music Man, I had LITERALLY just climbed out of bed--I was wearing the t-shirt I'd slept in, I hadn't even brushed my teeth! So no, there was no running on my part :^) And I have to tell you, I'd happily trade that church on my street for a synagogue. I think I was Jewish in a past life.


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