Saturday, February 8, 2025

Some sad sleuthing of a blogger friend

There’s no delicate way to put this, but I believe Arkansas Patti of The New Sixty is no longer with us.

I’m sure many of her followers have suspected this for awhile now, but I’ve never been 100% certain.  However, I’ve been doing some sleuthing on the internet and found some sad truths.

For followers of her blog, her last post was Jan 17, 2023 where she was undergoing testing for chronic myeloid leukemia and was informed it was quite treatable.

She told us she wouldn’t be blogging for awhile, but would keep up with her blog-friends as best she can.

She didn’t post again, or leave feedback on others blogs (which I enjoyed reading greatly) but she did continue to publish the comments people wrote on her final post.

These were the final two comments she published, from myself and Kay of Musings.

I did attempt to leave one more comment a couple months into 2024, but it never made it to Patti’s blog.

Arkansas Patti shared a lot, but was pretty private about her personal identity.  We exchanged emails a few times, and her email address said PattiKelly, so I decided to look for recent obituaries for Patricia Kelly in Arkansas, aged 80+ and after January 10, 2024.

I found this.  Patricia Kelly, died January 31, 2024.

I’m not familiar with Timbo, AR--but according to Google Maps, it’s in the north central area of the state where Patti said she resided.  Also, the Roller-Crouch Funeral Home is located in Mountain View, AR.

Every time Patti visited my blog, I’d get a ping on my visitor’s map from Mountain View, AR. 

The last visit to my blog from Mountain View AR was on January 16, 2024.  That was a couple weeks before the death of Patricia Kelly above.  I’m guessing they are one and the same.

So if anyone knows more than me, could you let us know?  I considered Patti a real friend, as I’m sure many of you did as well.  She would sometimes ask me if I was still using Windows 7 (yes) and did I plan to upgrade soon (no) because she wasn’t either.  I can’t remember how I found her blog, or if she found mine first, but I enjoyed her wise commentary so much on mine and others blogs, I followed her around the blogverse like a puppy.  

She was truly the definition of kindness, and I still visit her blog every so often, just in case.  Thanks for letting me share and rest in peace Arkansas Patti.

UPDATE:  Bobi, thank you for confirming her birthdate as well.


  1. Gosh, thanks for letting us know Doug. I was able to post a comment a few times after she stopped blogging, but the last time I tried (couple of months ago) it never showed up on her blog.

    Patti made us laugh and smile, and her blog posts were always interesting and fun to read. We will miss her. Rest in peace, Patti.


    1. Carole, thanks very much. I was hoping to hear from her other followers like you. 🙂

  2. Oh Doug, thank you so much for your sleuthing! I've been thinking about her all this time. She mentioned having Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which got quite serious. Arkansas Patti was a faithful friend with a great sense of humour. Again, thank you for the update!

    1. Thank you so much Florence, I knew you were fond of her and were on each other's blog rolls. I didn't want to intrude into her private life, but I just figured enough time has passed and I had to know.

  3. I'm sure you must be right, Doug. I enjoyed her blog as well (she had some great stories) and wondered what happened to her. According to her post on July 23, 2009, her birthday matches, she said she was turning 70 that day so I think you solved a sad mystery.

    1. Bobi, thank you! I wanted to do that (track her birthdate). Okay, this confirms it for sure. I'm glad you knew her too B, she did have great stories and a wonderful heart.

  4. Thanks for the update, Dug. I've been wondering if something had happened. I do remember her being diagnosed with Leukemia, but kept hoping she would pick up blogging again. I'm so sorry. I did follow her and enjoy her postings. Again, thanks for the update.

    1. Thank you very much Rian, boy I'm glad you knew her too--and I'm also glad I wasn't the only one wondering if something happened. I sure do miss her.

  5. I did not know Patti but I've seen her name on others' blogs. I'm glad you put on your sleuthing hat and went to work. You are did a good job. There are a couple of other bloggers out there who have quit posting and I've wondered if they too have died or become incapacitated. My husband has my password for my blog and would come by and let you all know should I be unable to write.

    1. Thanks very much dkzody, much appreciated. And you also bring up a very good question, about other blogs gone silent and what would happen to our own. I need to look a little more into this.

  6. She was a kind, funny and caring person. I've missed her insightful comments on my blog. I suspected that things weren't going well when she didn't come back with a brief post after her diagnosis. I hope she had loving friends around her for her illness and her death. Thanks for letting us know, Doug.

    1. So nicely said, thanks Margaret. Well, this blog about her was inspired by talks I had with you about her whereabouts. So, much appreciated. 😔

  7. When you reach our age, and my age especially, people increasingly vanish from our lives.
    I’ve lost three good friends in the last few years, and two family members, including my wonderful, exasperating sister.
    I’m now the last man standing from my family. Well, mostly sitting, my standing is a bit wobbly these days.

    1. Hi Peter, I'm very sorry to hear that about your good friends, and especially your sister. I'm seeing this more & more the older I get, and it sure isn't getting any easier. I can't believe it's been over 4 years since your girl Ronni left us.

  8. Doug, thanks for doing all this sleuthing and letting us know what happened to Patti. She was such a sweet lady. Most of us will never meet in person (I have been blessed to have met a few blogging people in person) but that never means we don’t feel their loss in our lives. I hope she knew how much she was loved.❤️
    Take care Doug.

    1. Robin, thank you--I was hoping you'd say something as I knew you knew her... even if it was online, like me. Hey I haven't met a single fellow blogger, that must've been so nice. I wish I could have the chance to have some coffee with you, Chuck & Florence in person. Who knows... at the rate this country is going, maybe I will.

    2. Always welcome Doug!❤️

  9. Oh Doug, it's damn awful to learn a blogger friend has passed on. Back to the universe. Once I was thinking I'd cull my blog list, it's so long. As I started to go through it I realized I actually knew some had died. Now I won't touch that list; it's comforting to remember all of them.

    1. Thanks very much Joanne and you're right, I never thought I'd form such real attachments to others in the blogverse. Also, I feel just the same way about my own list. I'm keeping Patti's on mine.

    2. I cannot imagine removing a blogger from my blog roll. Well, actually, I no longer can do that. Somehow, through the years, the widget that was on the main page for me has disappeared. I cannot add nor subtract. Oh well, that's what happens when you have an antique blog.

    3. dkzody, why did this make me laugh--well, I've been blogging for 19 years but I update mine fairly regularly. In fact, I just created 2 blogrolls on mine, one for personal blogs like yours and one for specialty blogs like retro tv.

  10. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed Patti's blog like many.

  11. I'm so sorry that you confirmed the loss of your friend. She sounds like a really great person.

    1. Thanks Miss Merry, she really was--she always had wonderful stories and was sweet, gracious, funny. Boy, I knew her for a long time.

  12. Thanks for confirming my suspicions that she has died. It will happen to us all, and somehow it's harder when they are not "skin" friends but virtual ones, who took the path before we didl Maybe we will all end up in Heaven and will have a great wake together. Prayers and happiness, all together.

    1. Thanks DJan, I know you were one of her friends. And those were certainly some lovely thoughts, nothing would please me more. :^) I've been thinking a lot about you today, I hope you're feeling better.

  13. It sounds like she was a beloved blogger.

    1. Thanks Debby, she really was. You couldn't find a nicer person.

  14. Thanks for letting us know. I wondered about her, too. She was such a good commenter.

  15. I have discovered that John (by Stargoose and Hanglands) has died as well.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Debby, I'm not familiar with this blogger. I'll have to look up his blog.

  16. I'm always saddened when we lose any good Bloggers from The Land, it is an exceptional Community we've all grown quite close to. I had heard of another Blogger I followed passing recently so at least we did get confirmation and closure. Sometimes we can never be sure.

    1. Thank you Bohemian, this was nicely said--and I'm very sorry for your own recent loss. You are so right about community and I feel very close to many people here.


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