Saturday, January 9, 2021

A horse—rather, a house of a different color: It’s a pretty scary thing

I don’t have much to say about it.  It seems the more I learn, the less I want to know.  Yesterday (Friday) around noon, tired of the same talking heads and the same footage of rioters hanging off the same walls surrounding our nation’s capitol, I turned off my tv, snapped on my computer and looked on Youtube for a little lighter fare. 

(I suppose that’s the 21st century way of sticking one’s head in the sand.)

I saw my favorite political satirist (Randy Rainbow, a pretty outrageous comedian) had posted a new Trump video; I watched it, had a good laugh and decided to share it here on my blog.  And an hour later, watched in disbelief as MSNBC showed us what went on INSIDE the capitol the day of that attempted coup.  I took Randy’s video back down, as there wasn’t anything here to laugh about.   (I’m going to put it back up though after I post this; one of my resolutions for 2018 was to stop deleting posts.)

I feel like a fool, but when you don’t belong to any social media sites like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook… I had no idea Wednesday’s attempt to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT had been in the works for weeks.  It shouldn’t make a difference, but I honestly believed that had been a “spur of the moment thing”, an angry mob incited by Trump to riot.  How could I have been so naive, so stupid?

(Not as stupid as his crowd, though.  Lucky for us, they had all the precision of Fred Flintstone’s sundial wrist-watch.  Still, there is strength in numbers.)  But 5 dead, while a pandemic killed 4,000 that same day.  It’s both surreal and postively weird that both numbers are shocking.

What’s also shocking—last night as I readied for bed, listening to the news while I brushed my teeth, Brian Williams reported that even after the events that have transpired in the past 2 weeks, 77% of the people in this country who consider themselves Republican STILL approve of Donald Trump.

I don’t get it, I know now I never will.  I think instead I’ll just be thankful for the friends I have that see Trump for the monster he is, and do my best to steer clear of the more than 3 out of 4 “Conservatives” who see Trump as their leader.  They may not all be fascists, but he sure is.

And after seeing that noose on the Capitol building waiting for Mike Pence, I’m going to stop being so darn proud of having no religion and start praying for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris’ safety instead.



  1. Doug, I have the same trepidation for Joe and Kamala. All those unhinged yahoos with assault rifles and homemade bombs hepped up on mob mania are truly alarming. But then I had the same worry for the safety of the newly elected president Obama. Who I'm glad to say made it through unscathed. And just because I also need a laugh, I'm going to Google up Randy Rainbow.

    1. Thanks Florence--I had the same worries for Obama too! to be completely honest, I'm surprised there wasn't a serious attempt made on his life, I'm well aware how racist this country is. As for Randy, trust me--go on youtube, do a search there. You'll be in stitches for hours. :^)

  2. I just wrote a post for Monday morning wondering why the Capitol police ignored warnings and offers from the federal force for back up before the riot. As for those Republicans who still support Trump. I don't know. I don't understand it. I was listening to news from around the world. Everybody in the world knows he instigated the insurrection and is appalled, but not our Trumpsters. Trump is now a religion.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading it Kay, and yes I have the same questions about those Capitol police, I smell something fishy... and I agree about Trump, it's become a cult. His worshipers need deprogrammed!

  3. I had an idea that riot had been brewing but didn't realise for how long. I'm so sad for your country and hope things will get better, but first all "those" people need to calm the heck down and go home and look after their families instead of rampaging around the country.

    1. Well River, right now I'm watching my local news where a couple people in my area were arrested yesterday by the FBI. Maybe with Trump off Twitter now, the brainwashing will stop. Anyway, there's a lot of good things (like your gun laws) I wish America would adopt.

  4. I do have a little hope. I have a neighbor that I talk to every day. She is a lifelong Republican but left the Trump ship quite a while ago. I hope there are a lot more like her that just haven't made the poll figures.
    I am ever so grateful that Trump's voice has been silenced by Twitter. Ahhhh.

    1. Patti, thanks for taking the time to share that. What you wrote about your neighbor is giving ME hope too. Your comment (and Ahhh) about Twitter almost made me chuckle here, but yes--YES. It really has been a relief, his awful voice silenced.

  5. I hope Biden has a safe inauguration ceremony.

    1. Gigi, I sure do too. God knows there was millions of us that didn't want Trump to be inaugurated in 2016, but I don't think he had to worry like we worry now.

  6. It's all very terrifying. Part of me wants to bury my head in the sand, and the other part feels like I need to know what's happening. I am on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and have seen this coming. I see much more on the horizon as well. :(

    1. Margaret, you summed up my own feelings very well, and what you said here about 'future events'... I just hope we're a LOT better prepared this time. I don't even GET this, it's like "Rebel Without a Cause", the 2021 Edition!

  7. I am hopeful for the future, but I have no illusions that the violence is over. It sure made me happy to learn that Twitter (and now Facebook) have banned Trump for life. Yayy! And Parler has been removed from the app stores, not that I know anything about it, but that it was a new go-to place for the insurrectionists to congregate online. I sure enjoy your posts and your take on things, Doug. :-)

    1. Thanks DJan, and I'm happy (but a little nervous) about the Twitter ban too--this presidency has become TOO MUCH a dangerous carnival side-show. BTW my friend, I want you to know your words inspire me. I was all set to get on here and share some pretty choice words after Wednesday, but I kept thinking "what would DJan say" and knew you'd address it with dignity. And you certainly did with your Eye on the Edge column today, it was a wonderful read. I guess all we can do right now is wait, take things as they come.

  8. I have to agree with DJan's first sentence... I too am hopeful for the future, but I have no illusions that the violence is over. People who live with conspiracy theories and violent overthrows will always be a threat to democracy. What's so hard to understand is how people we know and love can fall victim to the lies these people spread. Why can't they see how dangerous and disruptive to our democracy these ideas are? And to those Senators who think Trump should just live out his last 10 days in peace. Are they that naive? If the man was sane - maybe. But his actions have proved otherwise.

    1. So well said, thanks Rian! And boy do I agree, I ask myself these same things every day, how do people fall for this man and his awful lies and bogus conspiracy theories & Hoaxes (particularly loved ones, friends & relatives). I'm just very glad to know people like DJan and yourself. I just wish we had some real answers what the future of all this is. Thanks again for your comments, Rian.

  9. I am hooked into social media but didn't know that this was being talked about for weeks leading up to it. I guess that just goes to show that I'm not hooked into the "right" channels. I have never desired to be either.

    1. I'm glad to hear that Ed. What a week it's been!

  10. I didn't want to believe a day like we experienced in D.C. on Jan. 6th would ever happen in the U.S. but I knew it was possible. We probably shouldn't have been surprised given the actions of our current Lame Duck President and those in that political party that have enabled him this past four years. I do believe our democratic republic will survive but we may well have much to go through to insure that happens. Even then, we will need to pay more attention to who we put in our governmental offices beginning at the local level all the way to the top in all the years to come. Democracy and our freedoms are fragile and there will be others who want to wrest them from us which we must make certain generations coming after us understand.

    1. Thanks Joared, that was well said. I think recent events have been a real wake-up call for many, myself included.


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