Friday, December 11, 2020

The trash rooms are open again, thanks to Theresa and her Silver Hammers

Dear Steiner Realty Neighbors,

We appreciate all the feedback received on the recent change to the trash removal policy at the Tiffany.  With that, your concerns have been heard and we have decided it is in the best interest of all our residents to resume those services as they were.

On Monday our staff will be in the building to remove the locks on the trash rooms doors. Once completed you all will be able to take your trash to the rooms again.

Until then and only if you are able, please take any trash you have to the dumpster in the lot.

If unable, wait to take it to the rooms on Monday.

In the near future, we will be looking to freshen up the trash rooms. This is to help eliminate any deficiencies or odors that may be lingering in some of them. The clean up will include the rooms being repainted and deodorization units installed similar to the hallways.

For those who don’t agree with our return to using the trash rooms as they were intended, you are welcome to continue taking your trash to the dumpster outside. 

Please keep in mind the trash rooms are an amenity that provide a benefit to you all. It is in everyone's best interest to do everything they can to keep these rooms neat and clean. Please report any issues to (412) 264-8878 that you see or experience to us as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this.

Best regards,
Steiner Realty – West


  1. I think it was a good move. It would only take a couple of seniors to fall or not be able to dispose of their trash to cause problems or even litigation.

    1. Very much agreed, Margaret. In fact I just returned from there, and it's a precarious little jaunt even for me--I was so glad to get this email this morning :)

  2. Way to go Theresa!! Democracy works. Like Margaret said, think management weighed cost of maintaining the rooms to the cost of the future law suits when some one got hurt trying to manage the dumpsters in bad weather. So glad they saw the light.

    1. Patti, I agree... I want to go downstairs and thank her in person, because I REALLY missed these trash rooms--I can't wait till Monday!

  3. So glad your building management acquiesced to the wishes of the majority. Margaret certainly has a good point regarding potential for injury lawsuits. And those that want to walk their trash to the dumpster are free to do so. A happy ending to a mini revolt. Theresa is a star!

    1. Haha--very nicely said, Florence--thanks!! (Oh and I agree) :)

  4. The people have spoken! If only our govt. would respond as well as your building management!

    1. Very true Tom, I did think of more parallel things! To be honest I'm very surprised.. but a good surprised :)

  5. Yahoo!!! What a relief it must be for everyone over 40 because I know even my kids would want that trash room open. Sheesh! Yay for Theresa and everybody else who made their voices heard.

    1. Haha thanks Kay! I AGREE, I missed that trash room! I owe Theresa a big thanks!

  6. It would seem to me, Dug, that common sense prevailed. And like so many other things in life, having a choice (using the trash room or using the dumpster) is the way to go.

    1. Rian, that was so well said! Thank you, I agree!

  7. Great news! Painting and deodorising too :)

  8. That makes perfect sense. If people don't like the trash rooms, they can take their stuff directly, and everybody else can continue to be safer. I also send my thanks to Theresa, even though I don't actually benefit at all. :-)

    1. Thanks DJan; well, at least I get to benefit from your input :^) I do need to go down (today Doug, today) and thank Theresa for what she did.

  9. This seems to apply to so many things in life where a very vocal group raises Cain and the governing body makes a knee jerk reaction without thinking thing through. Then they are faced with continuing it only to save face. I'm glad that saner minds prevailed in this case.

    1. Well Ed, that was well said! Actually, I was (happily) surprised. I never expected management to reverse their decision, let alone in 10 days.

  10. Congratulations! I think it is good to have the trash room available to the residents, as it can get very cold outside during the winter.

    1. Thanks Gigi! And I AGREE, I didn't think it would bother me as much as some of the older tenants here, but oh boy I miss that trash room! I can hardly wait for tomorrow :)


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