Thursday, December 17, 2020

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas (and a Democracy) again

Oh, I really don’t have much of anything to say here.  I woke up this morning around 6:30am, rubbed the sleep from my eyes and when I opened my bedroom door….  I saw a winter wonderland outside my living & dining room windows. 

This is the view from my dining room window at 7:46am EST.  We wound up with around 7 inches of very pretty snow since this time yesterday.

We knew it was coming, yesterday (before a single snowflake had fallen) I got cleaned up and ran to the market.  When I got there, I was surprised to only see a few customers inside, along with plenty of milk & bread. 

(I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here in Pittsburgh when we get news of a storm on the horizon… milk & bread are gone long before shovels & salt!)

I joked to one of the employees that maybe I was listening to the fake news weather report because I heard a storm was coming any moment, and she said “You should’ve been here last night… hope you’re not looking for frozen pizza!”

Anyhoo… it started precisely at 11am, and now it’s like living in a snowglobe.  

We weren’t so pretty last year… I don’t recall a single day with any significant snow.  Sure enough, the local news said this morning that while yesterday was our 5th snowiest day on record, last year was our lowest snowfall on record.   So does this avalanche mean climate change was just another Democratic hoax?  You know how those Democrats love their hoaxes!  I’M KIDDING, OF COURSE.   If you agree with the last two statements, please get the hell off my blog!  We’re finally getting rid of that godawful tangerine traitor and with any luck his divided GOP will collapse and get sucked into that giant black hole scientists are studying in the center of our galaxy. 

God bless Joe Biden for wanting to be a president to everyone, but I’m not as classy or forgiving as him.  Anyway, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so I’m going to get off my little soapbox here, go make a cup of coffee and grab a couple chocolate chip cookies I baked yesterday and watch some Netflix.  Have a nice day.


  1. I'll have some cookies, too. I love your Christmas tree. The colorful bulbs are so pretty.

    1. Thank you Gigi! I got that off of Etsy a couple years ago :)

  2. I like snow in theory, just not for long or if I have to drive anywhere. Now that I'm retired, I'm more OK with it. It IS pretty, although ours is usually wet and slippery. Then if it gets below freezing at night, it turns into ICE. Not fun. We are the same with supplies when there is a Snowmaggedon coming. The stores get hit as though we face months without being able to get out for provisions. It's nuts. Although I don't think 2021 or Biden will solve all the problems that we've faced (and are facing), they are BIG steps in a better, saner direction.

    1. Margaret, I admit I like the snow a lot better since retiring! I don't exactly want to go outside and play in it, but it still makes me feel like a kid again :) As for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris... I'm not so concerned with how much they accomplish, just TREMENDOUS RELIEF THAT DONALD TRUMP WILL BE OUT OF THERE. I wish he could take half the Senate with him!

    2. YES on the Senate!! I could name names, and you probably know who would be at the top of that list.

    3. Margaret, I am reading your brainwaves across this great nation... you are coming in loud & clear :^)

  3. As a fiscal conservative environmentalist, I've never understood the Republican position on climate change or their not believing in science in general as proven by this pandemic. Like you, I'm looking forward to January 20th so we can put Trump behind us.

    1. Thanks Ed, I don't know what comes over me sometimes--I'm just hopeful we can get on track for a better future for all of us. These last 4 years have been too much!

  4. What a pretty window you have there, Doug. Your snow event didn't reach this far north and outside is bare and brown. We are supposed to get a little snow here on the weekend which I'm looking forward to. And yes, it's so refreshing to see Joe Biden's sincere and compassionate demeanour in the news instead of the 'tangerine' horror. Also looking forward to January 20th!

    1. Thanks Florence, I'm a little surprised as last year you were the one with all the snow! Anyway I do have some nice views, don't I.. I'm very thankful for that. And for what's coming January 20, I'm glad you can appreciate that too :) PS. If I don't talk to you again soon, Merry Christmas )

  5. What a lovely present to wake up to. I am so envious. We had a partial frosting but that was it. Enjoy all that pretty.
    I'm with you on wanting this past 4 years to be OVER. He is done, finished and yet he can still rile us daily with inane comments. Sigh.

    1. Thank you Patti, I always appreciate what you have to say. I don't think this was one of my better posts, I got caught up in the excitement of our first "real snow" and then while writing about it, happened to have MSNBC on my tv. Next thing you know... :) Anyway, I hope you get more of that frosting, at least :)

  6. What is this “snow” of which you speak? I looked out my window and didn’t see a single “snowflake” (whatever they are).
    I’ve just been told it has something to do with winter, of course, it’s summer here so it’s not surprising that those strange things aren’t around. Where I live, even in winter they’re not around either, nor anywhere else in the country, except for the mountains in north east Victoria and south east NSW.
    Peter (the very warm exMM)

    1. Peter I was honestly wondering the other night about Australia's climate, if you people had cooler temps--I saw your winter was our summer! I need to get down there someday :) PS I just looked up your temperature today--29C, that's pretty damn toasty :)

    2. Peter forgot Tasmania which also gets snow up on Mt Wellington and a few other places on that small island south of Victoria.

    3. You’re right River, but we folks on the “north island” do tend to forget about that place down below.

    4. I'm in Adelaide and have never ever seen snow.

    5. I’m in Melbourne and have experienced a couple of white Christmases – both in Albuquerque. They felt wrong, just totally wrong. I should have been sitting outside under a tree in my shorts sipping white wine (a Yarra Valley chardonnay preferably) instead of huddled up in front of the fire.
      The luminaria were quite spectacular though.

  7. That's a very pretty view outside your window and a pretty scene inside too with the little tree and lights. Our weather people tell us we're going to have a cooler Christmas this year, that's fine with me, around 23C-25C I think they said, but that could change I suppose.

    1. Thanks River, but isn't 23-25C pretty warm? That's summer temps here :)

    2. Yes, 23C is 73.40F: 25C is 77F, comfortable weather, but last night's weather report says our Christmas day will be 29C which is 84.20F, just about my comfort limit, but still a cool Christmas compared to other years.

  8. I love the picture of your snowfall, with the pretty tree and presents in the foreground. We have only rain, too warm for snow except in the mountains where it belongs. I am also looking forward to two momentous events coming soon: January 20, and my vaccine dose! Wonder when I'll get it. :-)

    1. Thanks DJan, and I'll be very glad for you too (your vaccine shot), I know how out & about you like to be :) As for January 20...yes, YES. I think for me, THAT will be my Christmas. :)

  9. Dear Apache and Friends, i'm going to miss Donald Trump, i like him because he takes no crap. But, oh well, life goes on. The (slim) majority wanted Ahab and Jezebel in power. Well alrighty then ;/ One thing for sure, the drama to be unfolding over the next four years will be ... interesting.

  10. This post made me remember all the lovely snow that we used to marvel at, until we had to go out and shovel it. It was a lot of fun. I miss it now... the pretty snow that is.
    I don’t understand why Trump keeps trying to protect Russia. He’s even going against Pompeo. I wonder what Russia has on Trump that keeps him constantly trying to swerve attention away from what they are doing.

    1. Kay I think I could go without this snow if I was living in Hawaii :) We have another big storm coming too! As for Trump I am getting nervous, the closer we get to Jan 20--I don't think he's planning on going anywhere :(


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